HELP!!! I need to be held accountable!

kalasuuru Posts: 24 Member
Hey all,

I have really struggled with weight loss since my pre-teen days. And, I'm really serious about not only losing weight, but keeping the weight off as well! I'm a not-so-new mommy of a 3 year old. Parenting has added a new level of difficulty in trying to find time for myself--especially in terms of health. But, I don't want to make excuses any more. I have friends on MFP, but many of them are currently inactive. I need people to help me be accountable, who also want a friend to keep them accountable as well. I am at my heaviest weight EVER! I've been working out and doing well for the past 30 days, and I just want to keep the momentum. PLEASE HELP!

Thank you so much! :cry:


  • pixiesgreene
    pixiesgreene Posts: 88 Member
    Hey there! I'm new to the group as well! I guess that's why we're all here, because we need to feel like someone's keeping an eye on us, and that we have to be able to account for what we did today! In fact that's what i love so much about MFP generally, but sometimes it's hard when you don't feel connected to the people on your friends list.

    Anyway, I'm going to add you because I'd love to have people doing the challenge on my feed!
  • runner115
    runner115 Posts: 321 Member
    Good luck, Kalasuuru! I hope this challenge works for you!

    It's only my second month and last month I only lasted one week, but I know that for me it is the perfect amount of accountability...
  • Jagreene62
    Jagreene62 Posts: 4,782 Member
    Although I have a few more years on you, I have been in a similar situation!! I have always been a very active child (cheerleader, football, softball, neighborhood house for every outside activity you can think of) of a family of six children. However, when my son (now 24 years old) was 21 months old he had a stroke, open heart surgery, and hip surgery all within a three month period. At the age of seven he began to have seizures (approx. 7 each day) and our lives changed dramatically. My life was consumed with HIS needs. We started homeschooling around multiple therapies and doctors appointments. Needless to say I gained a lot of weight...almost 200 pound mark!! WHEW!! That's a lot for a 5'4" frame. Finally, my yearly doctor's appointment wasn't so good. He wanted to put me on all kinds of meds. I said NO!! One I can't afford them and two I don't want to be on anymore medication. I asked for 6 months. He said ok and we scheduled a six month appointment.

    My goal was to lose 50 pounds by the time I turned 50...I DID IT!! I have now met my goal weight of 130 and maintained it for three months. MFP and challenges have been a huge part of my success!! It's weird but I feel like all of you are looking over my shoulder some how. I have to report to someone about my choices. Don't have a lot of support locally (other than my YMCA friends) but LOVE my MFP friends.

    YOU CAN DO THIS!! You owe it to yourself and your child. You will need to be here for him/her for the rest of their lives. If not you than who? If not now then when? Always remember your WHY!!

    Stay focused, stay strong...YOU HAVE GOT THIS!! :flowerforyou: