Are You Eating Too Much Sugar?

Julie20fan Posts: 361 Member
Americans currently consume an average of 3 pounds of sugar per week. That's 194 grams of sugar per day. The World Health Organization recommends we dramatically cut back. They suggest that a maximum of 5% of your total daily calories come from added sugar (sugar that naturally occurs in produce and other foods is ok).

That's 25 grams of sugar per day if you eat 2,000 calories a day and 15 grams if you eat 1,200 calories per day.

How to figure the maximum number of grams you should try to stay under
1. Take the number of calories you eat per day
2. Multiply this number by. .05
3. Divide that number by 4.
Example: 2000*.05 = 100. 100/4 = 25.

We hope you're not eating the foods below, but if you are take a look to see how high they are in sugar.

How Much Sugar Are You Eating?

1 TBSP of ketchup~ 3.7g
1 Cup of Special K~ 4g
1 TBSP BBQ Sauce~6g
1/2 Prego Pasta Sauce~ 10g
8 oz Nestea w/lemon~ 11g
4 Oreos~ 14g
1 Cup baked beans~ 20g
1 Krispie Kreme Donut~ 21g
1/2 Cup Mott's Original Applesauce~ 25g
20 ox Vitamin Water~ 31-32g
12 oz Coke Can~ 39g
1 Dunkin Donuts Blueberry Muffin~ 44g
Starbucks Tall Caramel Frapp~ 45g
1 Classic Cinnabon Roll~59g

I hope this puts things in perspective for you. It's amazing to see when we actually write these out.


  • mallen40
    mallen40 Posts: 119 Member
    It is shocking when you see the numbers!! We don't drink a lot of pop/soda in our house & our daughter will ask for water rather than a pop. As soon as she was able to drink from a cup it was either milk or water and limited the juice since those have A LOT of sugar.
    I have to share a funny in regards to that and keep in mind that she had NEVER had a sip or taste of pop. She was about 3 yrs old and my parents babysitted for us one evening. Well my dad opened a Coke and asked if she wanted a sip. Well, of course she said yes. She took a really big drink, eyes got big and said to him "I like Coke" and told him that she had never had coke before. You can only imagine what happened next. For about 3 hours straight she and Papa "marched" around the house! It was about midnight before she finally went to sleep. Taught my dad to never give her Coke again unless it was early in the day. LOL!:laugh:
  • graceisfree
    graceisfree Posts: 84 Member
    My sugar intake has been pretty good these days. Trying to limit the amount of carbs and sugar I eat per day. Thanks for this info Julie
  • graceisfree
    graceisfree Posts: 84 Member
    It is shocking when you see the numbers!! We don't drink a lot of pop/soda in our house & our daughter will ask for water rather than a pop. As soon as she was able to drink from a cup it was either milk or water and limited the juice since those have A LOT of sugar.
    I have to share a funny in regards to that and keep in mind that she had NEVER had a sip or taste of pop. She was about 3 yrs old and my parents babysitted for us one evening. Well my dad opened a Coke and asked if she wanted a sip. Well, of course she said yes. She took a really big drink, eyes got big and said to him "I like Coke" and told him that she had never had coke before. You can only imagine what happened next. For about 3 hours straight she and Papa "marched" around the house! It was about midnight before she finally went to sleep. Taught my dad to never give her Coke again unless it was early in the day. LOL!:laugh:

    Hahaha...:laugh: This cracked me up this morning. Grand parents and their grand children, you can't help but love them:smile:
  • Julie20fan
    Julie20fan Posts: 361 Member
    It is shocking when you see the numbers!! We don't drink a lot of pop/soda in our house & our daughter will ask for water rather than a pop. As soon as she was able to drink from a cup it was either milk or water and limited the juice since those have A LOT of sugar.
    I have to share a funny in regards to that and keep in mind that she had NEVER had a sip or taste of pop. She was about 3 yrs old and my parents babysitted for us one evening. Well my dad opened a Coke and asked if she wanted a sip. Well, of course she said yes. She took a really big drink, eyes got big and said to him "I like Coke" and told him that she had never had coke before. You can only imagine what happened next. For about 3 hours straight she and Papa "marched" around the house! It was about midnight before she finally went to sleep. Taught my dad to never give her Coke again unless it was early in the day. LOL!:laugh:

    Hysterical! He learned a valuable lesson that day. It was eye opening for me as well. I am a pin to paper type of person and when it is in front of me it makes it all the more real.
  • Julie20fan
    Julie20fan Posts: 361 Member
    My sugar intake has been pretty good these days. Trying to limit the amount of carbs and sugar I eat per day. Thanks for this info Julie

    You are most welcome.