Week 5 weigh in

Hello again, everyone! Sorry for the continuing 'situation: silence' that's happening from my end - still trying to sort out those 'little' things, like a washing machine, fridge and internet! Hoping (who knows?) to have everything sorted by next Saturday, so I should be able to post pics next weigh in. Anyway, onto the stats:

SW: 125kg
LWW: 123.7kg
CW: 122.0kg
Loss: -1.7kg

Exercise: 4.7hours
Average: 37 mins/day
Water: 5 glasses (whoops)
NSV: Not compulsively stress eating

A couple of very low water intake days took my average and destroyed it! Won't be doing that again!

I'm loving the gym and pool at my apartment complex - trying to do 60-80mins per day, 6 days a week. We'll see how I go. :smile: Definitely feeling a difference in the way my clothes fit, and the way my body carries mass. Hope everyone else had a good week! Good luck to all the Aussie members - keep hydrated and cool this week!

Can't wait to see our scale and non-scale victories this week!


  • skittlesnhoney
    skittlesnhoney Posts: 651 Member
    Yay for a pool and gym! That's awesome. I wish it were swimming weather here, but alas we just got dumped on yet again with a ton of snow. Fortunately it looks like it's melting off quickly.

    Congrats on the loss!
  • boulevardMto180
    Hello again, everyone! Sorry for the continuing 'situation: silence' that's happening from my end - still trying to sort out those 'little' things, like a washing machine, fridge and internet! Hoping (who knows?) to have everything sorted by next Saturday, so I should be able to post pics next weigh in. Anyway, onto the stats:

    SW: 125kg
    LWW: 123.7kg
    CW: 122.0kg
    Loss: -1.7kg

    Exercise: 4.7hours
    Average: 37 mins/day
    Water: 5 glasses (whoops)
    NSV: Not compulsively stress eating

    A couple of very low water intake days took my average and destroyed it! Won't be doing that again!

    I'm loving the gym and pool at my apartment complex - trying to do 60-80mins per day, 6 days a week. We'll see how I go. :smile: Definitely feeling a difference in the way my clothes fit, and the way my body carries mass. Hope everyone else had a good week! Good luck to all the Aussie members - keep hydrated and cool this week!

    Can't wait to see our scale and non-scale victories this week!

    Kudos to you for still losing while "sorting things out!" You still manage to check in regardless.
    Like skittles said, yay for a pool and gym. I know once you get settled you'll make great use of them!!!
  • boulevardMto180
    Yay for a pool and gym! That's awesome. I wish it were swimming weather here, but alas we just got dumped on yet again with a ton of snow. Fortunately it looks like it's melting off quickly.

    Congrats on the loss!

    We got dumped on pretty bad as well. Just when we are at 40 degrees today and the snow is starting to melt, the weather man calls for more snow this week :ohwell:
  • boulevardMto180
    SW: 237.4
    CW: 230.2 (-2.4 this week and -7.2 since 01/05)
    CGW: 220 lbs
    UGW: 180lbs

    There are about 8 weeks left in the challenge and I have 10.2 lbs to reach my CGW. That's averaging about 1.3 lbs per week, which I WILL accomplish!!

    My February Goals:
    1. Drink 64 oz or more everyday.
    2. Add toning and vigorous cardio to my regimen.
    3. Daily squats.
    4. Be more conscious of my salt intake.
  • kikalique
    kikalique Posts: 52 Member
    Great job everyone!

    SW: 228
    CW: 218.4 (down .8lb from last week)
    CGW: 215 (changing this to 210)
    UGW: 160ish

    Meh. According to my daily and weekly deficits I should have lost about 2 lbs this week, but I did lose a lot last week, so we'll see what next week brings. I lost 10lbs in January, so I really can't complain. :) I'm changing my challenge goal weight from 215 to 210. I had purposefully lowballed it because of my intense school schedule, but I've managed to stay consistent with my eating and working out in spite of grad school.

    Goals for the week:
    1. Drink my water bottle every day and not just at the gym. I've been horrible about hydrating.
    2. Make it to the gym at least 3x.
    3. Start the 10k training plan and continue the February "Lose the Love Handles" fitness plan.

    I get my 10 lb reward this week! I'm finally getting my eyebrows done. They need some serious help. Anyone else rewarding their progress so far?
  • Spambo16
    Spambo16 Posts: 223 Member
    So far everyone's dropping at least a little, and some quite a bit, so good work!

