Today Is A New Day!

Julie20fan Posts: 361 Member
Good morning challengers. I hope everyone is having a fantastic morning. Let's begin today by discussing what our workout plan is going to be. For me today, yoga is on the menu. I have had a hard week of workouts and yoga comes in at the right time. Who of you like yoga? Who of you have never tried it? Please start sharing.:smile:


  • pamr40
    pamr40 Posts: 7 Member
    I'll be doing my interval running today followed by a long walk. No weight training on the weekends!
  • Julie20fan
    Julie20fan Posts: 361 Member
    It's a great day to be outside enjoying the weather. Have fun on your run. Do you have map my run app on your phone?
  • boobonka
    I enjoy walking, weightlifting, and aerobics, so today I'm going to workout to Shaun T..
  • Julie20fan
    Julie20fan Posts: 361 Member
    What workout are you doing with Shanu T Boobonka?
  • aquarianbrowne
    aquarianbrowne Posts: 2 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Beth and I have exploded with weight over the last 2 years. I have had a huge amount of stressors and stopped exercising, I have procrastinated long enough! My hubby and I are off to Europe for 6 weeks starting in April 18th. I have these fabulous boots I would love to wear but they wont go over my calves and some fabulous skinny clothes that are a long way from doing up! However, I have been slowly getting back into treadmill running, managing 2.5 kilometres in 30 minutes so far and then some light weight training. I will pick up the pace next week and hopefully my friend Tania will have organised the zumba classes. I am aiming at losing a total of 15 kilograms, so far 4 kilograms gone in 7 days. I feel great and energetic! I love this myfitnesspal, I was with weight watchers international and whilst I lost 32 kgs before, just don't get the support from online and find this site a lot easier to use. My sister Linda got me on to this site and she has lost heaps!
  • kcl29
    kcl29 Posts: 79 Member
    It sure sounds funny to hear you say it's a beautiful day to go out and enjoy the weather, or go for a run. Here in Michigan the only outdoor exercise I will get today is shoveling snow - UGH!
  • Brianna032015
    Brianna032015 Posts: 10 Member
    Today is Super Bowl sunday!!! I know there is going to be a lot of food (and booze!) around, so I'm planning on getting my exercise in early. Anyone else??
  • Julie20fan
    Julie20fan Posts: 361 Member

    A lot of us are working out today because the Super Bowl is here. So excited. Go Broncos. Rock out your workout girl.
  • Julie20fan
    Julie20fan Posts: 361 Member
    Oh gosh. I would be out there playing in the snow. Forget about It's easy for me to say when I am not experiencing the snow like you are. Although, we did have some snow last week and the NC shut down.
  • Julie20fan
    Julie20fan Posts: 361 Member
    Hey Beth~ Welcome. You have a great goal in mind and I do not see why you would not be able to reach that. Keeping accountable helps us all. So feel free to post as much as you would like and share new things you have learned.