Band Slip

aimeef12 Posts: 70 Member
So i just went to the Dr 2 days ago and i found out my band slipped. They removed all of the fluid and i have to go back in 3 weeks if the slip doesn't adjust and correct itself i will have to have a revision surgery. My biggest concern is in these 3 weeks i will have no restriction and will be able to eat foods i don't normally eat. Ive lost about 95 lbs and im terrified of gaining weight. What are some healthy and easy things i can throw together or snack on . I have 2 jobs so i am on the run alot . Also has anyone had a slip that corrected itself?


  • rubisliprz
    rubisliprz Posts: 139 Member
    I know this sounds simple, but just stay with what you have been eating and doing. You've been marvelously successful, trust yourself!
  • Agate69
    Agate69 Posts: 349 Member
    Concentrate on protein, high fiber veggies, cut out white products, sugar, flour, potatoe, rice and pasta. Follow a gastric bypass rule, no drinking with meals. Log your foods, , plan ahead, so fast food does not temp. Good luck, This happened to a friend, she lost 10 pounds before the revision was done. When she had her revision, she chose to do the RNY.

  • Tristaan
    Tristaan Posts: 126 Member
    Yes...just eat the way you have been eating, it should be habit by now. Don't even think about the slippage, treat it like nothings changed. I'd also say if there's anything you can't control once you start eating (carbs) don't even eat one. I had gastric bypass, but figured out I can eat chocolate without dumping. Wish I'd never even tried now, as I re-awakened my taste for it and I have to actively resist! Don't give up all your hard work...94 lbs is amazing!
  • aimeef12
    aimeef12 Posts: 70 Member
    Thanks ladys so far so good i have been eating aloth of healthy stuff like salads that i cant normally eat when i have restriction (weird) ive been sticking to small meals and healthy snacks and so far i have actually lost .5 lb which wasnt even my intention i was just trying not to gain lol if my band doesnt fix itself im contemplating putting off the revision and see how it goes with me doing it on my own i only want to looks another 35 lbs and i think thats reasonable to do on my own .. if i was to have to have surgery i rather do it and have my band removed then fixed since im really not a big fan of it ... scratch that i hate it lol we will see what happens thanks :)
  • csmccord
    csmccord Posts: 272 Member
    Just out of curiosity, why do you hate the band? What about it makes you hate it? You've done amazing with it on. I chose not to do the band, mainly because of the amount of weight I had to lose. I was told that the average weight loss for the band is about 50 lb. You've lost about what a RNY bypass patient can expect to lose!
  • sarahscoles1
    sarahscoles1 Posts: 14 Member
    So i just went to the Dr 2 days ago and i found out my band slipped. They removed all of the fluid and i have to go back in 3 weeks if the slip doesn't adjust and correct itself i will have to have a revision surgery. My biggest concern is in these 3 weeks i will have no restriction and will be able to eat foods i don't normally eat. Ive lost about 95 lbs and im terrified of gaining weight. What are some healthy and easy things i can throw together or snack on . I have 2 jobs so i am on the run alot . Also has anyone had a slip that corrected itself?

    Out of curiosity, did you have any symptoms that your band had slipped? This is always a huge fear in the back of my head. I don't know why though.
  • sarahscoles1
    sarahscoles1 Posts: 14 Member
    Just out of curiosity, why do you hate the band? What about it makes you hate it? You've done amazing with it on. I chose not to do the band, mainly because of the amount of weight I had to lose. I was told that the average weight loss for the band is about 50 lb. You've lost about what a RNY bypass patient can expect to lose!

    It's crazy how doctors give out such different information regarding WLS. I started out prior to surgery at over 400lbs, so obviously have a large amount to lose. I weighed all my options with my surgeon and he said ultimately it was my choice, and that many studies have shown that the average weight loss over 4 years is the same for both bypass/sleeve patients and lap band patients. Sleeve/bypass patients just lose it a LOT faster. I've had my band for just over 4 months and I've lost 70lbs already. I still have a ways to go, but I'm ok with losing gradually. :)
  • aimeef12
    aimeef12 Posts: 70 Member
    Just out of curiosity, why do you hate the band? What about it makes you hate it? You've done amazing with it on. I chose not to do the band, mainly because of the amount of weight I had to lose. I was told that the average weight loss for the band is about 50 lb. You've lost about what a RNY bypass patient can expect to lose!

    It's crazy how doctors give out such different information regarding WLS. I started out prior to surgery at over 400lbs, so obviously have a large amount to lose. I weighed all my options with my surgeon and he said ultimately it was my choice, and that many studies have shown that the average weight loss over 4 years is the same for both bypass/sleeve patients and lap band patients. Sleeve/bypass patients just lose it a LOT faster. I've had my band for just over 4 months and I've lost 70lbs already. I still have a ways to go, but I'm ok with losing gradually. :)

    i didnt have any symptoms of the slip it was a slight slip a little of the pouch was hanging over the band but i had no idea could have even been like that for a while

    reasons why i hate my band lol
    CONSTANT GAS/GAS PAIN its so regular and has nothing to do with the foods i eat because i avoid anything that can give u gas at all costs.
    INDIGESTION its not all the time but its pretty often and always at night
    THROWING up i assume thats how my band slipped i do NOT eat any bread rice pasta potatoes or really any carbs i stick to protein and veggies and STILL throw up there are days i can throw up something like coffee or yogurt for no reason somedays i can eat a certain thing next day i cant
    i would get into more detail personal reasons im sure you guys dont want to hear it but im 26 and single and with my band i dread having a serious relationship spending weekends with a boyfriend or god forbid living with a man

    it has helped me alot and for that i am thankful but had i know before what i know now i probably would NOT have chosen the band
  • aimeef12
    aimeef12 Posts: 70 Member
    i had also told my Dr i would rather have the sleeve then fix my band and he wouldnt do it for me since i dont want to loose much more and i wouldnt be able to control how much i have lost