October 2014 BABY!

athenalove46 Posts: 182 Member
Hey ladies! I've been a part of the group for a while...not posting, but knowing that I'd be pregnant soon. Well, I got my BFP last Friday! Due date is October 6. I started a new phase of my lifting program so I'm back to 4 day splits. I plan on keeping it up as I get further along...obviously listening to my body. :)

Planning a homebirth and meeting with midwives this week. :)

Anyone else?


  • MadBabysMama
    MadBabysMama Posts: 373 Member
    Congrats very exciting!
  • So excited for you!!!
  • AppleGrapeMSTK
    AppleGrapeMSTK Posts: 16 Member
    October 15th, for me! I was working with a reproductive endocrinologist to get pregnant, but I actually got pregnant on my own this cycle, so I'll have to wait until I here from her to know if I should move on to a OB or stick with the RE for a bit. I attribute getting pregnant to getting more active and watching what I eat. That 15lb weight loss MUST have helped because I have been trying to get pregnant for 20 months now.

    I bumped my calories to maintenance, and I'll keep walking 30 minutes a day until a doctor tells me otherwise.
  • JCHH88
    JCHH88 Posts: 37 Member
    Congrats ladies!
    October 7th for me, I only found out on Sunday and have a doctors appointment tomorrow :) I have lost 40kgs over the last 18months and am going to need to keep using MFP to make sure I don't eat more than I need to.
    I wont be adjusting my calories on here until I speak to the doctor ...
    I'm so nervous and excited. This will be my first pregnancy.
  • Leebett
    Leebett Posts: 238 Member
    I'm due October 3rd! After losing 65lbs in 7 months. My RE told me not to lose anymore weight. I still have a long way to go until goal, but it's not about me! I have successfully managed to maintain the past 2 weeks with 1-3lbs of weight fluctuation. I'm happy with that. Starting back with yoga tomorrow! We have been trying for 3 years and I was right, it was all about my weight.

    Fingers crossed ladies!
  • JCHH88
    JCHH88 Posts: 37 Member
    Hey everyone,

    Jus wondering if anyone has any symptoms yet? I had sore boobs but I woke up today and felt normal ... I'm so scared of miscarriage and having that one symptom was reassuring. Especially because I don't get my first scan until 12 weeks. How does everyone else feel? How do you ignore the worry?
  • amandatapar
    amandatapar Posts: 246 Member

    I am due either October 8th or 10th. So not very far behind you. This is number 5 for me. Just hoping to have a healthy pregnancy.
  • amandatapar
    amandatapar Posts: 246 Member
    Really no symptoms yet except for being tired and peeing more.

    I'm still trying to find a doctor. So not sure when I will get in.
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    Congrats! I had my first baby in Oct 2012 :)
  • katey_my_lady
    katey_my_lady Posts: 81 Member
    Just got my BFP on Friday. I'm due October 20th. Setting up a tour at the birthing center and then will schedule my first prenatal appt. My husband and I are over the moon!
  • athenalove46
    athenalove46 Posts: 182 Member
    Congrats to you ladies! This is going to be a fun journey. I have never kept up with diet/exercise during any of my pregnancies. I'm curious as to how it'll help the whole pregnancy and labor and bouncing back after.

    I'm *trying* to keep my calories at maintenance, but the past few days have made it difficult. I never got morning sickness with ANY of my other 4 pregnancies. I always got the extreme hunger! Well, I'm thinking this pregnancy is going to be completely different cause I almost puked in the sink this morning while making breakfast. And I couldn't even stomach what I made. Ha! Not so good. I've been making good choices focusing on protein when I can, but man, I can't wait until I can get back to a normalish feeling when it comes to food!

    As far as that goes, my bbs are a little sore, but nothing like I've experienced in other pregnancies, and I have to go to bed about 8 at night, but so far not falling asleep standing. I'm 6 weeks today too. :)
  • JCHH88
    JCHH88 Posts: 37 Member
    6 weeks today :) ... still have to wait until the 19th to get my blood test results back and get a referral for a midwife consult. Another 6 weeks until I get a scan, to check for the heartbeat and abnormalities, it is going to take forever.
  • Hey! I'm due October 10th. Last time I was pregnant, I started out 30 pounds lighter than I am now. So I would like to work to maintain my weight, which obviously means losing in the beginning. I don't have morning sickness so it's not just going to happen naturally. (I didn't have any morning sickness in my 1st pregnancy either).
  • fludderbye
    fludderbye Posts: 457 Member
    Congrats all- I am due the 12th- # 5 for us all girls so far- maybe a boy this time ?
  • I'm hoping for a girl! My first was a boy. :)
  • Well, he still is a boy. LOL
  • fludderbye
    fludderbye Posts: 457 Member
    SO how are we all feeling today ??

    are you still working out??
    What are you changing ??

