Thurs Feb 6th 2014 Check in!

Step 1: Give us a shout when you are done logging for the day (or meal if you want) or if you have questions during the day. This is where we should check in and motivate one another! Be blessed and eat healthy and clean!

Step 2: Anything that came in a package. Does it contain more than, say, 5 ingredients? Are those ingredients real food? Is there a better alternative?

Step 3: DO you notice something someone could do better, or do you have questions? Comment away!

Have an AMAZING day!


  • Byantha
    Byantha Posts: 27 Member
    Thursday's (sorry it's late))... pretty much the same as all my others...
    Shake with protein powder, frozen berries, flax seed, coconut oil, spinach, water

    morning snack
    Liberté (Canada) - 0% Plain Greek Yogurt
    Raw - Pumpkin Seeds,
    Gluten free blueberry muffin -
    Kraft - Smooth Peanut Butter Light,
    huge salad with olives and pepers, egg
    Mary's - Organic Crackers - 4

    afternoon snack
    Generic - Raw Veges, 1 cup
    Summer Fresh - Hummus, 2 tbsp (30 g)
    Blue Diamond - Almonds - Raw, 28 nuts

    chicken skillet dinner-chicken, mushrooms, tomatoes, peppers
    after dinner
    Orville Redenbacher's Gourmet Popping Corn Buttery Flavour Mini Bag -