    SW: 162.5
    CW: 155 (I was at 154 yesterday, drank my water, stayed under calories, got some exercise and a good sleep, and yet...:grumble: )
    CGW/UGW: 145
  • morzolas
    morzolas Posts: 59 Member
    SW: 203.5
    CW: 198.4
    GW: 191.5
    Loss so far: 5.1 lbs.

    Feeling good. January was successful as far as I'm concerned. Five pounds is a good dent into my 12 pound goal. Seeing what I'm capable of makes me think I could possibly have a 14.5 pound goal (which would take me into the 180s). Can't wait to see what February brings.
  • funkichik
    funkichik Posts: 8 Member
    SW: 184.6
    CW: 178.8 (-1.2)
    TL: -5.8
    GW: 170

    Weekly Goals:

    Exercise: Get up and move every single day
    Water: 8+ glasses per day
    Food: to eat less fat, and to limit my Popchip intake to once a day
  • skittlesnhoney
    skittlesnhoney Posts: 651 Member
    Great job guys!

    SW: 183
    LW: 173.5
    CW: 171.5 (-2 lbs)
    CGW: 160
    UGW: 145-140
  • lilmidnightwolf
    lilmidnightwolf Posts: 39 Member
    Start weight: 172
    Weight as of today: 163

    It's getting there!
  • mpadil11
    Looks like there will be no new weight loss in the near future. Currently 8 weeks pregnant. :smile: Focusing on being healthy and getting some activity in will be the goal for now.
  • skittlesnhoney
    skittlesnhoney Posts: 651 Member
    Looks like there will be no new weight loss in the near future. Currently 8 weeks pregnant. :smile: Focusing on being healthy and getting some activity in will be the goal for now.

    Congratulations!!! How exciting!
  • mpadil11
    Thank you!!! I'm beyond excited. =)
  • Fodao
    Fodao Posts: 63 Member
    SW: 237.6

    LWW: 229
    CW: 228.8 (-0.2 this week, -8.8 total)

    GW: 218.6

    I thought I didn't lose much this week, but I think I just weighed in during a dip last week (-5 lbs last last week) and it's evening out this weigh-in. This week's numbers reflect my average loss a little more accurately; I'm still exceeding my goal of 1.5/week by .26/week.

    Last week I started carrying a 25# pack with me whenever I walked, and just last night I upped it to 37#. I'm not sure what kind of difference that's going to make for caloric burn, but it's definitely going to get my legs/back in shape for a summer full of backpacking.
  • Fodao
    Fodao Posts: 63 Member
    Looks like there will be no new weight loss in the near future. Currently 8 weeks pregnant. :smile: Focusing on being healthy and getting some activity in will be the goal for now.

    How exciting - congrats!
  • boulevardMto180
    Looks like there will be no new weight loss in the near future. Currently 8 weeks pregnant. :smile: Focusing on being healthy and getting some activity in will be the goal for now.

    OMG I'm so happy for you. Congrats!!!!! Wohoooooo!!!!!!
  • mpadil11
    congratulations to all of you and your continued weight loss!!!
  • calamity71
    calamity71 Posts: 207 Member
    Hello all, I didn't weigh last week since I was out of town. however, there has been no change in weight for last two weeks.
    tomorrow, new game plan.

    1. Exercise EVERY day. I started with a hike today. whoo hoo... I can get through the next 5 days with exercise.
    2. no alcohol Monday through Friday. I am certain this is setting me back.

    Just those two goals and see where I land next weekend. ;)

    have a great week everyone and congratulations on you weightloss, or just for being here if there is no loss.
  • chevellev
    chevellev Posts: 8 Member

    I hope everyone is doing well. This will be my first time weighing in.

    SW= 291 lb
    CW= 276 lb
    Last week= 276 (0)
    CGW= 268 lb
    UGW= 150 lb

    Feb Goals:
    1) Exercise a minimum of 3x week (cardio/strength)
    2) Drink 64oz water/daily
    3) Track food 4 x week
    4) Write in gratitude journal/daily

    Have a great week!
  • jls43
    jls43 Posts: 49 Member
    SW 152.2
    CG 145
    UG 135

    My goals for this week:
    1. Do my therapeutic exercises every day
    2. wear my pedometer and Walk 10k steps/day
    3. Bring lunch and snacks to work 3 times
    4. No eating after dinner; limit the treats