Week 6 weigh in

Good morning everyone, from a much happier and more settled me! Firstly, I finally had my new fridge and washing machine delivered on Friday! I have filled the fridge with fresh fruit, veggies, and wonderful organic, grass fed meats, and used to washing machine to get my massive backlog of clothes cleaned and am feeling much more positive about life in general. Also, I finally had my bed frame delivered, so I'm finally up off the ground at night - much happier lungs about that! Now, just waiting for payday to buy a router so I have proper internet access and telephone, and I'm done! Thank Goodness!

Did have a couple of set backs this week, and didn't get to the gym as much as I would have liked (3 nights where I was out until after 9.30 - whoops!) I also started at my new job on Monday - I am awed by the difference between the two schools! I am so excited and energetic every day. Makes such a difference to my teaching style, and ability to stay on track! :smile:

Now, onto the facts and figures.

SW: 125.0kg (275.6lb)
LWW: 122.0kg (269lb)
CW: 120.5kg (265.7lb)
This weeks loss: -1.5kg (-3.3lb)
Overall loss: - 4.5kg (-9.9lb)

Exercise: 130 mins (average = 18.5 mins/day) + 10,000 steps 5 days a week.
Water intake: 6.5 glasses. Much easier to get it done at school - less easy on weekends :ohwell:

Looking forward to seeing everyone's progress this week! Let's make this week a good one! :happy:

*edit* How's about I fix it so I didn't lose 103.3lbs this week?


  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Checking in:

    SW when I joined MFP: 264
    CW: 239.9 (-1.6)
    GW for the 90 days: 235
    FGW: 150 (*or* 160-170 if it's muscular/toned...I'll revisit this when I get a lot closer to goal...)
    BMI: 36.6
    BF%: 35.6%

    Goals for February:
    1. Get average water intake to 4 glasses a day.
    2. Try and add a 1 ½ mile walk to my activity daily (not just what I’m doing at breaks at work)
    3. Try to do strength training 3 days a week.

  • boulevardMto180

    SW: 125.0kg (275.6lb)
    LWW: 122.0kg (169lb)
    CW: 120.5kg (165.7lb)
    This weeks loss: -1.5kg (-3.3lb)
    Overall loss: - 4.5kg (-9.9lb)

    I'm so happy that things are starting to come together for you with your move. I need to borrow some things from your fridge because mine is empty. I definitely have to go food shopping tomorrow.

    Despite this weeks' set backs you did awesome on your loss. Congrats to you and keep up your good work!!!
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Checking in:

    SW when I joined MFP: 264
    CW: 239.9 (-1.6)
    GW for the 90 days: 235
    FGW: 150 (*or* 160-170 if it's muscular/toned...I'll revisit this when I get a lot closer to goal...)
    BMI: 36.6
    BF%: 35.6%

    Goals for February:
    1. Get average water intake to 4 glasses a day.
    2. Try and add a 1 ½ mile walk to my activity daily (not just what I’m doing at breaks at work)
    3. Try to do strength training 3 days a week.


    1. 4.86 :)
    2. Happened 2/7 so more improvement needed but it's 2 more than previous.
    3. 1 out of 3 days. I'm actually pretty sure I did at least twice but it's not logged so I can only go by that.
  • sharebear2012
    sharebear2012 Posts: 122 Member
    I have to say Cool Chik keeps me motivated with weigh ins every week! Cool chik you are doing so well and so are the others who have posted. I am glad this is a 90 day challenge because it is clear I am going to need the 90 days to make much progress. I had a lot of work travel the last 3 weeks and although I have been careful most days I did not lose while away.

    SW 130 pounds
    CW 125.8
    GW 118

    I only lost .4 since last weigh in on Jan 19th. I am 5'2" and I have done the big weight loss some of you are working on, previously in 2007, now up 12 pounds and I know I do not want to go up any more. I need to lose this. Seems that weight loss is slower when you are within 10 pounds of goal so I am keeping that in mind. I am inspired by this group and it keeps me going. Thanks for your support and inspiration!
  • kikalique
    kikalique Posts: 52 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    SW: 228
    CW: 217.0
    CGW: 210
    UGW: 160ish

    I lost 1.4 lbs this week (I weighed in yesterday and was an additional .4 lighter, but then hibachi happened, so yeah...)! It's been a good week for me exercise-wise. I completed my 1st week of 10k training, and it's going better than I expected! I worked out at home a few times because we got more snow (ugh) and couldn't make it to the gym safely. I've also been busting my butt on the school front. I did terribly getting more water in, so that will be a continued goal.

    This week I'm going to focus on drinking more water, continue the 10k training plan, and stay under on calories. I'm also meeting with a nutritionist on Wednesday, so I'm super excited about that.

    Hope everyone has a great week 7!
  • morzolas
    morzolas Posts: 59 Member
    SW: 203.5
    CW: 198.4
    GW: 196.4
    Loss so far: 7.1 lbs.

