Tuesday Check-In

How was your Monday and Tuesday this week? Please report on the following:

1. How did you do with your exercise and nutrition (monday and tuesday)?

2. How do you feel today (emotionally)?

3. What is one thing you can do better tomorrow (be specific - eat wheat bread, eat no bread, cut back on sugar, exercise for 10 minutes, call a friend to motivate them and get motivation...)

:) Lets keep going folks, you can do this!


  • salomesotilleo
    salomesotilleo Posts: 24 Member
    How did you do with your exercise and nutrition (Monday and Tuesday)?

    How do you feel today (emotionally)?

    What is one thing you can do better tomorrow (be specific - eat wheat bread, eat no bread, cut back on sugar, exercise for 10 minutes, call a friend to motivate them and get motivation...)

    I feel drained, keeping a diary is a great weight loss tool, not only it helped me keep within my calorie goal; it was also a discovery to me that before I kept a diary I was consuming way too much. I was eating way out of control. The diary let me view and maintain. I do feel drain because my body is not use to the less calorie count, but I think in two weeks I should be feeling great. I am also changing the way I shop by reading the nutritional information and drowning my food with 1/3 meat and 2/3 vegetables. I make sure that we eating more veggies by putting steam veggies on the table in substitute to bread.

    Emotionally, I feel great. I heading in the right direction. I am scared of the weigh-in. I haven't weighed in since I started. I scheduled my weigh-ins for every two weeks; I started last Friday 24 Jan, my next weigh in is 07 Feb. So, more news on that. I hoping to see the scale move to less than 165. I am keeping my fingers crossed :smile:
  • janellmcintosh34
    I am really excited! I have to attend a lot of board meetings at work where they serve a lot of snack foods that are not at all good for you. Last night I was NOT tempted by the snacks! I am realizing more and more how sluggish I feel after eating those things.

    I need to be more consistent with my exercise to attain my goals. That is what I am going to focus on improving. I am going to make sure that I exercise for 20 minutes today.
  • Mandilynnr
    Great Salome and Jenell,

    Keep up the good progress. Salome keeping a journal or tracking your food and progress is a great tool! While it is time consuming, it helps you look back and see where you succeeded or failed. Keep going, we are striving for progress not perfection. Dont worry about your weigh in, its just a scale and doesnt define you, there were weeks on my weightloss where I gained or didnt lose at all, but its more about how are your clothes fitting how are you feeling. But I do understand the desire to see the number go down. Keep going girl you will get there :) Jenell, keep going with the motivation and maybe take healthy snacks to work so they do not tempt you with other foods. Great job ladies! :)