Week 3 Chat (3-9 February)



  • shannaniggans
    Wow, ok, hard challenge for me this week cause i mix up my exercise quite a bit, so maybe ill need to do some yoga as well, or get a bike ride fitting in somewhere, I try and mix up a few sessions each week and add something new!

    Loving being able to run at the beach on saturday mornings and then have a swim before coffee time!
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    Today has not been a great day for me. Had a big cry to start the day because I woke up so tired. My meals have been okay except I had bread, pavlova, 2 ferrero rochers and a honey nougat log (that was the restrained version of what I actually wanted to eat). Think I'll still come in roughly near my calorie goal if I eat my planned dinner and protein shake but not good. I always feel like eating all the food in the world when I'm tired.

    Will be going to the gym after work. Thank god for having a gym buddy though as I'm pretty sure I would skip it if I didn't.

    Tomorrow is another day. Will aim for a solid sleep tonight
  • EGirl7
    EGirl7 Posts: 39 Member
    Gawd, the hormones have well and truly made me their b!tch today!

    Suffice to say...well, tomorrow is a new day. Right?

    I'm still going to exercise and hope to at least undo some of the damage and just keep it to one day. During my previous lifestyle, I used to just go stupid for the entirety of TTOTM. Not anymore!

    Onwards and upwards! ;-)
  • monbot
    monbot Posts: 97 Member
    Good morning everyone! Mid week check in!

    I've been on track with everything so far. Been loving the gym. Went for my run this morning - feeling a bit drained today though. I only made 6km and went pretty slow. Thinking it's because I only had a little dinner last night and I've been hitting the gym pretty hard. Decided to work from home today so I can relax a little. It's so much easier to get things done in my little home office.

    Well done to everyone who has derailed a little and found their way back on track! Being perfect all the time would be boring ;)

    Looking forward to the rest of the week. Some exciting things planned for the weekend. Birthday party friday night, soccer game saturday night and colour run on sunday. Hopefully I can keep my food to good portion sizes (seems to be my biggest issue!). Wish me luck!
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    It's another very quick hello from me...

    So true about falling off the rails and getting back on track. It happens to ALL of us and it's hard to stay on track when things are particularly eventful and stressful. The thing that I find soothing is my gym time, and I've only been once this week, so my added work stress gets a bit hard to deal with. Plus the whole single mum to teenager and return to school issues... I'm not sure when it gets easier??

    BUT I do know that by sticking to my nutrition plan, I'm likely to end the week tired and feeling good about myself... Rather than tired and hating myself (again) for overeating.

    So if one thing has to fall by the wayside, just make sure that the other thing (food or exercise) doesn't.

    It's NEVER too late to pick up where you left off :smile:
  • Honeytips
    Honeytips Posts: 337 Member
    Just realised that I haven't checked in here for a while. After losing 0.9kgs eating junk on holidays I ended up gaining 1kg over the past week!! lol! Okay, I'm partly blaming TOM mainly plus a few ultra heavy meals.

    So far this week I've done:
    Monday: spin
    Tuesday: 4.8K run
    Wednesday: spin, pump and I'll be heading to aqua aerobics tonight
    For the rest of the week I plan to:
    Thursday: run
    Friday: Run squad and spin
    Saturday: Parkrun
    Sunday: Rest

    I've also started Feb Fast where I've given up eating chocolates and candy so that's one plus (I eat way too much chocolate).
  • wahelga
    wahelga Posts: 304 Member
    Well I have been out every night this week and it looks like Sunday will be my only dinner at home all week. I've tried to restrict my drinking and to make reasonably health food choices, but my exercise has definitely suffered. :grumble:

    On the plus side, Claude is getting braver and I've got within a foot of him. He hangs around waiting to be feed and at least now associates me with food. Bit like my weight loss journey, slow and steady wins the race :laugh:
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    This week has been a bit of a nightmare for me. Work is crazy busy, I have a colleague over from France and I'm spending all my time with her, working, lunching and pretty much occupied 100% of the time. Managed to get out of going out for multiple dinners... Then have some family issues going on at home, so life is super busy. As a result, I have only been to the gym once this week on Monday, but I'm hoping to get to bed early tonight and do a full body weights session tomorrow morning. I really miss it.

