For the women - Periods after surgery

stroynaya Posts: 326 Member
Has anyone else had issues with their periods changing after surgery? Mine have been regular for years and now they are out of wack, both in timing and duration.


  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    in the 2 and a half weeks since surgery ive had 3 periods, 1st one happenned the day after surgery while i was still catheterized, i was mortified as i had only finished my last one the week before surgery
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    I have been as regular as ever. In fact, I was due to start the day after surgery, and I did, while in the hospital. Fabulous. Since then, I am every 4 weeks give or take a day or two. I think any changes for me would be due to the fact that I am 50, maybe not necessarily because of the surgery.
  • Im 4 month post rny and mine are all up the creak. Having 3-4 period per month ... makes me soooo tired :-(
  • Good question. I am taking a contraceptive, "Implinon (however you spell it)" and I haven't had my menstrual in about 17 months (3 kids- 3 C-sections - youngest kid is 17months). I kind of love the fact that I don't get a menstrual, just minor cramping. Is there a possibility that I will get my menstrual after the gastric sleeve surgery?

    I will be getting the surgery done in March '14.
  • stroynaya
    stroynaya Posts: 326 Member
    My periods were so regular before surgery. Every 4 weeks. Now they seem to be every 3 weeks. They don't last as long which is nice, but coming so early/close together is Not! Especially the first time when I was caught off guard at work :embarassed: Thought it was a fluke, but then it happened again. So I was just wondering how normal having a not normal period is after WLS before I get all anxious about it.
  • Mine were pre op but I've got the implant in .. which us meant to regulate it more but it hasn't :-(
  • JenaOnTrack74
    JenaOnTrack74 Posts: 443 Member
    Well I will definately be bringing this up in my next class. :grumble:

    I guess my question to you would be even with this :noway: annoyance, would you all still do it again??
  • Agate69
    Agate69 Posts: 349 Member
    Ask your gynecologist.
    As you are losing weight, the hormones stored in fat are being relleased n irregular fashion. After belly fat gone, things should even ought
  • JenaOnTrack74
    JenaOnTrack74 Posts: 443 Member
    Ask your gynecologist.
    As you are losing weight, the hormones stored in fat are being relleased n irregular fashion. After belly fat gone, things should even ought
    That makes a lot of sense. Thank you!
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    Ask your gynecologist.
    As you are losing weight, the hormones stored in fat are being relleased n irregular fashion. After belly fat gone, things should even ought

    I have heard this too, but even at my highest weight of 382 up until now, I have been like clockwork. I must be a freak of nature!
  • I have the Implant and have not had a period in yonks - I love it however, if you go on any other WLS sites periods being up the creek and people starting on their period almost straight after surgery regardless of timing is common.

    I've also read that it's to do with fat releasing hormones.

    Which may end my dry spell :ohwell:
  • snickerdoolers
    snickerdoolers Posts: 13 Member
    I had finished mine the friday b4 monday surgery and then I had one two weeks after and then some spotting. Have been clear for about 3 wks now. Will see what happens soon!
  • In our class last week, they said to expect it to go crazy. Estrogen is stored in fat, so we will be releasing a LOT of it as we lose. She also said to expect crazy emotions. :noway: Fun times!!
  • BunBun85
    BunBun85 Posts: 246 Member
    I'll be grateful for this opposite reaction. Mine were every 26-28 days after surgery, normal flow, normal everything. I still wonder sometimes if they just made some little cuts on me and gave me a placebo surgery.
  • Just had to pop back. Well, faith in my Implant keeping me period free is over. 4 days post op and what happens..? Yup, I'm on.

    I have not bled due to the Implant (or weight) for a loooong time. One of the side-effects I could do without!
  • psychokatt
    psychokatt Posts: 13 Member
    I was finishing up mine when I had my surgery 2 years ago..The first three months after surgery, my flow was extremely it looked like someone had butchered an animal there was so much. After starting birth control pills..the flow regulated back to normal. I never did have an issue with timing tho..every 4 weeks like before.