Check In



  • Hi. My first week back at work is going well. Keeping on track really well with my eating. I have done very little excercise cos I ended up with a ripper cold after all the flights to get back home. Total flights were 22 hours and travel time of 34 hours. I am feeling like I have more energy so I feel like I'm moving in the right direction. I have to keep reminding myself that I have set a year aside to get back in shape and it's not going to happen in a couple of weeks. It didn't take a couple of weeks to get to this size so I have to be patient with the process. I am enjoying reading the other posts and they are helping to keep me on track. Thanks
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,566 Member
    relieved - with my stress eating this weekend I am only down 0.6 on the scale but no gain
  • Garlicmushroom
    Garlicmushroom Posts: 51 Member
    So far all thats happened for me is being ill.
    2014 hasn't start how i was hoping but I've forced myself to get my daughter to pre-school and I walked 6 miles back and forth in town while doing the shopping.
    I've set my amount of food at 2000 and not eating back what i burn as i'm getting enough really as I'm eating 2000 while it's stll cold and hopefully I'll see some good resaults soon.
  • Garlicmushroom
    Garlicmushroom Posts: 51 Member
    Trying out Macros,got and HRM finally and i've lost 2lbs Yay.
  • kelag297
    kelag297 Posts: 103 Member
    Great job! How's everyone been doing? Activity has been dying down in the group, so i hope everyone is doing well and staying on the path to fitness! Don't forget to check in and let us know how you've been doing so we can all keep each other motivated :)
  • kelag297
    kelag297 Posts: 103 Member
    I used to count my macros as well, and I got great results with it. It became very tedious, so I've kind of slacked off on it, but if you stick with it, I know you'll get great results!
  • flatcoatedR
    flatcoatedR Posts: 173 Member
    Hello Everyone,
    Have'nt check in for awhile. I've had a really good month and finally have my head on straight about staying on plan. I loss 18 lbs. In January. It's a good start. I stll have 120 lbs to lose. My focus is health and living. So I hope to stay motivated. How are all the rest of you doing?
    Sherri from Iowa:happy:

    Ps. What does it mean to count macros?
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,566 Member
    Checking in - January has been a bit of a challenge for me - my father was ill so I haven't really hit any of the challenges posted (sorry!) On Thursday I was down 4.6 on the scale which I totally wasn't expecting. February will be another kick butt month!

    I have joined a Walking Challenge group and the goal is 100 miles throughout the month.

    I am going to incorporate yoga a couple times a week (my old body is rebelling so I think I need to do some conditioning).

    I am also going to incorporate some weights (light at first until I am a little more conditioned and ensure my form is on).
  • I work night shifts also and am finding it really hard to eat frequently enough to keep metabolism going. am doing low carb and am progressing but very slowly for first month. what kind of food plan are you following? congrats on your weight loss and hope we can encourage each other to keep going towards a healthier life style
  • ok.exhausted no sleep in36 hours due to work and if dont stay up diet gets too far off. This is nuts. sleep time and will get some exercise tomorrow on my day off and all will be right with the world. Have a good night guys. Tried to read the info on bmr/spreadsheet. is gobbly gook to me right now and way to complicated for my life thats why got fitbit and using my fitness pal to help make it more simple to identify and manage problems. /tomorrow. Night all.
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,566 Member
    I work night shifts also and am finding it really hard to eat frequently enough to keep metabolism going. am doing low carb and am progressing but very slowly for first month. what kind of food plan are you following? congrats on your weight loss and hope we can encourage each other to keep going towards a healthier life style