    Food hasn't been that great, but I'm trying to do the best I can.

    So I think the timing of listening to the following podcast was good for me. I'm considering that this week is kind of like taking a diet break. Probably not what I really want or need at this stage, but I've accepted that sometimes things don't turn out exactly the way that you want them to!

    This morning on my way to work I was listening to The RDella Training podcast: Strength and Conditioning, episode 50, interviewing Dan John. He bought up some good points about training, but I think this can apply to just about anything:

    Learn to love the plateau. You have to do the long quiet walk... sometimes it's about the "plod, plod, plod". When doing this, you will find the hidden gems that propel you forward. The plateau is when great things are around the corner. 2 days after you quit is when the results are going to happen...

    So don't quit!! Even a plateau has a purpose.

    Things seem to have slowed down here... Where is everyone? Come back!! LOL! I'll send messages out tomorrow or maybe Saturday to see how everyone is going. Again, my apologies for not being around this week.

    I'll be back. (You have to read that like Arnie said it) :smile:
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Feb Fast.. Hmmm... Good idea, great exercise too!

    And good news about Claude getting a bit closer. He'll be sitting on your lap watching TV in no time at all!!
  • sweetysmum
    sweetysmum Posts: 102 Member
    Afternoon all :)

    have only just got back on line with my daughters slow laptop, it takes about 20 minutes to load a page, mine died on Saturday :mad: Will go back and read the thread and hopefully catch up on every ones week.
  • FitterTerri
    FitterTerri Posts: 91 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I looks like we are all suffuring from busy weeks. I have been on track with my diet and exercise, but I jumped on the scales this morning and am up 600g from Saturday. Not sure why. I slow cooked a silverside roast on Monday which I had for dinner Monday night and for lunch on Tuesday and Wednesday and then dinner again last night - only 100g per serving each time (hubby is away and the kids didn't eat much but I hate to throw good food away), so I am thinking it could possibly be sodium?... I'm on Depo injections and I'm not sure how hormones work (don't get TTOM). I guess I'll just up my water intake and try to flush my system.

    Started New Rules of Lifting for Women on Monday and boy, am I sore! I love having DOMS though because I know I've worked hard. My daughter started Roller Derby on Tuesday night (which is a miracle because I swear she is allergic to ANY type of exercise) and she has DOMS too. It's great that we can share that together. She doesn't understand my love of exercise and makes fun of me when I have DOMS.

    Great to see Claude is slowly becoming more friendlier.

    Sweetysmum - I know what you mean about slow internet. We can't get ADSL at home so we are on the NBN Satellite service and it's not very good.
  • bird_3_lee
    bird_3_lee Posts: 64 Member
    HI everyone,
    Appart from weigh in this is my first time checking in for the week & probably the last, as I will be off bush from tomorrow morning till sunday arvo. I will have to try very hard to stay on track this weeken. I promise myself I will try my best, but life happens so I will assess my failure and success on monday. If I have to start again I can and will.
    I'm glad to see everyone else is doing very well even with all lifes challenges. I hope everyone has a great happy, healthy, safe and fun weekend.:smile: And everyone remeber to try and save some calories up for valentines day:love:
  • michable
    michable Posts: 312 Member
    Hi Terri, I would say your weight is up due to your muscles retaining water to repair themselves after starting your new strength workout. You'll have to let me know how you go with NROLFW. I've read it, but not started yet because of lack of equipment at home. I think I'll be doing my Bodyweight program for a few more months yet. I'm pretty happy with the results I'm getting so far.

    I'm on track so far this week - have followed my half-marathon training program, done 2 bodyweight strength sessions, and not exceeded my cal goal.

