Talking Dead: Team Rick



  • christopherphillips1983
    I like the Beretta 9mm, it's actually what I used in the military.

    I made it through 19 minutes on the elliptical machine and then it shut off on me. I promptly flipped it off with both hands and then ragequit. I'll do more later, but I only had 25 minutes queued anyway so it was no major loss. Normally I do 60 minutes on 8-10 resistance; this time I was going for a shorter time but started it at resistance 12. Unfortunately, that led to me slowing down too far and the machine thinking I was done!
  • aprilyankee
    aprilyankee Posts: 345 Member
    Since two of you have already asked me about logging strength training times with MFP (since there's no "time" entry for it where you enter your set and rep information), I'm just going to paste my response here in case anyone else was wondering the same thing but didn't want to ask me.

    While there is a separate section for Strength Training in the Exercise section, that's just for you to record your sets, reps, etc. You can log the amount of time by going to enter a new Cardio exercise and then picking "Strength Training" from the list. This lets you enter a time and will also give you a rough estimate of your calories burnt, which you can use unless you have a more accurate system (in which case just delete the calories and enter your own total).

    The only downside to this is that since it's technically under the Cardio section, it'll count that time as part of your Cardio total for the day. For example, in my log for yesterday, I spent forty minutes doing cardio and thirty lifting weights, but it says I did 70 minutes of cardio. For the Walking Dead competition numbers, feel free to record it somewhere else in more detail (I just have a Notepad file on my computer desktop called "strengthtraining.txt" where I keep all of my records) and send me that at the end of the week. I know that the MFP tracker has some limitations, so if the numbers you give me and the numbers on your daily logs don't add up, I'm going to assume that yours are accurate.

    Good idea with the punching bag. I might try it if I could figure out how to mount it.

    Mine is about as jury-rigged as they come; I have the bag sitting in an office chair, on top of a box so it's the appropriate height, with the seabag straps and one of my old belts going around the bag and the back of the chair so it can't fall off. It's the most haphazard-looking contraption I've ever seen, but it works well enough to practice with.

    I was thinking about trying to rig an old duffle bag to a hanging plant bracket. Two issues though, I'm not sure if it will support the weight, and it is close to the wall. But I thought I could stand next to the wall and use it that way and fill the bag with a comforter so it wouldn't be so heavy. That'll be a fun weekend project!
  • aprilyankee
    aprilyankee Posts: 345 Member
    Hi team! Yesterday I walked to/from work (nothing out of the ordinary for me), did Jillian Michaels' cardio kickboxing and a few minutes of indoor biking. On another, non-fitness but totally walking dead related note, I went to a shooting range on Sunday and tried out a gun for the first time. It was looouuud!! But lots of fun. Today I'm going to do some P90x after walking home from work, and I'll be thinking of my teammates if/when I feel like quitting to keep me going!! Happy Tuesday.

    Indoor shooting ranges are loud, especially when there are a lot of shooters, some of who were probably playing with a larger toy. I agree with Chris, double up on hearing protection. Hearing is one of those things you need to safe guard. Once damaged, it is lost, hearing never heals. The 9mm Beretta is an awesome pistol, used by the US military. I have one among others... We'll just say I am prepared for the apocalypse.
  • christopherphillips1983
    I was thinking about trying to rig an old duffle bag to a hanging plant bracket. Two issues though, I'm not sure if it will support the weight, and it is close to the wall. But I thought I could stand next to the wall and use it that way and fill the bag with a comforter so it wouldn't be so heavy. That'll be a fun weekend project!

    The bracket itself should be fine, but it'll depend on what it's mounted to. If you've got a beam in the ceiling, that'd probably work. A typical punching bag is usually between 70-100 pounds, but my homemade one is only like 40 right now, and that's packed to the brim with old clothes.
    I have one among others... We'll just say I am prepared for the apocalypse.

    Do we get bonus points for the team if we have enough firearms to actually equip the whole team in case of a real zombie attack?
  • aprilyankee
    aprilyankee Posts: 345 Member
    I was thinking about trying to rig an old duffle bag to a hanging plant bracket. Two issues though, I'm not sure if it will support the weight, and it is close to the wall. But I thought I could stand next to the wall and use it that way and fill the bag with a comforter so it wouldn't be so heavy. That'll be a fun weekend project!

    The bracket itself should be fine, but it'll depend on what it's mounted to. If you've got a beam in the ceiling, that'd probably work. A typical punching bag is usually between 70-100 pounds, but my homemade one is only like 40 right now, and that's packed to the brim with old clothes.
    I have one among others... We'll just say I am prepared for the apocalypse.

    Do we get bonus points for the team if we have enough firearms to actually equip the whole team in case of a real zombie attack?

    I think we definately should get bonus points for being weapon ready. Being fit will only get you so far...
  • mcflat29
    mcflat29 Posts: 2,159 Member
    Hi, Polite Zombie here.. I'm part of the flesh eating horde... but I'm a bit apart. I'm educated and I'm just here to cheer everyone on by sharing happy/funny/inspirational good times...

