Everyone - Finale/Last Weighin - Due Mon 2/3

Can you believe it is that time!!! This is the last weigh-in for the finale. So...don't gorge during the Super Bowl :)

For about the 1/3 of us left this year there are folks who have lost over 20 pounds during the last 16 weeks. Despite losing our "groove" we had before the holidays, of those of us that are left, we have lost over 146.5 pounds over the last 16 weeks. Great job!

At the beginning I encouraged you to do something to celebrate your hard work over the last 16 weeks as your own personal finale...no matter how much weight you lost or didn't. Whether that was buy yourself a new dress & go out for a nice dinner. Or get your nails done or whatever. So....how will you be celebrating?

Some of you had posted before pics when we first started. It's time for those after pics :) Please repost your before pics too. You can post them here on this thread or on the pinterest secret board. If you use the secret board, it is still called Starting weights right now.

How to post a pic is listed here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1110667-how-to-post-a-pic

And here are the 1/20 results:



  • MindofShannon
    MindofShannon Posts: 21 Member
    OMG! Way to go everyone, a lot of you have killed it!

    I am once again finding my groove and going strong for the last week.
  • Shell_7609
    Shell_7609 Posts: 786 Member
    Last week - 261.6
    This week - 259.6 - down 2
  • chuckles71
    chuckles71 Posts: 15 Member
    last week 169.6
    this week 167.4
    = 2.2lb lost
  • 254.8 gained 2...really struggling, no motivation.

    You all did so good...very happy for you and very proud!
  • Shell_7609
    Shell_7609 Posts: 786 Member
    ignore my previous log-in, heres correct:

    1/12/14 - 260.8
    1/19/14 - 262.2
    1/26/14 - 260.2
    2/01/14 - 259.6
  • manal2288
    manal2288 Posts: 9 Member
    last week was 95.6 kg

    this week I am 94.8 kg lost 0.8 kg

    I lost about 6 kg during the biggest loser thank you for the support and motivation
  • andy_geek
    andy_geek Posts: 85 Member
    214.6 (0.9 lost) - yay, finishing the season on a good loss :)
  • cherries12345
    cherries12345 Posts: 70 Member
    132.8 lbs.
    A gain of 12 lbs. approx this season
  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    195.8 last week

    194 this week . only 1.8 but I'll take it as I have been eating so much lately .lol
  • BeTheChange2015
    BeTheChange2015 Posts: 14 Member
    This week I am at 191.0!
  • Mon 2/03/2014- 202.6lbs
    Mon 1/27/2014 - 204.4lbs
    Mon 1/20/2014 - 207.8lbs

    1.8lb loss
  • willtry08
    willtry08 Posts: 74 Member
    Last weigh-in: 226
    Current weight: 222

    A loss of 4lbs. It's a great loss and I'm happy with it! I'm also certain it has more to do with the fact I have the flu than it does as a credit towards hard work and disciplined eating! But I'll take it anyway :)
    Way to go, everyone!
  • Leebett
    Leebett Posts: 238 Member
    Final weigh in 259.4 + a baby! Yep losing all of this weight has helped me get pregnant! So excited and thankful for this wonderful group! Congrats on everyone's success!
  • 6bizymom
    6bizymom Posts: 12 Member
    1-27 188 pds
    2-3 186.6
    Loss of 1.4 pounds.
    Total lost during this season started at 210 went down to 186.6= 23.4 pounds :) I will take it.
    Total lost since July 2013 = 54 pounds
  • kimjutjor
    kimjutjor Posts: 387 Member
    last week 212.2
    this week 211.5
  • 190.5lbs
  • pglaf
    pglaf Posts: 257 Member
    202.3 (.6 lbs lost)
  • MindofShannon
    MindofShannon Posts: 21 Member

    I will be having some nice pictures taken this upcoming week!
  • Final weigh in 259.4 + a baby! Yep losing all of this weight has helped me get pregnant! So excited and thankful for this wonderful group! Congrats on everyone's success!
