keto reading

traerjudy Posts: 36 Member
I just started lchf on Monday. Did the keto read tonight. It says "15" and it's only the 2nd color up from negative. I average 50 carbs a day, stay right around my calorie limit and eat twice the fat it says I should. Is it too early? I sure was disappointed when I saw my reading. Thanks ahead for replys, Judy


  • Deuxtrouble43
    Deuxtrouble43 Posts: 41 Member
    you only need to see that there are ketones. Best way it was described to me - It's like a pregnancy test, you are either pregnant or you aren't.
  • huneydrop
    huneydrop Posts: 84
    I just started lchf on Monday. Did the keto read tonight. It says "15" and it's only the 2nd color up from negative. I average 50 carbs a day, stay right around my calorie limit and eat twice the fat it says I should. Is it too early? I sure was disappointed when I saw my reading. Thanks ahead for replys, Judy

    Your fat might not be high enough and/or too many carbs. Try playing with those until it works. I'm at 70% fat and 5% carbs. Some people need to be more drastic than others.
  • huneydrop
    huneydrop Posts: 84
    Also keto strips are notoriously inaccurate. If you are drinking tons of water this can dilute the urine and you won't get a proper reading. Get a blood meter and use that if you interested in measuring, I have one and they are accurate. Blood is better than urine for testing ketosis.