    Good luck on meeting your goals this week everyone! I am enjoying watching everyone's progress!
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    Back to my normal schedule of working out this week. Just got in my last workout and am doing my last day of work before heading away on holiday for three weeks (Bali and Vietnam). Will try my best to at very least day active while I'm away (shouldn't be too hard) and eat healthy and yummy food without hopefully going too overboard. I don't think I'll be logging but will try to check in from time to time. I am hoping to squeeze in a workout or three but I'm not always good at doing this while I'm on holidays.

    This week I'm down 100g which is okay becasue I was in Melbourne for a long weekend wedding last week and have had 2 morning teas and an afternoon tea this week at work.

    Going out for lunch today but I"ve ordered a salad with chicken, goats cheese and pistachios (and other stuff) which ticks all my boxes for eating out being healthy, delicious and something I don't normally have at home.

    Happy Friday everyone
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    A quick update from me, as my report in for week 3(2).

    Weight is down to 76.7kg (from 79kg at the start). The big losses have stopped as expected, but I've still lost almost a kilo this week which is awesome.
    The best news is that I've lost a noticeable amount from around my stomach/love handles. I measured this morning and 2cm has gone already! From 95 to 93cm around the largest part, and down 1cm around the narrow part of my waist.

    So far this week I've only had one gym session (as the gym was closed due to a power failure the other day I tried to go :grumble: ), but I have ridden to work twice this week (total 85kms). I will have a long ride on Sunday (probably about another 85) and one more gym session (max effort upper body - my favourite day).

    This has certainly given me renewed motivation and a strong desire to push through the next 10 weeks. I'm looking forward to see how noticeable the changes will be by the end...
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Oh My Goodness!!!

    Now, I know I've been absent due to the week from hell at work, but it looks like I'm going to have to round up all the rest of the troops!!!

    I have now finished my week of entertaining our overseas visitor and although it was a good week as far as productivity and work is concerned, not been so good on the diet and fitness front.. Let's call it a maintenance week and get back to kicking some bit next week.

    I'm going to message everyone when I set up the new threads on Sunday.

    Well done to all the challengers keeping on keeping on!!! I am so proud of you all!!

    Bring on Week 4 and a renewed energy!!
  • Miffylou
    Miffylou Posts: 307 Member
    Hi everyone, hope you've all had a great week,
    Haven't been around much this week as have had a busy one. Just usual life stuff nothing much to report.

    Food wise haven't had the best week, haven't logged and have gone a bit crazy with the night time snacking again, so that's what I'll be concentrating on for week four.

    Excercise has not been too bad. Had 2 runs on the treadmill. One 5k and one 6.5k it's getting darker in the morning so not that keen on running on the road at 5:30 at the moment. Also had two big sessions with weights. Rest day today as I've got a 10k run tomorrow.

    Have decide to put the scales away till the end of the challenge as I think they're messing with my mind.

    Have a great weekend all

  • mungowungo
    mungowungo Posts: 327 Member
    Hi there - I hadn't realised that I hadn't checked in here this week.

    I've had a few things on my mind - and my eating is slowly going to crap - I'm sorry but I really don't believe entirely in calories in and calories out - I think the quality of the calories does make a big difference - but that being said what's done is done and I'm not going to beat myself up over it either.

    Okay as to what's on my mind - apart from the fact that my scale still hasn't budged.

    Well I'm continuing to have troubles getting my son off to school - he hates it and is simply refusing to go - we do have an agreement that if he gets his little act into gear and consistently goes to school in July he will get a new X-box. He also gets mini rewards along the way (like games, live credit, things like that) - I'm avoiding food type rewards in any way shape or form as he has a weight problem and is prone to binges (yes I know at 13 that's horrid but he does have quite a few other problems too). If anybody has any suggestions, strategies - they would be gratefully accepted - so wade in - my ears and mind are open.

    I have finally started talking to my eldest daughter again. We had somewhat of a falling out last year - she is living with this guy down in Singleton and personally I don't think he's the bees knees - in fact he reminds me a bit too much of her father (in general attitude to work - doesn't do it, alcohol - does too much of it [what's even worse is that if he has a bad day he needs it], and treating her well - he throws her a crumb every so often). Anyway we're talking again - which is great. I just have to learn to keep my mouth shut regarding him, which is really, really hard. The awful news this week was that one of her best friends from school lost her twins at birth (full term). You get to know your kid's friends as they grow up - lots of them call me their second mum - and that news just so saddened me for her and her family.

