calorie goals

icha3x Posts: 54 Member
hey ladies. am feeling a little stupid about calorie goals. I seem to be good at maintaining but suck at losing.
short version of my question: if you reach your goals and then exercise them back off why on earth would you want to eat more? why does this site tell me i am under my goal? Don't i want to exercise them off to lose weight/fat?


  • stephaniefiteni
    stephaniefiteni Posts: 48 Member
    1. This website is generic. So do your own research, and go by that. Ideally though, you should be consuming more than 1000 calories per day. If your eating less than this, make sure it does not last for more than 3 days. Yes you do want to be somewhat in a deficit/exercise to loose more 'weight' but after a while your body will reach a plateu and it will be VERY hard to loose that stubborn fat. I suggest to consume the calories you are on a maintenance with, and slowly drop carbs BUT add in fat/protein instead so that the caloric lvl is still the same. Keep in mind also, that if you are doing high levels of cardio as your exercise, eat more carbs. This might sound strange at first but eventually you will realize that low calories/high cardio will only get you so far.

    I know this through my own experiences. Also research carb refeeds which help too. Alongside with metabolism boosters found from wholesome foods such as lemon and chili - you can add to your meals every now and then.

    If this is confusing - do extra research on it. It is complicated to grasp at first.