Gaining Weight???

I just joined MFP today to try to find some community after my VSG and some tools to help with my progress. I still don't know how to friend people or anything like that but I do need some help!

I had my VSG on 12/20/13. I have lost a total of 42 pounds, 36 since surgery day. I haven't lost a single pound in the last week and today I actually went UP!!!!! Has anyone else had that problem?

I went to my PCP this week for some med refills and I was really dehydrated so he had me drink some G2 for the electrolytes. I no longer feel dehydrated but I'm gaining wait. I'm hoping it's just because of the fluid and I need to be thankful for what I've lost but I can't help but feel a little panicked because it seems like I'm stalling out.

Did anyone else have these problems?


  • BoysMommaX4
    BoysMommaX4 Posts: 41 Member
    Yes!! I just hit my first stall this week. (I was sleeved 11/12/13). i weigh in on Tuesdays and I was up 0.3 lbs. When I got In the scale Wednesday and it was a loss again! The past two weeks I have been trying to up my fluids and actually take my vitamins and I think that my body just needed time to adjust. Stalls are just part of the process. It stinks when you are going through them but if you are following your doctor's and registered dietician's orders then the weight will come off. I was in melt-down mode last week so I know. MFP is great for those moments and for victories too. Joining was a great step! We should never feel alone when we are active here :wink: . Good Luck!!
  • grim_traveller
    grim_traveller Posts: 627 Member
    There is a phenomenon called the three week stall, and everyone goes through it. It doesn't happen at exactly three weeks, it's just a catchy name.

    There will be other stalls along the way. Follow your program, track your calories and protein, and you will start losing again.

    You MUST stay hydrated. There is no excuse whatsoever not to drink enough. If you don't feel like it, or if it's a little uncomfortable, put on your big girl pants and do it anyway. Among the many bad things that will happen is you will retain fluid, and the scale will go up. Drinking more often will make you NOT retain fluid.

    You can do this.
  • bikrchk
    bikrchk Posts: 516 Member
    As my blood pressure returned to normal and I gave up prescription meds, I gained a few lbs, (one of the the BP pills was a water pill). I know that as my diet returns to a "new normal", I'm getting more sodium than I was immediately post op too. Our bodies are adjusting to a major upset. It's going to have its ups and downs. Hang in there.
  • clhensley75
    Thanks everyone! I'm so glad I joined here. I can turn down the panic a little now. :)
  • shoppinglady1972
    shoppinglady1972 Posts: 72 Member
    No need to panic! Just be sure to follow your diet (per your Dr.'s instruction) and you will succeed!!
    I was sleeved 12/30/2013 - lost 18 lb my first week and NOTHING for the next 10 days.:grumble: After that started dropping again! It'll happen!!! (no worries!) :happy:
  • Rachel96
    Rachel96 Posts: 4 Member
    Options'll be alright, you've just hit a stalling point...I hit several..I'm 5 yrs out from having the sleeve, just remember to eat your protein first and then the other stuff....I lost 100 lbs my first're doing great, keep up the good work and stay positive it'll happen!

    If you need anything let me know,
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Protein , water. Your body shuts down if you get dehydrated. You quit losing wt and feel like crap. You've had great wt loss and your body is just resetting to the new normal. You also aren't carrying 36 extra lbs with every step. You need that extra water to process the fat. Your wt loss will not be as rapid but it will be steady. Mentally it is hard to lose 30# in 1 month and then 10# the next. I have 50 lbs to normal BMI. I have been warned that it will take MUCH longer than the 1st 54#. But it is cool. If it takes all year to get to maintenance I am fine with that.
  • specialemy
    specialemy Posts: 141 Member
    I do find myself gaining a pound or two if I do not drink in all my fluids. I'm almost two years out coming this March so I definitely know the frustration of that.