Introduce yourself:

Let's hear a little about you, your fitness goals, and what you are looking for in a fitness buddy. :flowerforyou:


  • I am a stay-at-home mom of two (7 y.o. and almost 2 y.o). One upon a time, I was an athlete- I like to think I still am. :-) I was a three sport varsity player. Then I went to college, didn't play sports, gained some weight, lost some weight with dangerous calorie restriction, graduated, got married, gained some more weight, had my son, gained some more weight, lost some weight, went to college again, gained some weight, lost some weight, graduated again, got pregnant with my daughter, gained some more weight, lost some weight, gained some more weight----and here I am today. Phew! There were a lot of ups and downs on that scale!! I am hoping I can steadily go down from here on- to a healthy weight for me. I am looking to lose about 60 lbs total. But, to be honest with you, I'd take 50! :-) I want to be healthy and happy for my kids and my husband!! I know the athlete I one was in lurking inside and I just need to reconnect to her. I am hoping to do that and can use all the help I can get. I am looking for some others to help me hold myself accountable. If I know someone is relying on me for help and vice-a-versa, then I will be much more successful! How about you? I look forward to connecting with other women on here that can relate to my struggles and know we can help each other!!
  • Dagnyweb
    Dagnyweb Posts: 1 Member
    I work full-time at a desk job and eat mostly out of boredom. My real passion is dog sports and I really need to lose weight and get more fit in order to compete at a higher level. That being said, I am in my 50's and have never been an athlete. I was always very skinny growing up until I hit middle-age and quit smoking. The pounds have just packed on. A diet works for a little while, but then it all comes back. I know all the right things to do to lose and have the desire. I lack the self-discipline and motivation. Looking for help wherever I can find it!
  • phyllisbobbitt
    phyllisbobbitt Posts: 347 Member
    I am disabled from a car accident in 1998. I lost a very good job with Sprint in sales. Now unable to work & a lot of pain medicine I still want a good life with my family. I gained weight over the years due to medication and unable to work out. I joined a health club in the pool work out room for 5 yrs but had to quit due to my back pain. My goal is to lose weight & maybe I wont have so much pain and can join the pool again. I do need help with motivation.
  • tiger12gal
    tiger12gal Posts: 68 Member
    Hi! My name is Jessica. I am a mother of 4 beautiful children. I gained weight after I had my son Zachary(3yrs now) and did the diet thing a bit last year and ended up pregnant with our last daughter. Now I am ready to be in shape so I can do more things with my kids. My goal is to be 170lbs. Right now I have a little over 60lbs to lose. My other goal is to work out at least 3 times a week. That is very hard because I work full time and then come home to take care of my kids and the house.

    I normally weigh in on Tuesdays but I was on vacation last week so I am starting fresh on the dieting tomorrow and going to make my weigh in day on fridays. I would love to do a daily check in with you ladies at the end of the day. An examble would be:
    Calories: over or under
    exercise: what ever exercise you did if any
    water: good or under
    proud: something you are proud of for the day.

    I hope you all are doing well!
  • tiger12gal
    tiger12gal Posts: 68 Member
    Monday June23rd

    Calories: a lil under
    Water: good
    exercise: none... AC wasnt working at home
    Proud: That I am back on track for my diet!!
  • cutmesumslack
    cutmesumslack Posts: 12 Member
    Salutation fellow fat fighters. Im 37 married to a Soldier. We're in one state now, WA State. We have four kids ages: 17,9,7,6 ( 2 of each sex) Im also a student, great cook, funny positive motivator. I miss vino so im sad. Once im down 40lbs im going to try to see how to introduce it in my diet. Humph. I work out at alot cardio wise plan on stepping up strength soon. Im a loyal diet diary participant. I love encouraging stories, pictures, and support will offer the same. Down 15lbs in just under a month.
  • Dvorah17
    Dvorah17 Posts: 9 Member
    I am not an athlete and never have been but I have been walking 2-3 miles per day for about a year now. This has really helped me in a lot of ways. I am much more focused and have discovered that I actually like to walk. That was a huge surprise.