started back on track...ish!

Hi there. I've just started back on mfp and back onto c25k. i was running outside but i live by the sea and its hard to find an area where i can run without the wind getting me. I recently invested in a basic treadmill that unfortunately doeant have an incline but is better than nothing!! now i have no excuse! i started this morning on week 3 as i thought weeks 1 and 2 would be too easy. I did my warm up and cool down at 2mph my walks at 3 and my runs at 4. I will say i got bored and did start to dance to my tunes on te walking bits just to entertain myself but alteast i was warm and dry! i'm going to up everything by 5mph tomorrow as today was a little too easy and i didnt have the calorie burn i felt was worth staring at a wall for half hour haha!! Due to me being inactive i have unfortunately lost alot of my friends on here and would love some extra support from other c25k runners =) I'll post monday how my wk3d2 goes wish me luck =) x


  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I watch My Little Ponies or the Turbo short cartoons on Amazon Prime for treadmill runs :)

    Good for you for figuring out a solution for your challenges!
  • brig_1_g
    brig_1_g Posts: 41 Member
    Feel free to friend me, I just finished week 5 day 2 today.