Eating fresh, healthy, organic, local foods sounds great—but what if you're on a budget? Maybe you dream of shopping at Whole Foods, but the cold, hard light of day finds you wheeling down the aisles at ShopRite. We feel your pain. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to eat well and actually save money in the process.…
I too have had days where I struggle big time. Here are some helpful tips to get you through these tough workouts. 1. Mentally Prepare "People can fail from not being in touch with their bodies," she says. Some Beachbody® workouts will wipe you out. (There's a reason the plyometric workout in P90X2® is called Plyocide and…
I wanted to put a feeler out there to see if any of you would be interested in joining me next month in a private FB accountability group. I currently have one going on and the challengers are showing some amazing results and are losing some nice weight. They find the accountability very important to them staying on track.…
The answer depends on two factors: your overall diet and how intense your workout is. If you eat small, balanced meals every few hours while you're awake, you don't really need a pre-workout meal strategy. Your body should have ample fuel to get you through any workout around an hour or less (longer workouts have specific…
Hey There Everyone~ How was everyone's weekend. Mine was rainy and cold, but enjoyed it non the less. I am excited that my hubby and I ordered all new appliances. You see I need them as I do a lot of baking. I am also going to start baking for a dog treat company. So excited about that. I needed a double oven so bad and I…
Americans currently consume an average of 3 pounds of sugar per week. That's 194 grams of sugar per day. The World Health Organization recommends we dramatically cut back. They suggest that a maximum of 5% of your total daily calories come from added sugar (sugar that naturally occurs in produce and other foods is ok).…
Hey everyone, It's Thursday! How has everyone's week gone? Have you stayed on task? What have you done this week you could not do last week? Are you struggling? If so, how may I help? Please voice what you would like here so we can help one another. I hope everyone is having a fantastic week.
Here is some helpful information on workout times. The time of day you work out gets a lot of attention, but is it really that important? Let's dig deeper and take a look at the reality of how much the time of day you work out can affect your results. I'll also share with you the five best times of the day that you should…
It's the middle of the week. How is everyone doing so far? Here is something I hope will keep you motivated to keep going this week. "Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going." This is what we all want right? We want to create healthy habits and we can do that together and support one another…
When time gets tight and your grumbling belly calls for dinner, you're probably tempted to order take-out. Instead, stock your pantry with these healthy, waistline-friendly staples to back up the fresh fruits, veggies, and protein that make up most of your diet. You'll be able to make many good-for-you meals and snacks in…