New to the PCOS world!

Hello All,
My name is Liz and I have recently been diagnosed with PCOS and Insulin Resistance, and I have also just joined MyFitnessPal! I saw this group while doing some research on PCOS and dieting, and I thought that I'd give this a try! As I'm sure many of you understand this state of confusion and frustration that I am going through right now, and I really think the support of fellow PCOS women would do me some good! So I thought I would join your group and go ahead and introduce myself along with telling you all a little bit of my story! First of all I am a 20 year old college student at The Ohio State University and I am studying to get my bachelors degree in Anthropological Sciences and a minor in Forensic Science! I am also new to the Columbus area and haven't really met a lot of people yet due to this crazy winter we are having (YUCK!). Anyways I have just recently been diagnosed with my PCOS and IR (officially this last fall), but I have had symptoms for about 4 years now and had always known there was a chance that I had it. This has been particularly hard for me because I feel like I have gone through the same "diagnosis depression" twice now, which sucks because I am a naturally happy person! I have also been through my share of tests and different medications to try and fix my hormonal imbalances. They have just recently put me on Metformin and Fish Oil, which seems to be helping since I have lost some weight since I have moved down here. But unfortunately my doctors have been less than helpful in this journey. They have given me some resources but have failed to explain anything to me about them and also I feel like they are not really listening to me. As you can tell I am having a pretty hard time of it, but I am alive and have a roof over my head so I know its not so bad! Okay I am done rambling for now, I look forward to meeting and interacting with all of you wonderful ladies as we embark on this journey together! :)


  • bribrijean234
    bribrijean234 Posts: 90 Member
    Hi Liz! Welcome to the group and thank you for sharing your story. I think you will find a great deal of support among the women in this group. All of us are on this journey together, trying to lose the weight and minimize our symptoms. It's a long road with PCOS but it's not impossible with support and encouragement from others on the same path :)
  • lizz2013
    lizz2013 Posts: 331 Member
    Hey Liz :) so good to have you on board! We are all in the same boat and it is really hard at times but I feel so much better having the support system here and I hope you will too :)
  • Lizzy_TheKid
    Lizzy_TheKid Posts: 4 Member
    Hey guys, thank you so much for the words of encouragement! I know it's going to be tough but I really think the support from the group will help me tremendously!