    Night shifts are hard - I don't really follow a food plan - I just try to eat healthy and well balanced (no gimmicks or fad diets for me). When I work nights I try to make sure I have food cooked and ready to take with me - I will take a whole meal and split it into two containers so that I have two mini meals and try to take at least 3 or 4 snacks with me so that I don't cave and eat something I shouldn't. I just recently started walking more but had a few set backs this month with my dad so it was hard to get anything concrete into place but I plan on working on it this month.
  • flatcoatedR
    flatcoatedR Posts: 173 Member
    Hello "WilsonSpring"
    In answer to your question as to what plan we are on. I belong to a weight loss group called " First Place 4 Life". Its a Christ centered bible study/weight loss group. We meet once a week. Their weight loss plan is called " The Live It" plan. (Not diet). But all it is is a calorie base diet that encouarges you to eat from all food groups. I try to eat 1200 calories a day. Sometimes Iam over alittle and sometimes Iam under alittle. I eat pretty much anything I want ( except junk and sugar stuff, which is my down fall) as long I remember to plan ahead. I also try to eat every 3-4 hour to keep my metabolism up ( which I pretty much distroyed by years of dieting). I low carbed it for years. Lost hundreds of pounds and gained it all back every time. This time I want it to be a lifestyle change and a diet hat I can do the rest of my life and keep off the pounds and be healthy.
    Sherri from Iowa
  • Garlicmushroom
    Garlicmushroom Posts: 51 Member
    3lbs of xmas fat off and the hrm is showing me what i thought. As the difference between mfp and the hrm is 690 cals more than mfp would have told me i had lost over the 4 days that i have used it so far
    Just having a small problem of getting my protein at the right level every day. But i have found low fat cottage cheese is a help and eating more fish.
  • kelag297
    kelag297 Posts: 103 Member
    Getting enough protein was always the hardest part for me when I was counting my macros, so i hear ya! And i don't eat meat, so it was quite the challenge. Cottage cheese is a great source of protein, as is greek yogurt, eggs, nuts, low fat cheese. Those are all good sources that are low on carbs, so they'll balance your carb and protein out :)
  • kelag297
    kelag297 Posts: 103 Member
    Sorry I haven't checked in this week yet, I did not get one minute of free time this week. So much school work, along with actual work had me swamped! I've been a vegetarian for some time and I've been trying to go vegan, so that's what I've been up to the past few weeks in terms of health and fitness! Hope everyone is doing well, let us know how you're coming on your goals :)
  • jocop2003
    jocop2003 Posts: 468 Member
    I work night shifts also and am finding it really hard to eat frequently enough to keep metabolism going. am doing low carb and am progressing but very slowly for first month. what kind of food plan are you following? congrats on your weight loss and hope we can encourage each other to keep going towards a healthier life style

    Night shifts are hard - I don't really follow a food plan - I just try to eat healthy and well balanced (no gimmicks or fad diets for me). When I work nights I try to make sure I have food cooked and ready to take with me - I will take a whole meal and split it into two containers so that I have two mini meals and try to take at least 3 or 4 snacks with me so that I don't cave and eat something I shouldn't. I just recently started walking more but had a few set backs this month with my dad so it was hard to get anything concrete into place but I plan on working on it this month.

    I haven't done nights for awhile, but when I did I to avoid eating past a certain time. Unless that is all you work. For me I rotated a week of day and a week of nights. I found it helped.
  • kelag297
    kelag297 Posts: 103 Member
    How's everyone coming on their goals? As usual posting has been slacking off in this group since it's been a while, so it would be great if everyone could check in here and let us all know how you're all doing for accountability :)
  • sbecknc
    sbecknc Posts: 27 Member
    My goal was to lose 10 lbs by March 5. This week, I weighed in on Tuesday and I'm down nearly 13 - a week and a half early! (Yes, my page says I've lost 6, but I gained between when I started MFP and Jan 10, when i started really hitting it hard again)

    If I can keep it off till next Monday I'll post it everywhere else. That could be a challenge because I've had three beer tastings for work this week, and last night's was part of a Beer and BBQ dinner that I had to review. Tonight, though, I was back at the gym.

    Next step - I think the easy 10 lbs are gone, so it's time to take measurements of trouble spots (thighs and hips) and working toward burning extra fat there. My goal is to look less flabby in summer dresses, and even be down a dress size by year's end.

    One thing that's helping? House of Cards! I want to watch it, so I make myself go walk on a treadmill at the gym while I do, so that I'm at least moving as I binge watch and not just sitting still all night!
  • kelag297
    kelag297 Posts: 103 Member
    Awesome job! I'm so happy to hear you surpassed your goal! I know how you feel, i've been seeing good weight loss too, but Mardi Gras has been involving a lot of dessert and alcohol, and hopefully i haven't gained too much. I wanted to weigh in this week since i'm starting round 3 of P90x today, but i might just wait till next week to hop on the scale ;)
  • jocop2003
    jocop2003 Posts: 468 Member
    Yes congrats on your goal that is so awesome. My mini goal for the rest of this month is to lose 3 lbs and be out of the 140's for April.