Any students here?

I'm a law student. I'd love to have some MFP buddies who are in the same place as me so we can talk about fitting in exercise, budget options, quick recipes, and the like. Who's down?


  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    I had the same kind of struggles when I was in grad school. I got used to carrying my books in one bag and my food for the day in another. I became the champion of cooking in bulk on Sundays while studying and doing squats in between chapters. I got pretty good at reading a bouncing book (treadmill, stationary bike, etc.). It got easier as I forced everything into a routine. I'm having flashbacks just thinking about it.

    I'm not a student now, but I've been through enough of it to sympathize and provide some of what I did to help me get through it. Add me if you'd like!
  • CooksWithoutARecipe
    Nursing student!
  • shelvasha
    Down! I'm a graduate student.
  • ramrod69420
    ramrod69420 Posts: 2 Member
    Just graduated. The key is canned spinach and ground beef.
  • Spazzomatic
    He'll yeah! Lol I just started Keto a little while ago and currently on the fourth week of the semester. Add me!