Is this the keto flu?

New to Keto and am on day 6, and down 5lbs already (I know, water weight!). I went to workout last night and it was the most difficult thing I have ever had to do. My body felt so weak and generally fatigued. Today I am still feeling fatigued despite a decent nights sleep. Is this something others have experienced during induction?


  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    It certainly sounds like it. Your body is still used to using carbs (glycogen) to get through a workout. It takes 3 weeks to 3 months to get adapted. That said, there are two things you can do: 1) Keep pushing on with your current eating or 2) Time your carbs to help provide energy for intense workouts.
  • Should I eat my carb allowance prior to my workout? Thanks for the advice! I really appreciate it!
  • JustFindingMe
    JustFindingMe Posts: 390 Member
    Id say yes, that's what happens to most. I had horrible headaches too! BUT day by day, it gets easier as your body adapts. I don't know if eating your small carb allowance would make a difference, it may. It doesn't leave you any wiggle room for the rest of the days eats. Maybe just go easy and build up at the gym to what youre used to ?

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  • It doesn't sound like Keto flu. Your body is trying to switch using glucose/glycogen as fuel to fat. It usually takes around 2 weeks for body to switch with out exercise. Stop working out for 2 weeks and let your body adjust first. I felt like crap for first 2 or 3 work outs in week 3, but it got better after that. I am training for an half marathon and do p90x3.
  • I feel immense amounts of guilt if I do not workout, I am going to have to start walking instead of the intense stuff while my body adjusts. Happy to hear that you are able to train for the marathon and do P90X while doing Keto. I hope I can build up to something like that fattyman007 and thank you JustFindingMe for you advice, I think building up is a good idea, I am happy to hear that others have experienced some of the same things! I had a headache the 3rd day but just chalked it up to not enough sleep, I cant wait until my body adjusts!
  • kiramaniac
    kiramaniac Posts: 800 Member
    Most of this is likely sodium deficiency.

    From "The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living"

    Low carb diets are natriuretic - they make the kidneys dump sodium. Sodium deficiency can cause headache, dizziness and fatigue. With continued low carb intake and sodium restriction, at some point your kidneys start to excrete potassium in order to conserve sodium. Potassium deficiency can lead to muscle cramps, cardiac dysrythmia. it can also cause the body to lose muscle, even when there's plenty of protein in the diet.

    The general recommendation is a cup of broth. Have a cube of bouillon dissolved in a cup of hot water. As an awesome snack, do this and also add 2 tbsp heavy cream. The fat satiates and the sodium helps with the keto flu.
  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    I agree with the above poster. It could partially be attributed to lack of sodium. Try drinking some salty broth with cream before a workout and track your endurance. I have a couple of friends who found that they would have no endurance while working out as they first began keto. Broth and sugar free Powerade helped them through it, and now I hear of no problems with work outs. Hope it works!
  • maddyowen
    maddyowen Posts: 6 Member
    I'm having the same problem. I have been doing keto for 5 days now. I went to the gym Tuesday to workout for and hour and a half and have spent the rest of the week feeling very weak and sore.

    I did get a headache on day three but I knew I would as I have been dipping in and out of low carb diets for a while so I new I would get one. However its not been that bad this time round on a keto diet. I do however have great fluctuation in moods and major brain fog. I have just decided not go to the gym until I feel like I can. If I can get in some walks then I will.

    Hope you feel better soon.
  • DO NOT work out until you are keto adapted. Wait a few weeks. Just stick to the diet. Yes it is keto flu. Your body is not using the ketones that it is producing efficiently because it has been carb dependent for so long.