    I was worried this week since I didn't have hardly any time to exercise! I was busy day to day with some physical activity, and I watched my intake closely. Seems to have paid off! I was hoping I wouldn't be this exact weight, though, because (as stupid as this sounds) I get stuck on this number every. single. time. Down to the decimal, even. I have this weird mental block with it that my body loves being that number even though I don't. This is where the mental aspect of weight loss comes into play, I guess. I'll just keep my nose to the grindstone and will hopefully push past "THE NUMBER."
  • boulevardMto180
    So here goes :ohwell:

    SW: 237.4
    CW: 235 (+4.8 this week)
    LW: 230.2 - 02/02/14
    CGW: 220

    I beat myself up bad this week. I wasn't as active on the discussion boards because I felt like a failure. I struggled with the thought that I created this group and couldn't adhere to something as simple as making smart choices with food and exercise. Then I snapped out of it a couple of days ago and said to myself, "Melinda, nothing about this journey is simple. You are human. You didn't gain this weight overnight and you wont lose it overnight. So now what?"
    I'M OVER IT NOW!!! :wink:
    I learned this week that this is still the beginning stage for me. So I'm not disciplined enough to "cheat." There is no middle ground for me. It's either I allow myself to have it and binge or don't have it at all. I'm not at the point where I can just eat 1 or 2 or have 1 or 2 glasses of alcohol.
    I'm committing to getting back on track w/ working out no less than 3 days a week and no less than 30 mins on those days, drinking 64oz of water or more per day and limiting my salt intake.
    Thanks again for everyone's words of encouragement!!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • calamity71
    calamity71 Posts: 207 Member
    Boulevardmto -

    We must learn to live life, still have a life and manage our weight. It is a hard thing to juggle. Glad you are here and moving forward. You are still down from your start and I think the gain this week will come right back off. I don't lose weight easily and it is a struggle for me. I am down a mere 1.5 pounds from starting this challenge. It makes me feel like I should just give up, however, I am always glad to be down something than up. Take it one day at a time. Last week I felt crappy and didn't workout at all like I planned. I did stick to the no alcohol on week nights. I will do the same this week. No alcohol and make sure to get some exercise in even if it is just walking 20 minutes here and there.

    SW 188
    CW 186.5
  • Fodao
    Fodao Posts: 63 Member
    SW: 237.6

    LWW: 228.8
    CW: 225.6 (-3.2 this week, -12 total)

    GW: 218.6

    Still on track. There were a few contingencies this week, but nothing I couldn't deal with. One was a delicious pint of frozen yogurt on Wednesday night, but it was well worth the three days of extra exercise to pay it off! The other was a winter storm that dumped two feet of snow starting Friday. I thought it would hamper my exercise (since I'm a walker), but I ended up shoveling snow and snowshoeing to the top of a butte I live next to, and I burned 2x the calories that I do in a normal day.

    Oh, and I started a blog this week, too. Not only will it help keep me focused, but I can share little discoveries I stumble upon (such as how shoveling snow is a great utilitarian way to get exercise, and how you can eat a cubic yard of asparagus without racking up the calories!)

  • AtLeastOnceMore
    AtLeastOnceMore Posts: 304 Member
    I have to say Cool Chik keeps me motivated with weigh ins every week! Cool chik you are doing so well and so are the others who have posted. I am glad this is a 90 day challenge because it is clear I am going to need the 90 days to make much progress. I had a lot of work travel the last 3 weeks and although I have been careful most days I did not lose while away.

    SW 130 pounds
    CW 125.8
    GW 118

    I only lost .4 since last weigh in on Jan 19th. I am 5'2" and I have done the big weight loss some of you are working on, previously in 2007, now up 12 pounds and I know I do not want to go up any more. I need to lose this. Seems that weight loss is slower when you are within 10 pounds of goal so I am keeping that in mind. I am inspired by this group and it keeps me going. Thanks for your support and inspiration!

    Awww, thanks honey! Considering how grumpy I was the last few weeks, I'm very glad to hear that I'm still helping somewhat! :smile: The last few pounds are always the hardest - your body jealously guards them as 'stores in case of famine'. Could be that working on weights to convert the mass to muscle rather than lose it completely might be an option?
    "Melinda, nothing about this journey is simple. You are human. You didn't gain this weight overnight and you wont lose it overnight. So now what?"

    Absolutely, Melinda! When I get all 'blah' about my body these days I have to tell myself "It was your choices that got you here, so suck it up. Stop making those choices, make more positive choices and you'll be somewhere else soon." Hard to break a lifetime of habits.
    I thought it would hamper my exercise (since I'm a walker), but I ended up shoveling snow and snowshoeing to the top of a butte I live next to, and I burned 2x the calories that I do in a normal day.

    Yay for unexpected exercise!!! :happy:
    I am down a mere 1.5 pounds from starting this challenge. It makes me feel like I should just give up, however, I am always glad to be down something than up. Take it one day at a time.

    You hit the nail on the head, my dear Calamity. Any day you don't gain is a win. Hope you and your body can come to an agreement soon - it's being very mean holding onto that weight when you want to let it go!
    I was hoping I wouldn't be this exact weight, though, because (as stupid as this sounds) I get stuck on this number every. single. time. Down to the decimal, even. I have this weird mental block with it that my body loves being that number even though I don't. This is where the mental aspect of weight loss comes into play, I guess. I'll just keep my nose to the grindstone and will hopefully push past "THE NUMBER."

