When you join please post here

elw90 Posts: 41 Member
Hello, I want us to become our own little community and the people that join to be dedicated to their cause of meeting their goals by summer.
So please post with:

Your current weight
Your goal weight
Reasons why you want to lose weight
Reasons why you don't want to stay the weight you are now

I'll start I guess

149lbs (68kg ish)
130lbs (60kg ish)
I want to feel confident this summer and fit into all of my size 8-10 clothes and look good at my graduation/summer ball
I am sick of going round in the same circle without seeing results and want to have more control and not binge/eat bad food and generally get into the positive spiral of a healthy lifestyle


  • FiresongUK
    5' 5
    163 lbs
    140 lbs
    I want to wear a bikini! I think if I get down to about this weight I'll feel confident enough. Ideally I want to lose even more than that but we'll just see how things go.
    When I get over 140 lbs ish I tend to put on weight between my thighs. I have bad stretch marks there too so when I wear shorts in hot weather they get really irritated and uncomfortable. Also I just wanna look good.
  • Katielou112
    Katielou112 Posts: 55 Member
    164 (down from 169 ten days ago)
    Ultimately 135, but 140 by summer
    So I'm fit - want to get back into the gym habit because it helps me de-stress. So I feel confident in a bikini and when I'm out on the town.
    I can look good in clothes now but I'm conscious of certain body parts and I don't want to be :).
  • kk_140
    kk_140 Posts: 518 Member
    150lbs (started a month ago at 163 lbs)
    140 lbs
    I just moved to a new state and started graduate school where no one knows me. It is an opportunity to be the thin girl rather than the average girl. I want to look good on the beach this summer too!
  • marymoni
    marymoni Posts: 17 Member
    A friend's wedding in the summer!
    Just feel kind of gross. I'm shorter so every extra pound is noticeable
  • ClutteredForest
    CW 159.4 lb (started at 162)
    GW 130 lb
    I want to get fit! ^_^ I discovered I'm pretty good at lifting weights, so I'd like to see if I can get stronger, get rid of some of my fat. Of course, I would love to look good in a bikini. XP To be honest, I'm not sure what a good GW is for me, since I do have quite a bit of muscle...
  • LexyLou_5
    LexyLou_5 Posts: 43 Member
    33 years
    5ft 4
    cw ; 147
    gw: 130

    I want to feel less flabber around my stomach and thighs,

    I have PCOS which makes weight loss slightly harder, but I am accepting the fight
  • piratesluver
    piratesluver Posts: 105 Member
    26 years old
    cw: 144
    gw: 130

    I want to be a singer (after four years in university getting my bachelors in music) but have never had the confidence to get on stage because of my weight. My starting weight was 165 so I'm slowly getting there. I can't stay the weight I am because it doesn't work for me, and it doesn't look good on me.
  • Csmcnevin
    Csmcnevin Posts: 29 Member
    Name : Ciara
    Age : 28 (as of Sunday and still coming to terms...cant we all just be 25 forever? :)
    Height : 5 '7
    Your current weight ; 161
    Your goal weight : 140
    Reasons why you want to lose weight : because I've put on 14lbs since last Sept and was only 7lbs away from goal at that time
    Reasons why you don't want to stay the weight you are now : Feel uncomfortable, out of control. Wanna feel great in a bikini this summer!
  • Chelkb
    Chelkb Posts: 65 Member
    Name : Michele
    Age : 39
    Height : 5 '5
    Your current weight ; 148
    Your goal weight : 130-132

    I had surgery last year and put on some weight. I am struggling a bit. I am physically active. My problem: I like food. I need to curb a few things ~ like my love of wine and children's cereal. One day at a time I guess :)
  • tayloryay
    tayloryay Posts: 378 Member
    Name: Taylor
    Age: 26
    Height" 5'5"
    Your current weight: 131
    Your goal weight: ~120
    Reasons why you want to lose weight: I let myself get a little too comfortable (got up to 152+) and was terribly unhappy with my body and had some health problems, and I don't want to let it happen again! I'd love to be able to wear all the cute clothes that I love and not be miserable!
    Reasons why you don't want to stay the weight you are now: Not at all happy with the way I look! Not having many health issues anymore due to my weight but I still want to work on my appearance some.
  • aecopelin
    Name : Amy
    Age :30..GASP!
    Height : 5' 4"
    Your current weight ; 180
    Your goal weight : 160
    Reasons why you want to lose weight : I was almost at my GW in June for my sisters wedding and then my brother got sick and my mother in law took her own life so the holidays was unkind to me. :-(
    Reasons why you don't want to stay the weight you are now : Because I have lost some of my self confidence and feelings of self worth! I wnat to be more positive for my husband and my sons. :-)
  • jesslillyb6
    jesslillyb6 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi my name is Jessica!
    Height: 5'6

