3 month countdown - anyone else panicing a little?

Cal28 Posts: 514 Member
Thought it would be good to have a thread with suggestions for those in the last few months of their countdown.

How are people shifting the last few pounds or toning up?

Are there any tips you wish someone had told you re the last minute bits & pieces?

I've just bought Turbofire, really hoping it will help me up my cardio and burn some lb's.
Re last min plans we Just bought gifts for the wedding party but a bit confused about veils & hair! Been working on our seating plan but still have a few people I have no idea where to sit! How are you all doing with that?


  • SaraJRosburg
    SaraJRosburg Posts: 42 Member
    I too am in my last 3 months, but I only had a 6 month engagement, so I feel like I just started. ha ha.

    As for seating - I left mine as open seating. I've learned from my friend's recent weddings, not to sweat the small details. If they want to squeeze 11 people onto a table and have another with only 9 - who cares, as long as they're having fun.

    As for gifts - what did you get your bridesmaids and groomsmen? I"m drawing a blank. I don't want to do the same cliche thing that everyone has done.
  • Cal28
    Cal28 Posts: 514 Member
    We only had one of each being so far away. We bought his best man a Skagen watch & his sister a pendant.
    Hmm open seating is interesting... What are you doing for your food?

    Aww nice to be in the full swing of it! Have you found your dress? X
  • kts1988
    kts1988 Posts: 108 Member
    i have 4 months left until our wedding, and it definitely feels like crunch time!

    in terms of weight loss and toning up, i feel like i'm doing well. i just weighed in at 133 and would like to be a toned 125 or 120 by may 31st, which i think is doable.

    in terms of planning, we are working on the ceremony, the floral agreement, addressing invites, and planning the honeymoon. i also have to make appointments for my dress fitting (yikes!) and hair trial.

    anyone else feel like planning a wedding can turn into a part-time job? haha.
  • micqs
    micqs Posts: 186 Member
    Def a part time job! Haha!

    Im just trying to kick *kitten* since I got off track. My grandparents bought me T25 and Ive done the first week. Only lost an inch on my chest. Not really where I want to lose it but oh well. So I am just reevaluating the way I eat and working out alot more.

    re planning: We just met with the florist to get on the same page and will hopefully have the floral agreement here soon. Tomorrow menu tasting and cake tasting to choose dishes and flavors. And also meeting with our officiant to plan out the ceremony. I picked up my dress on Thursday and have to schedule my first fitting. This is making everything all too real! We need to plan out seating still but we really cannot do that till we have our RSVPs. Maybe a tentative one but really not sure how on earth we do this without having RSVPs. We decided not to do a buffet so I guess we also have to assign actual seats. BOO! Not too thrilled about this.

    Need to plan out favors and guest book yet. UGH. I am probably missing something somewhere but Ill figure it out eventually!! We're almost there!!!!
  • Cal28
    Cal28 Posts: 514 Member
    Wow you're really in full swing of it micqs!!

    I'm a bit worried that is all seemed to easy (sorry to those of you who are finding otherwise!!) I'm not sure if its because we're so far away we don't really deliberate over stuff much or if its just going to be one giant AGGGHHH when we get back :laugh:

    Flowers I've just sent the florist a few pics off Pinterest, sure they'll do something nice. Are you meant to see something 'in the flesh'? I have no idea! :flowerforyou:

    Oh 133lb would be lovely. Fancy a swap kts?! :wink: Where are you fancying your honeymoon? :heart: We're just doing a three days stopover on the way back to Aus, doing a 'posh' hotel though so should feel pretty special.

    When are you hoping for your RSVP's back micqs? We're just awaiting our last two but fingers crossed the table plan is pretty much sorted.

    I'm losing off my chest too!!!! And my face but I'm more okay with that, if only you could pick and choose where it went from!
    I've decided to ditch the scales (OH will have to hide them) for the next 5 weeks, I'm getting far to obsessed with them & find when I don't lose I go of the rails in my choices a bit.
    What's T25? I've just ordered Turbofire, hoping the delivery hurries up as dying to get started.

    Favours - We looked at a few ideas :
    Personalised Pocket Mirrors for the girls, Bottle opener keyring for the guys.
    Pass the Parcel with one 'better' gift per table.
    Flip Flops for women & Stubby coolers for the guys ('To have & to hold & keep your drink cold') to cover the Aussie element.
    We ended up being safe (maybe a little dull) and are getting little wallets to put a lotto scratch card in. We didn't want to spend a fortune on stuff that people may not even want so this way they might win and if not then it's not cost the eart. Also planning on writing a little note in each wallet. One wedding we went to did 'My favourite memory of us' which was lovely so having a think which to do.