  • christopherphillips1983
    Just as a quick status update, I have not yet heard anything at all from two of our people, another has deactivated her account, and a fourth dropped from the competition. I'll send messages to our two current ghosts after this, but if I don't hear anything at all by the time I have to put everyone's numbers in (which is tomorrow), I'm going to assume they have dropped from the competition and didn't tell me. Including Cindy, this will take us down to a team of five, so each person's efforts will affect our averaged team score more than it would if we were our original team of nine.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Just as a quick status update, I have not yet heard anything at all from two of our people, another has deactivated her account, and a fourth dropped from the competition. I'll send messages to our two current ghosts after this, but if I don't hear anything at all by the time I have to put everyone's numbers in (which is tomorrow), I'm going to assume they have dropped from the competition and didn't tell me. Including Cindy, this will take us down to a team of five, so each person's efforts will affect our averaged team score more than it would if we were our original team of nine.
    Yeah, don't count anyone who doesn't respond to you by midnight. If they want back in later, they can join the horde.
  • christopherphillips1983
    I just sent "last call" messages to our mystery members. One of them at least is still active on the site, so all is not last, but the other also hasn't responded to any team friend requests or read my original PM; I assume she'll be leaving us tomorrow.

    And on that note, it's time to go attack my elliptical machine for an hour or so.
  • drsusana
    drsusana Posts: 37 Member
    Am I still in? I don't want to join a horde!!!
  • christopherphillips1983
    I mentioned in PMs to a couple of people this morning that I'm on the west coast and also don't usually go to bed until like 3 AM; so long as I have your weekly check-ins before I go to bed on Saturday, that's fine with me. That way I have Sunday to put it all together before the show. I already have the weekly numbers from half our team, and so far we're looking good!

    I've also updated the team member list; we are officially down to 5 now, including myself. Our remaining team consists of me, Cindyinpg, drsusana, aprilyankee, and colibri23.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    I figured I would post my goals here before sending them on. Keeps me accountable. :wink: In the next 9 weeks, I would like to lose about 5-9lbs. I am 3lbs away from 100lbs lost n MFP, 130 in total. I also want to get in the cardio and strength goals set within this challenge and stay at my calorie goals. In the 4th Early bird challenge, I talked about everyone doing a Fitspo at the end of the challenge and posting it, so I'm looking forward to doung that at the end. This week I was within my calorie goal, did 250 cardio minutes and 90 strength training.
  • christopherphillips1983
    I now have everyone's first weekly check-in, and everyone was at least within the minimums. Good start, guys!

    Edit: And in case anyone's curious, yes, I'm within mine too. Currently at exactly 240 minutes on cardio (actually about 100 less than last week; harder to do cardio when there's a foot of snow outside), over an hour on the punching bag for the combat sports, and 470 minutes of strength training. I'll get in more of all three tonight as well.

    Also, since I don't send PMs to anyone with mine, I'll post my goals here as well.

    1. I will hit 1400 calories burned on the elliptical machine. When I first started using it, I was lucky to get 400 in 30 minutes. After a couple of weeks, I was pushing 1100 in 60 minutes. Last week, I pushed extremely hard and got it to just over 1300 (I think like 1327). That's 60 minutes at 10-12 resistance, pushing as hard as I can, fast. I don't think it's unreasonable to break 1400 in 60 minutes by the end of the challenge.

    2. I will hit an even 220 pounds. I was 240 when I started seriously working out and changing my eating habits; I'm currently 228. I'm 6'2" and not completely scrawny, so I think 220 is a fair goal for the end of a 9 week challenge.

    3. I will double my current total strength training regimen. I don't care whether it's a double in the amount of sets and reps that I do, a 100% increase in the weight I'm lifting, or a mix of both, but I'm currently just doing 25 pound dumbbell presses (although a lot of them) so I think that's perfectly achievable in this time frame.

    I also intend to not break my weekly calorie total during this challenge, but that's not tied to any specific goal. Just more of an overall thing. I've only been using this site for 15 days now, but I have yet to break my limit for a day and I don't intend to start now.
  • aprilyankee
    aprilyankee Posts: 345 Member
    I can't believe so many have dropped out already! Oh well, we don't want any quitters on our team anyway. Us remaining will just have to kick butt. Go Team Rick!
  • christopherphillips1983
    Just FYI, our team's average this week was 270 minutes of cardio and 186 minutes of strength training, and everyone met their individual goals/limits as well.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Just FYI, our team's average this week was 270 minutes of cardio and 186 minutes of strength training, and everyone met their individual goals/limits as well.
    Those are excellent numbers! Wow.
  • christopherphillips1983
    Carl totally stole our only kill. I demand half credit for that one that Rick hit in the head with an axe!
  • drsusana
    drsusana Posts: 37 Member
    So is this week's challenge the same as last?
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    So is this week's challenge the same as last?
    The cardio will be up ten minutes, strength and food the same. Mika and Lizzie have to decide on punishment exercises yet, and your captain will add a show inspired challenge or task.
  • aprilyankee
    aprilyankee Posts: 345 Member
    Carl totally stole our only kill. I demand half credit for that one that Rick hit in the head with an axe!

    I'm with you, Carl totally stole Rick's kill. Kids, wasteful, never listen to reason. Hopefully Ricks gets himself into a better frame of mind and gets his butt into gear.