    On a lighter note my children's father got engaged. When I heard this one I had a good laugh to myself - actually it was all I could do to stop myself laughing out loud. To cut it short my ex is an alcoholic and put the kids and myself through absolute hell before we split - loud, abusive, drunk - you get the general picture. Anyway he got engaged to one of my other daughter's best friend's mother. She used to live down the road (yes I'm fairly positive they were "involved" before we split), she is also an alcoholic - match made in heaven that one. Apparently he proposed via text message and she's already lost the ring.......

    Apart from that I have to deal with the annoyance of Centrelink - I receive a carer's pension for my son which is under review, but the medical reports I have supplied so far haven't been sufficient to get me over their threshold - problem with this lies with the filling in of the form by the doctor. Centrelink however will not tell you what they want - because that would be "educating you" - well they wouldn't want to do that, now would they? In a way I can understand this as regards people being able to rort the system - but where it is a case of genuine need, why do they have to make it so bloody difficult? Anyway there is more than one way to skin a cat - and I am one smart cookie who used to be a law student many years ago (dropped out half way through due to personal reasons but that is one other whole huge story) - anyway everything that a government department does is regulated, they just don't make up their minds willy nilly - they have to follow set procedures and these procedures are in legislation and accompanying regulations, which are published and available to the public - there is no mystery, no secret formulas - it's called open government for a reason. To cut it short I have found the precise formula (online mind you) how they work out the entitlement - now all I have to do is get another appointment with the doctor. This won't make him very happy as all it is doing is wasting the time of an extremely busy person (there are so few paediatricians in Tamworth getting an appointment is like gold).

    Sorry to have rambled for so long - but there is a point - and it does have to do with diet. I am a recovering emotional eater. I am finding better ways of dealing with my daily hassles, aggravations etc, rather than bottling them and trying to eat the emotions away, I am expressing them. So it's all good.

    Have a lovely weekend everybody.
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Good morning everyone!! I am back!!

    What a beautiful morning it is in Sydney. Just glorious!

    I'm sorry for not being around much this week. Had some really busy days at work, plus a few family dramas at home thrown into the mix and then have been out and about since Friday night. I had a late night last night, but wasn't drinking (although I ate too much) so I'm bright and perky this morning but let me tell you I am FEELING the effects of too many social lunches and dinners, drinking and late night nibbles and generally being lazy with my routine and exercise. No more!!!

    I started this group because I needed something to give me focus and get back on track after Christmas/New Year. So far I've been pretty on and off about the whole thing, started with a fire in my belly but kind of lost it already and it's only the end of week 3 :embarassed: Oopsiedaisy... I didn't even read my goals this week. They would pop up on my phone as a notification, and I'd just glance at them and think "yeah yeah". That's NOT really the right thing to do, especially when losing focus.

    So it's time to get back on track. I'm going to use today to get some much needed stuff done at home, do the grocery shopping (fresh food only) and make my plan for the week ahead. I will 4 early mornings at the gym Monday - Thursday and have a rest day on Friday. I'm also going to keep this weeks daily calorie intake to an average of 1500. I'll be going out for dinner on Friday night (Valentines Day :heart:) but that will be my only planned splurge for the week.

    Time to take action!

    For everyone else... If I can fall off the wagon and get back on again, then if you have fallen off as well, please join me... I'll throw out an arm and pull you on board as the wagon passes by, there is lots of room for everyone :smile:

    Ok, so this week - Honey (Nelle), gains can happen for all sorts of reasons. If you know that you have been eating well and exercising and doing all the "right" things, it's probably just water retention. Stick to your plan and you'll get there.

    Helen, sounds much like my week has been.

    Sweetys (Megan) OMG - laptop death!!!! NO!! I'd have to be out getting a new one the next day. I can still get online via my phone or iPad, but if I need to do a lot of typing it's SO much easier on a keyboard.

