February Whole30



  • I just finished the January Whole30 as well..............and still going strong. Well, my version of Whole30 anyway. Would love to have some friends and mutual motivators along the way. Please feel free to add me. I am 52 year old that started out January 1st at 233 and am now 206 ................can't wait to be in wonderland! And I never want to see the number 2 in front of my weight again as long as I live!
  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
    So far, I'm still going strong and finally rid of the headache and nausea feeling. My hubby also decided to jump on the bandwagon so my household is completely Paleo! But he did mention after the 30 days, he'll add back his goat cheese, other than that, no other dairy. I do feel better and by BG numbers have significantly improved. I can't wait to weigh in cause I feel lighter and more energetic.
  • ascrit
    ascrit Posts: 770 Member
    So far, I'm still going strong and finally rid of the headache and nausea feeling. My hubby also decided to jump on the bandwagon so my household is completely Paleo! But he did mention after the 30 days, he'll add back his goat cheese, other than that, no other dairy. I do feel better and by BG numbers have significantly improved. I can't wait to weigh in cause I feel lighter and more energetic.

    Way to go! Keep it up!
  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
    Thanks ascrit, I have another successful day under my belt!

    PrimalFemale, congrats on your progress, that's awesome!
  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
    Hi peeps,
    question, do any of you eat fruit and if so, what types do you eat?
  • Lizzard_77
    Lizzard_77 Posts: 232 Member
    I rarely eat fruit as it does tend to push veggies off my plate. Occasionally I will have a banana after a workout or an apple with breakfast. When not Whole30ing I do include berries and the occasional grapefruit. Fruit is tasty but it can kick up sugar cravings and veggies are far more nutrient dense so I don't see much use fro fruit other than an occasional indulgence.
  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
    I rarely eat fruit as it does tend to push veggies off my plate. Occasionally I will have a banana after a workout or an apple with breakfast. When not Whole30ing I do include berries and the occasional grapefruit. Fruit is tasty but it can kick up sugar cravings and veggies are far more nutrient dense so I don't see much use fro fruit other than an occasional indulgence.

    I thought of adding some berries, which I don't imagine will have much of an impact on my BG levels and it would be a nice addition. I'm picky about veggies, so I have to blend them into a drink (kale, spinach, celery, Swiss chard, cilantro, dandelion, & parsley) to get in my daily dose. My hub does eat some Whole30 recommended fruit, such as apricots, cantaloupe, and cherries, which hasn't had a negative impact on him. So I eat my protein, drink my veg, get some fat in, and try not to get too caught up on what I can't eat and focus on what I can, it has and continues to be a learning experience.
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    I probably eat too much fruit, I love pineapple and bananas. I also enjoy an apple on my way home from work. I know it puts my sugar over most days but it's the one habit I am finding difficult to kick. I eat lots of veggies too as you can see by my diary but I adore fruit.
  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
    I probably eat too much fruit, I love pineapple and bananas. I also enjoy an apple on my way home from work. I know it puts my sugar over most days but it's the one habit I am finding difficult to kick. I eat lots of veggies too as you can see by my diary but I adore fruit.

    Joy, at least you are balancing your fruit and veg, I wish that I can indulge in high glycemic fruit, but I had to come to the realization that it won't do my body good. I'll just have to live vicariously through my hubby.
  • shuki_cotren
    shuki_cotren Posts: 328 Member
    I do about a max of 2 servings of fruit a day and get lots of veggies. I don't like feeling guilty for having fruit, but I know when I eat them I could be eating nutrient packed veggies that don't give me that "crazy-sugar-addict-satisfaction".

    Today I had st cruz unsweetened organic applesauce at the end of my breakfast, and blueberries after my salad during lunch. So far I've resisted the temptation to have snacks between meals or in the evening- yay!!! *EDIT- I actually didn't firmly stop snacking until a few days into the Feb. whole30.

    My whole30 is still kicking- I don't feel like there will be any issue with me getting through the whole30 days. If I do, it will be my first successful whole30.
  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
    So I went off plan a little this past weekend. For those who do go off plan, do you tend to just pick up where you left off (which I did), or do you start it off from the beginning?
  • cedes100
    cedes100 Posts: 8 Member
    Oh I' m so glad I found this board. I started the whole30 a couple days ago but I keep slipping at night. If anyone wants to send a friend request that would be awesome. I'm trying to just keep going from where I am. I think since I keep slipping ill just add the days at the end.

    My problem is not getting enough calories I know they say not to record them, but I am diabetic and my doctor has implanted in my mind to track everything. So I find that by the end of the night I'm only up to 900-1000 calories I end up snacking on "bad food". Anyone have any good tips?
  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
    Oh I' m so glad I found this board. I started the whole30 a couple days ago but I keep slipping at night. If anyone wants to send a friend request that would be awesome. I'm trying to just keep going from where I am. I think since I keep slipping ill just add the days at the end.

    My problem is not getting enough calories I know they say not to record them, but I am diabetic and my doctor has implanted in my mind to track everything. So I find that by the end of the night I'm only up to 900-1000 calories I end up snacking on "bad food". Anyone have any good tips?

    Eating healthy fats up the cals, and puts the hunger in check, at least for me. If I add some ghee to my veggies, or cook with coconut oil, my cal count will be up there, although I try not to focus on counting so much. As diabetics, we need to make sure that we are eating often enough on top of everything else!
  • cedes100
    cedes100 Posts: 8 Member
    Okay thank you for the ideas. I need to pick up some more coconut oil. :)
  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
    The Whole30 for this month is coming to a close. I can't say that I've been 100%, yeah, I know, it defeats the purpose. However, it was very beneficial simply because I felt better, I've lost some inches, and my BG levels were in pretty good shape! A few more days to go and I will broaden my Paleo/Primal scope.