    I want to lose this weight because it is mostly around my stomach are, love handles, muffin top, and also my "wings" hahah.
    I tear up every time I look at my stomach and I hate how it looks. I have never felt comfortable at the beach unless I'm with my
    Supportive boyfriend haha. But my goal is to attempt to obtain a somewhat fit stomach and look and feel great at the beach! Aswell
    As look good in crop tops, and tighter shirts. I also hope to lose a little bit of my boobs because there are D's currently and give me such back pain!
    I can't wait to see everyone's progress
  • Reagan89
    Reagan89 Posts: 40 Member
    Hi my names Reagan
    Age: 24
    Starting weight: MFP 147lbs When I first stated my diet 158lbs
    Current weight: 134lbs
    Goal weight: 126lbs
    My height: 5'4 inches
    I want to lose the weight I've gained in the past stressful 6 months I also am going aboard for the first time ever in October.
  • auteurfille22
    auteurfille22 Posts: 251 Member
    Name: Priyanka
    Age: 18
    Starting Weight: 159 lbs
    Current Weight: 142.5 lbs
    Goal Weight: 125 lbs
    Height: 5'5"

    Reasons why you want to lose weight: I guess right now it's mostly for vanity's sake. I'm young enough that health issues aren't really of any concern, so it's all about how I look really. And setting myself up to live healthy throughout my life when it becomes more and more important! I want to rock a bikini! I weighed about 144 last summer (I've sort of fallen off course these last few months) and wore one for the first time in years, and this year I want to wear one and be super proud in it. Last year, there were days when I decided not to go to the pool because I didn't want to wear the bikini in front of people because I felt really bloated. This year, I want to weigh little enough that even when I've eaten a lot, I still feel comfortable with my body! And of course, thinner thighs so my legs look better in shorts would be amazing too!

    Reasons why you don't want to stay the weight you are now: I feel so un-confident in my body, especially when I'm at the pool or beach around other gorgeous girls. I want to be proud of how I look and be proud of how hard I worked to get there. I'm starting college in the fall and I want to be proud there too. Right now, I'm ashamed of how I look. That needs to change.
  • deathdisko
    deathdisko Posts: 2 Member
    148 lbs
    125 lbs

    Reasons why you want to lose weight:
    To feel more comfortable in my own body, confident enough to wear a swim suit and to be able to dress in more styles of clothes. I feel like I'm always trying to cover up.

    Reasons why you don't want to stay the weight you are now:
    In my early twenties I was at 120-125 lbs. I gained weight through stress eating and not being as active. I found myself eating more than I should have been purely because my brain was so focused on how miserable I was that I would just keep stuffing food in even after I was full (had a stressful job at the time). Now I'm in a happier time in my life and feel I have the ability to take on the challenge of losing weight.
  • mekkzy888
    mekkzy888 Posts: 100 Member
    Between 133-138lbs (I'm getting a new scale! >.<)
    I'm fed up of being unhealthy, always being "the chubby one" in any group of people my age and feeling self-conscious about my appearance wherever I go.
    I'm happy with my progress so far as I'm finally within the "healthy" BMI range but there are still problem areas of my body that I hate and make me want to hide away, like my thighs and back!
  • sarahlmm
    sarahlmm Posts: 5 Member
    9st 6 (132lbs)
    I was at my goal weight in september, but have gained almost a stone over the winter. I also used to be quite fit and active but have stopped since it got cold, hence the weight gain. Mostly I want to get my fitness back, loosing the weight is just an added bonus to doing that
  • RamonaMoon
    RamonaMoon Posts: 321 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Jenny's the name. 32 years of age (well I will be next Wednesday!)

    Height: 5'5.

    SW: 179.5
    CW: 162.7
    GW: !40 (and I will see how I feel then!)

    Like many people on this site I have always struggled with weight issues. I like food, especially the bad food! I have really enjoyed teaching myself about healthier options over the last year. When I turned thirty I figured it was time to loose some weight. Heart disease and diabetes are rampant in my family and I figure that loosing weight is a good way to try to combat this!

    And of course I want to look good...... :-)

    Really looking forward to getting stuck in with this group and really try to loose the last twenty pounds before/ during this summer. God luck everyone!
  • erikaevans93
    Name: Erika
    Age: 20
    Height: 5'5"
    Your current weight: 160
    Your goal weight: 140
    Reasons why you want to lose weight: To be healthier overall, feel better inside and out. I want to set myself up for a healthier lifestyle that I can stick to. I need to learn the good habits while young.
    Reasons why you don't want to stay the weight you are now: I used to be fit in highschool (4 yrs ago) but have since completely let myself go. I never had good eating habits because I never had to then! I got up to 185ish lbs and one day decided that that was not okay. I have slowly lost weight over about a year and a half. Now Im just trying to get down to a normal BMI.
  • realalize
    realalize Posts: 67 Member
    Name A.
    Age 31 :noway:
    Height 5' 5.5"
    Your current weight: around 75 kilos (167 lbs) Am having issues with my scale though.
    Your goal weight: 63-65 (around 140)
    Reasons why you want to lose weight/Reasons why you don't want to stay the weight you are now: Was a fat kid & teen. I successfully lost 90 pounds and maintained +/-130 for about ten years. The last 4 years I have struggled with maintaining my regular exercise routine and with depression. I've gained 30 pounds (10 in the last year) and am really unhappy and uncomfortable with myself. My clothes don't fit. I'm unemployed which has been tough and is a strain on my sense of self-worth...the weight contributes to lowering my self-esteem. I don't want to be as small as I used to be, but am putting my health first (physical and mental). Yeah, turning 31 doesn't help the ol' metabolism much... I want to feel more confident and enjoy my thirties and not waste them criticizing myself.