    I have a number too. I can actually feel the anxiety response to getting close to the number (which is about 1/2 way to my goal weight) if I let myself think about it. I know a lot of my weight is closely related to my anxiety/depression, and not so stellar past. I came across a saying on a message board here a while back, and it has helped me a lot, so I'm sharing it with you now.

    "It's time we truly loved ourselves and quit drowning our disappointments, irritations, and anger in the food of the moment."

    Good luck pushing past the number! We can do this!!! :happy:
  • RosieRaz
    RosieRaz Posts: 282 Member
    SW: 207.7
    LWW: 203.3
    CW: 204.0 (+0.7 lbs, -3.7 lbs total)
    GW: 190 (at end of 90 days)
    UGW: 150

    Well...I gained all the weight I lost last week. meh. I was so close to wonderland too. It's ok. I will have it be gone by next week. Definately need to watch my sodium levels after the tasty, but oh so salty thai food.
  • anitbit
    anitbit Posts: 8 Member
    SW 171

    CW 168.4
  • skittlesnhoney
    skittlesnhoney Posts: 651 Member
    SW: 183
    LW: 171.5
    CW: 171 (-.5 lb)
    CGW: 160
    UGW: 145-140

    I only had a half pound loss this last week, however, most of the week I had the dreaded cycle we women get. Hopefully will see a bigger loss this next week, but I'm happy with a 1/2 lb because I'm still moving in the downward direction. :wink:
  • JoyLaine
    JoyLaine Posts: 110 Member
    Still the same as last week but after the week I had, I'm not complaining. I didn't stress out and fill myself with bad goodies which I normally would do. Instead I'm keeping my eye on the prize: taking care of me! So, I'm going to keep chasing that 20 lb weight loss goal ~ 16 more to go!
  • jocop2003
    jocop2003 Posts: 468 Member
    SW: 149
    CW: 142
    CGW: 140
    UGW: 130
  • boulevardMto180

    Well...I gained all the weight I lost last week. meh. I was so close to wonderland too. It's ok. I will have it be gone by next week. Definately need to watch my sodium levels after the tasty, but oh so salty thai food.

    You're still close to onederland. You'll be there in no time. Salt is my problem too. There's so much of it in almost anything I eat. But you're doing great!!!
    Still the same as last week but after the week I had, I'm not complaining. I didn't stress out and fill myself with bad goodies which I normally would do. Instead I'm keeping my eye on the prize: taking care of me! So, I'm going to keep chasing that 20 lb weight loss goal ~ 16 more to go!

    Not turning to "bad goodies" is a great NSV! Hang in there my friend!


    I only had a half pound loss this last week, however, most of the week I had the dreaded cycle we women get. Hopefully will see a bigger loss this next week, but I'm happy with a 1/2 lb because I'm still moving in the downward direction. :wink:

    A loss is better than no loss and congrats on yours!! I'm so glad my cycle is finally gone. She had me feeling all types of horrible.
    SW: 149
    CW: 142
    CGW: 140
    UGW: 130

    Looks like you're going to reach your UGW by the end of the challenge. KUDOS to you!!!
  • chevellev
    chevellev Posts: 8 Member
    SW= 291 lb
    CW= 274 lb
    Last week= 276 (-2)
    CGW= 268 lb
    UGW= 150 lb

    -Need to work on Feb goals
    Feb Goals:
    1) Exercise a minimum of 3x week (cardio/strength)
    2) Drink 64oz water/daily
    3) Track food 4 x week
    4) Write in gratitude journal/daily
  • jls43
    jls43 Posts: 49 Member
    SW 152.2
    CG 145
    UG 135

    No change since my last post but actually this is good news as I bounced up a bit and then back down.

    Stopped eating almonds as a snack at work (love 'em, but was eating waaaay too many), substitited an apple and string cheese.
    Having soup for lunch this week as I have the cold going around - very congested.
  • Spambo16
    Spambo16 Posts: 223 Member
    Oops - forgot to check in this past week. :huh: Okay, I also forgot to track food, stay anywhere close to my calorie goal, and exercise most days, so I'm 'fessing up. :embarassed: It was my husband's birthday and the kids were on a retreat for the weekend, so it was a big "don't have to set a good example" couple of days. :drinker: I don't regret any of that, but DO regret that the, um, poor choice momentum carried over through yesterday. Today, though, was my reboot, so onward ho!

    SW: 162.5
    LWW: 155
    CW: 157.5
    CGW/UGW: 145

    Congrats to all who made progress, and those who tried, and CoolChick - sending you a virtual (calorie-free!) bottle of champagne to celebrate your new home and job!
  • AtLeastOnceMore
    AtLeastOnceMore Posts: 304 Member
    Congrats to all who made progress, and those who tried, and CoolChick - sending you a virtual (calorie-free!) bottle of champagne to celebrate your new home and job!

    Thank you, darling xx :flowerforyou: