


  • Gatubela01
    Gatubela01 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi, Jessie. I'm Liz, and I'm working on a poli sci PhD. I, too, am yo-yoing due to school-related stress. I promised myself I would have a more balanced semester, and it's working out well so far. It's hard, and sometimes I fall behind in class because I spend too much time cooking, but it's worth it. The tricky part for me is being healthy, thrifty, and timely all in one week. I'm looking for a little online support myself. I'd love to connect and keep track of our progress together.
  • eris1981
    eris1981 Posts: 58 Member
    Hi all, I'm a PhD student in Education (Research, Evaluation, Statistics, and Assessment) with a cognate in Adult Education, and I just finished my comprehensive exams last semester! I've had a lot of "life" happen since I started my program (my mom died, I got married, and my dad had two strokes so I moved home to take care of him). I reached the highest weight of my life right before I joined MFP, and I'm hoping to reach a healthy weight for the first time since childhood before I graduate. I'm hoping to find support from some of the only people who truly understand the stress that goes along with a doctoral program. :)
  • PHDork16
    PHDork16 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi, I just found you guys. I am in my 2nd year of a PhD program in Health Policy and the weight is creeping on. Sadly, I think this might be because I'm getting older more than the stress (I turn 34 in June - yikes!). I am married and we have a 4-year old son and now that I passed my preliminary exams (woohoo!!) we are thinking about another baby. I want to lose weight before I get pregnant. Easier said than done, especially when there are all these *classes* and *papers* to do. They really get in the way of my fitness schedule ;-)

  • pink_seastar
    Hi. I'm a Anthropology PhD student. I signed up for MFP last year, but let it all slide after my Grandmother died in April. I am recommitting myself to being healthier. I hope I can find support from other people who know what a struggle it is to balance teaching, research and writing life of the underpaid Grad student! I am also inspired by my friend who has lost over 80 pounds in the last year. She is also a PhD student, and if she can do, then so can I!
  • asciiqwerty
    asciiqwerty Posts: 565 Member
    Hi, I'm currently writing up a doctoral thesis (EngD) on modeling jet engine operation and maintenance costs. I struggle with severe back pain from lumbar spine damage, and make an effort to stay fit and active target minimum 30 minutes per day 5 days a week (cycling/walking/swimming) - but have recently started trying to monitor and manage my diet as well (mostly portions and healthier options). I've lost 10 kg since june, and want to drop another 10. I'm looking for some help and motivation from others who understand the workload and it's effect on diet, exercise and mental health.
  • AncAnc04
    AncAnc04 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi everyone,

    My name is Jackie and I am getting my PsyD in Clinical Psychology. I am about to start my 3 year in my program and I am trying to loose a total of 75 pounds by the time I graduate. Want to look slim and trim as I walk across the stage. Its hard to manage your eating when you have to make time for practicum, classes and homework but I hope I can come on here for a little motivation.
  • nadia_in_mtl
    Welcome, Jackie!
  • jeff7252
    jeff7252 Posts: 8 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm a STEM PhD candidate in my late 20s trying to find my fitness and make exercise a lifelong habit before I graduate. I realize this is old, but if you're a fellow grad student and you come across this thread, feel free to add me.