    Guest book - We got one from Kikki K that has questions in it. http://www.kikki-k.com/guest-book-questions-klassisk as I HATE looking at blank guestbook pages and have no idea what to write.
    I also like the fingerprint ones. https://www.etsy.com/au/shop/bleudetoi
    What do you think you'll end up doing micqs?
  • micqs
    micqs Posts: 186 Member
    Oh, I put on a good front. Lol. I'm so stressed out about the little things. Like I said in the check in the check in thread I'm planning from 4 states away. We just travelled up this week to take care of the rest of the big things. It's coming along but still stressed. Lol. I can't imagine your stress though. You're on a whole desperate continent. I give you full on props. Massive kudos to you. ????

    I handled the florist via email the entire time. Sent her pictures from Pinterest and the Internet. We had the opportunity to meet with her this week. It being November she had no samples to show me so I'm not sure how its supposed to be done. Lol. But I'm doing it the same way as you ????

    We're putting an RSVP date of May 4 on there. That's three weeks out which I've read is etiquette. Would be nice to be sooner but no such luck. Sending them out though hopefully before march 1. Guess it depends when I get them assembled and if the calligrapher is done.

    T25 is a 60 day program from Sean T (the guy who did insanity). It's 25 minute workouts. So far he is kicking my *kitten* but the point is I'm doing something. I like it so far though.

    Favors: no freaking clue! I like useful things so I've been looking at spice rubs, cookies in a jar, birdseed things (for guests to hang outside). But alas! I have no clue!

    Still no clue about my bridal party gifts. I was thinking some jewelry and maybe a monogrammed bag full of goodies.

    Guest book: hubby doesn't want to do the fingerprint thing even though I do. He says its too messy and can't imagine anyone would want to get ink on them before an event. Soooo I've been doing with a wishes box or a book like you're doing. Are you doing two guest books? (One for ceremony and one for reception) the florist asked me that yesterday and I'm like I'm supposed up have 2? Lol.

    Try not to stress out too much. (I have to keep telling myself that too!) things will fall into place. :). If there is anything I can do let me know :). I'm pretty good at research :).
  • SaraJRosburg
    SaraJRosburg Posts: 42 Member
    Cal28 we are doing a chicken dish, no option. Thats why its so easy to do open seating. However if you're planning to do a food option I've been to several wedding that you pick up your name card as you walk in, and it lists what food option they choose, this way they can still sit where they'd like.

    I think I may have come up with an idea for the bridesmaids.... I'd love an opinion... For the bridesmaid I thought I'd get each of them their favorite bottle of wine and a personalized cutting board (similar to this http://www.embellishmywedding.com/Personalized-Bamboo-Monogram-Cutting-Board_p_1867.html ) . Kind of a "wine a cheese" theme. Is that Cheesy (no pun intended?
  • Cal28
    Cal28 Posts: 514 Member
    Aww the chopping board is lovely Sara! I hope its a good gift I got my Dad a similar one for his Birthday, in slate, from Getting Personal (uk) lol.

    Three weeks from when micqs? The wedding? That seems a bit soon to me! I asked for RSVP 6 weeks from the invites going out. That way there's time to chase up the few who don't make the RSVP date (we've had a few!)

    With the guest books we just have the one. Our wedding is 5pm so it'll run straight into the reception with no extra guests. I've never seen two at any wedding though! I guess it depends how many pages & guests you have?

    Ahh don't stress :smile: Have you read 'A Practical Wedding'? It was by far the best thing I've read about wedding planning! Not all the 'must haves' but more about how the day should feel. Sounds soppy haha but it was good :flowerforyou:
  • micqs
    micqs Posts: 186 Member
    I think the chopping boards is a cute idea also but think about the girls. Is that something they're all into and would use or is it something that one if them would sort of put in the bottom of a cabinet because they do not eat cheese or drink wine? Just something to think about :)

    Yes three weeks from the wedding. Most everything even pushed it to two weeks out. It's said to be "inconsiderate" to make people "lock in" their RSVP so far in advance since people's plans change. All the weddings I've been invited to recently followed this rule or did the month before. I think it's a little horse doo doo. But we already put it on the RSVP cards and they were printed last night ????. (HOLY COW). I'm sure people will RSVP a lot sooner rather than later. Fingers crossed.
  • Cal28
    Cal28 Posts: 514 Member
    Wow we have to let the caterers know 3 weeks before at latest. Then there's quantities for chairs / candy / wine. I'm pretty chilled about the whole thing but I think three weeks before would have me in a right flap. Especially with flying the 10,500 miles back home and as I need to do (and bring with me) all the place cards etc.
    Feeling relieved I've got all mine now (bar two but I can cope with that!) but I guess if that's the way everyone does it then you should get you replies pretty quickly.

    Lucikily I only have one bridesmaid so I just bough her a quirky necklace that I think she'll like. The best mans watch matches the wedding/suit colours (dark grey with orange accent) so hope it's meaningful without being too 'naff' (hope not was over £150!) lol.

    Was considering getting non bridesmaids a little bracelet or studs. We're having lunch the day of the wedding because given the choice I would have had more bridesmaids but I couldn't handle the extra stress of organising more from so far away! Lol :-)