Just joined!

Hi everyone. I've just joined this group. I have lost 80 lbs. in the last year and have about 90 more lbs that I'd like to lose.


  • marsellient
    marsellient Posts: 591 Member
    Wow! That's an impressive record. Congratulations! I've been in for almost two years and have lost 45 lb., but still working on another 30. The good thing is I've managed to keep going and have made some good friends. Welcome.
  • dyannajoy
    dyannajoy Posts: 466 Member
    I need to lost about 30 lbs (for starters?) but truly do not have the motivation. I need it for health reasons however. Any advice??
  • tskvaughn
    tskvaughn Posts: 114 Member
    That is impressive!
  • FitToLead
    FitToLead Posts: 275 Member
    wow Chrissy Ann, that is imporessive.. I have total of about 130lb to lose, and so far am about 17 lb on the way. good luck for your journey.
  • Ginastern1
    Ginastern1 Posts: 21 Member
    I joined for my health....joint pain and taking too many pain killers like Tylenol. I have lost 40 lbs and now I never take any drugs. It is hard but worth it for how you will feel. I still need another 40 lbs to go. Every ten pounds I feel remarkably better so that is my motivation. I recently gained ten back and I feel it! Back on track. I now know the slippery slope of the holidays was not making healthy choices. You will be so happy, as nothing tastes as good as feeling healthy does! Trite expression but true!
  • tskvaughn
    tskvaughn Posts: 114 Member
    40# down is amazing. I have the pain issues also and am not a medication person. I still need some tylenol arthritis at night sometimes especially if it is really cold or the weather is bad. I get a lot of control using dead sea salts infused with essential oils. I swear by this. Really helps!
  • ChrissyAnne1959
    ChrissyAnne1959 Posts: 13 Member
    I cut out wheat products and the weight loss really did come very easy. I use mostly Almond and Coconut flours to cook and bake now. I exercise 7 days a week, each day doing something different and working on a different part of my body. I also use Stevia instead of sugar or sugar substitutes. I hope this helps.
  • ChrissyAnne1959
    ChrissyAnne1959 Posts: 13 Member
    I am discovering that the pain level in my joints and from the Fibro is decreasing. I just had one of my fibro meds decreased. I'm also diabetic and my blood sugars have dropped and are in a very good set of numbers.
  • drizzlesugar
    You are an inspiration. Keep the good work up!
  • lizzie501
    I need to lost about 30 lbs (for starters?) but truly do not have the motivation. I need it for health reasons however. Any advice??

    I joined MFP more than a year ago but never took it seriously, I also started doing work-outs last year, but something happened that i lost momentum and eventually stopped, without any motivation, just like you. Until last January when I saw a group picture posted by a friend in FB & I realized how big I am, and I'm not getting any younger. I realized that I need to lose 48 lbs. for a start.
    That's when I revisit MFP and decided to be really serious and committed in losing weight.
    With the support of my husband, who reminded me that I have to lose weight for my own health, I now lost 15 lbs after 1 and 1/2 months.
    First, you need to make a decision that you want to lose those lbs away.
  • tskvaughn
    tskvaughn Posts: 114 Member
    I totally agree with the above post. I had to make this decision for myself. It won't work any other way.