    Terri, I'm glad to hear that you are on track and doing so well!! Like Mich said, the gain could definately be from DOMS - water retention in your muscles to help them repair. If everything else is going well just go with the flow and the scale weight will come off. As long as you are trending down, that's good. Roller derby sounds scary!!

    Bird (Ricki-Lee) good idea saving up for Valentines Day calories :heart: Hope you have a great weekend "off bush" sounds like it's going to be an active break, so I'm sure you will be ok at the end of it, and as you say, starting again is always an option. Life happens.

    Mich, good work!!!

    Gemma of course might not read this as you are off to Bali, lucky you!! Have a great time and I'm glad you had a good weekend at the wedding :smile: I love weddings, everyone is so happy and it's just a really nice day.

    Ray you are on fire!! Well done on the love handles disappearing, glad you are doing so well. Shame about the gym being closed, I swear I would have been there on Christmas Day if mine were open. Mine was flooded recently and closed for a day, it was a shock to to system not to have it open and available, that's for sure.

    Lou - me too!! I've been super busy, not going to the gym in the morning, therefore up later at night and then the snacking starts... I thought I had gotten rid of that very bad habit months and months ago, but here it is, back again. Must stop. At least you have kept your exercise up, so that's good.

    I also find that the scales stuff me around a bit. I've put them away for the meantime as I can TELL I have put on a little bit of weight (some clothes feeling a bit snug) and I know if I step on the scales and see a number I don't like I'll be totally demoralised. That's not good for my head - so this week I'm going to concentrate on my nutrition and exercise plan and I'll weigh in next week.

    Mungo (Robin) I agree with you on the whole calories in calories out deal. Yes, I do think that it has some bearing on the overall equation, but I also think it's much more about the quality of food rather than the quantity. If I'm eating fresh food and cooking it all myself I'm a lot less concerned if I go "over" my calorie allowance. Whereas if I'm eating stuff out of packets, I think it's going to affect me a lot more and better to keep the calories within reason... Mind you, if I'm eating stuff out of packets, my mindset is likely not to give a stuff!

    Good news about being in contact with your DD, unfortunately we can't make choices for them, just have to love and support them and ride the wave. As far as your son is concerned, perhaps just don't buy the binge foods he likes and have lots of fruit or things available to snack on that's a healthier option. My DD snacks on ham and raw carrots if I leave them cut up and on the top shelf of the fridge where she can see them. Or meatballs, easy things that I can cook and leave in the fridge for her to have when she gets home from school. As for getting him there - well, I've had issues with that myself, you just need to find what works for you.

    Emotional eating is a big thing for me too. I eat when I'm happy, stressed, sad... you name it!! I found that keeping my blog helped me a lot and at first, just getting rid of all tempting type foods. Plus I have a list on the side of my fridge with a list of wise snacking options for when I'm feeling peckish for no real reason... (I should put that on the front of the fridge this week, I completely forgot it was there until I started to type this paragraph).

    Ok, so that's it from me this morning, it's almost 10am and I need to get showered and dressed. Going out today but I'll be back tonight to set up the Week 4 threads and I'll message everyone to remind them that it's never too late to re-start our engines!!

    Have a great day everyone :flowerforyou:
  • mungowungo
    mungowungo Posts: 327 Member
    Thanks Skim - I had similar advice from his psychologist before she left. Not having a go or anything I'm just clarifying:-

    Sadly my son has no stop button and will binge on anything - I am talking 3 kilos of oranges gone in 2 days - he will cook himself a steak (huge steak like an entire slice of rump big enough for 3) then turn around and ask what's for dinner. He eats sugar straight from the container with a spoon, likewise mayonnaise, bbq sauce, tomato sauce. He can eat a kilo of yoghurt in one sitting. I can't and dont buy snack food such as chips biscuits etc. The only thing that stops him is his ADHD meds and he often refuses to take them. My son is 168 cm tall and weighs 90 kg - he is a big and very strong boy and has violent episodes. And yes he has also been known to hit me and make threats - he calls me *kitten*, ***** - you name it. He's pretty much out there in the behaviour department.
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