    still working out myself- i am not going to PUSH as hard and listen to my body & continue to track my food trying to eat healthy
  • katey_my_lady
    katey_my_lady Posts: 81 Member
    I'm feeling good! I'm only in my fifth week though. I find I get slightly more winded and tired when I work out, so I've just been listening to my body but not changing much else. Aiming for 30-45 minutes of exercise 5/days a week, plus a long walk on the weekend.
  • amandatapar
    amandatapar Posts: 246 Member
    My first appointment is February 25th at 7:30 a.m. I had to switch hospitals due to different insurance so I am back with the same doctor that delivered my first child. I have my nurses visit, lab work, ultrasound, and then the visit with the doctor. All in one day. Might be about a 3 hour appointment. I will be almost 8 weeks along. I picked up some prenatal vitamins as well a few days ago. I had been using the normal multi vitamins we had here but I needed to switch.
  • jmcreynolds91
    jmcreynolds91 Posts: 777 Member
    Hi everyone! Due October 15th! Anyone can add me, as I would like to have some pregnant friends who r healthy!
  • jmcreynolds91
    jmcreynolds91 Posts: 777 Member
    Hey everyone,

    Jus wondering if anyone has any symptoms yet? I had sore boobs but I woke up today and felt normal ... I'm so scared of miscarriage and having that one symptom was reassuring. Especially because I don't get my first scan until 12 weeks. How does everyone else feel? How do you ignore the worry?

    Hi I am due Oct 15 and I am not having very many symptoms so far. With my last pregnancy(2nd pregnancy) I was very sick starting early on and had a lot of pregnancy signs. This time, I am about 5 1/2 weeks along and have so far only had a little sourness in my boobs, and the constipation has started. Other than that, no morning sickness or nausea. I actually have a huge appetite which is not so good starting so early on. haha Hoping that everything is okay. My appt is on March 10th so I am excited to see how it goes!
  • fludderbye
    fludderbye Posts: 457 Member
    yesterday i felt like crap- today not so bad so i got my work out in before the nausea rears its ugly head again

    i just get soo tired sooo much quicker and easier now-

    is it just me ??
  • athenalove46
    athenalove46 Posts: 182 Member
    7 weeks already. It's finally feeling real....if I can make it to 8 weeks I can finally relax. It sucks when you've had a loss before....early pregnancy is never the same! Still no real symptoms except for the not able to eat part. I actually had to go and buy another test to make sure I'm still pregnant. This is SO not like my other 4 pregnancies!!! lol My first appointment with my midwife isn't until March 10, so I have 3 more weeks to wait.

    I haven't kept up with working out the past few weeks. Since I haven't really been able to eat enough, I know I wouldn't be able to do very well so I've just been listening to my body and taking a little break. With that said, soon here I'm going to start going back in and I'm going to do Stronglifts 5x5 twice a week with Wednesday being my "cardio" day. I despise cardio, but I think I'd burn myself out if I kept up with my 4 day split lifting schedule. I'm almost done with my Nia Shanks "Train To Be Awesome" program, but I think I'll have to wait and finish it at another time.
  • mybestself604
    mybestself604 Posts: 5 Member
    I am due October 19th with my first baby! I am also looking at working with a midwife and I am really looking to find healthy ways to improve my commitment to wellness and fitness during this next phase of life! I have been having weird cramps and I am working out seems to bring them on... have you experienced something similar? I have no clue what is normal at this point but any work out tips or ways to prep for labor are totally welcome!
  • mrsomeara
    mrsomeara Posts: 67 Member
    Yay for October babies!! My EDD (per my calculations based on when I ovulated ) is 10/28. This is my 2nd baby. I worked out my entire 1st pregnancy up until 37 weeks and I only stopped because I was really sick. I did the elliptical, swam, walked and I also did Summer Sander's prenatal workout video. I exercised at least 5 days a week and also walked on my lunch breaks to get in some more movement. I gained 33 lbs and it took me over a year to do it!

    Anyway, I plan on continuing to use MFP to keep an eye on my food intake and to log my exercise. I'd love some preggo friends on here. If you'd like please add me. FYI - I am waiting awhile before going totally "public" :-)

    I hope you ladies are all feeling great!
  • fludderbye
    fludderbye Posts: 457 Member
    i am waiting as well to go public-

    i always wait till 2nd trimester

    * as far as your cramps you are feeling- is there any particular exercise that brings them on-

    i find certain ones i just dont do because i just dont feel comfy doing them- listen to your body !!

    *feel free to friend me
  • moniqueurban
    moniqueurban Posts: 1 Member
    October 3rd for me!! This is baby #2. I've lost 60 lbs since baby #1 3 years ago...I'd like to keep things under control this time around!
  • amandatapar
    amandatapar Posts: 246 Member
    After my first ultrasound my due date was moved to October 20th.
  • JennypegMarie
    JennypegMarie Posts: 133 Member
    Hi guys I'm due 13th Oct 2014. Very excited Any others due around this time? :)
  • rottenaugratin
    rottenaugratin Posts: 4 Member
    Due October 16th with my first! So excited. So far, so good (knock on wood). I didn't have any morning sickness to speak of, just so so tired. But almost to the second trimester... energy is supposed to pick up then, right?