Update - Check In

Byerley79 Posts: 7 Member
Just wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing with the workouts, eating, etc? I'm doing good so far and can definitely feel myself getting stronger!


  • ramsx1991
    ramsx1991 Posts: 142 Member
    I've had a few set backs lately :( lots going on and things have been stressful last few days ... BUT I'm back in the game and my few days break is over.

    Eating has been great, just haven't been working out. Let's do this :)
  • MartaAnna84
    MartaAnna84 Posts: 20 Member
    Weekends are tough for eating when out with friends for dinner or brunch :S but trying to make some choices while out and about.... Keeping up with the workouts though. I can't wait till this arm workout is over with..... I find after the 3 sets I just want to get on with something else, but I get bored easily so ...
  • Byerley79
    Byerley79 Posts: 7 Member
    I have the same trouble on the weekends. The workouts are good and I enjoy them, but I make poor food choices on the weekend. My legs are really feeling the burn from yesterday's (Day29) workout. Plus for my cardio today I did a sprint workout for 40 minutes on the treadmill.
  • Hi - I just joined the group. I've been doing the workouts since day 1 but I haven't been really focusing enough on making good food choices. Better eating is my Feb goal, so I'm back to logging food here on MFP. I do enjoy the workout, though last week's strength workouts were a little on the long side time wise for my schedule. I am seeing some changes in the mirror, but mostly changes in my strength.
  • MartaAnna84
    MartaAnna84 Posts: 20 Member
    Logging into myfitnesspal helps to stay on track, at least it does for me. If I think I'll have to add those nachos onto myfitness pal and it will set me WAY over the intake for the day... It holds me back... sometimes ;)
    Good job ladies on sticking through the workouts though and focusing on what you're eating.
    Are any of you doing Briana's meal plan? I'm not, but just trying to eat as clean and lean as possible.