Healthy Make-Ahead Freeze-Able Breakfast Burritos



  • judychicken
    judychicken Posts: 937 Member
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
  • ahammer77
    ahammer77 Posts: 18 Member
  • teerandell
    This sounds easy and delicious. I'm going to try it with Morningstar Breakfast Farm patties crumbled (veggie/soy). i really need something different that's fast and easy in the morning.
  • jessicabellin12
    jessicabellin12 Posts: 6 Member
    Love this idea! My boyfriend just recently finished school and got a job right away (go him!). When he was in school I made breakfast sandwiches ahead and froze them for him. Now for his job he has to be up at 3 a.m. which he has never done before and I have been trying to come up with some easy on-the-go type breakfasts that wont take away from his sleeping time too much. These are perfect to add a little variety to his mornings AND keep him eating healthy rather than grabbing a donut or fast food.

    Also, I wonder if instead of turkey bacon they would be good with turkey sausage? You could even make your own turkey sausage and season it to your liking. This way you could make different kinds of breakfast burritos, and you would be more in control of the sodium levels and other health factors.

    I like the idea of vegetables as well. The more good things I can stuff into his breakfast, the better the rest of his day will be and I don't have to work too hard or worry too much about his daily nutrition (or mine, because you know I'm going to get in on these burritos too!).
  • rosy_rsls
    rosy_rsls Posts: 114 Member
    Bump! This sounds delicious! My hunny and i are ALWAYS on the run, esp in the morning so these will come in handy for us both! TY!