Let's get Sharted (Challenges)



  • teresapooh98
    teresapooh98 Posts: 38 Member
    I lost 2.8 pounds this week I'm surprised myself But I'm very happy. Really haven't been doing that exercise is my trainer wants me to do but it will come. I'm mopped the floor at my grandpa's house today because it was really dirty and I needed something to do I'm staying at his house to see how it is like to live on your own.I still live with my parents.
  • Believeth64
    Believeth64 Posts: 469 Member
    Ephesians 2:10

    For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

    Today's Thought: When we aren't tough enough on ourselves, God will be as tough as we need Him to be!

    Saturday- Staying Focus, Our main goal is to reach our individual journeys therefore we will work harder on week-ends.

    @ Teresa, You are really and truly doing fabulous, a lot of time people think doing housework doesn't consider as calorie burn however calorie burn is whatever you do that brings your heart rate up. You had a fabulous weight lost:flowerforyou: Keep moving strong my friend. When you do workout take your time everyday will not be the same.

    One Day At A time One Step At A time

    Today friends it's the week-end and let's do all we can to stay focused. I know things gets complicated at times however we can handle anything with the help of God. I will continue to post daily and pray members will come and take part in this wonderful journey:smile: I know my other half will be binging again this weekend with junk however I know I can make it. I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me:wink: I know God is on my side and He will bless me to make this journey, one day at a time, one step at a time. There is:noway: I am going to allow anyone to distract me. :ohwell: on that note I will keep :smile: and stay:happy: I pray everyone have a Great day:blushing: and remember, Keep Moving and Keep Believing:heart:

  • Believeth64
    Believeth64 Posts: 469 Member
    Philippians 1:6

    Being confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.

    Today's Thought: With God's help, I can see this thing through to the end!

    Week of February 3-9 Challenge

    Do at least 30 minutes of cardio 4 to 6 days this week. You can pick whatever cardio you love, some may love walking the tracks, some may love kickboxing, some cardio machines. Whatever you love stick to it because it makes things fun while you are working out. This challenge is meant to help build up your cardio towards 45 minutes to 1 hr 4 to 6 days a week.
    As the weeks go throughout this year they will get a little more challenging. We know that the more we move the more healthy our hearts will get. In this challenge let's try hard to challenge our endurance by pushing to our limits. I'm not saying to the point of sickness however to the point of getting pass your comfort zone. We can do this, this is a year of Change, and Goals will be meet. When we make One Step God Will Make Two, Let's Show Him We Can Do This.

    Monday- Progress Report, Any weight lost, NSV (non scale victory) or anything that you have accomplished the past week.

    Last week was a great, I meet our goal daily. I am so Thankful for the strength God is giving me. I lost 1 pound last week when I weighed in. I am :happy: but my bodymedia is still telling me to stick to the deficit that is planned. I suppose to be eating more then what I eat however I am doing my best. There are days when I feel I want more but I still manage to stay within 1,500 to 1,675 calories. It say I am burning high calories. :ohwell: this week I will try my best to stay close to the deficit and see how it works. There is :noway: I am going to let this defeat me, I will keep on until I get within the calorie in v/ calorie out. I have this mentality that if I eat more calories it hinder my weight lost. My friends told me not to have over 1,000 calorie deficit daily. So that is the plan for this week. On another note my anniversary was yesterday and I have a NSV. We suppose to have to Captain George in Williamsburg on yesterday. And I can say it is a nice place to eat, it's a seafood buffet. However I asked my husband did he want to go to church then Texas Roadhouse and he said we can. So I was:happy: because I was thinking about all the sodium in the seafood then fried. Even thou I eat a lot of crab legs steamed, they starting to put a lot of salt in them. All I can see is disaster in that:laugh: So we went to TRH and I had the roasted half chicken, sweet potato w/ splenda , cinnamon and a little marshmallows. And steamed broccoli no salt nor butter. Now I did have part of a cactus blossom and it was good. I ended up full and didn't eat all my chicken. I was hoping my husband was going to eat the blossom but he didn't so it went to waste. I really and truly enjoyed my anniversary yesterday. I hope everyone have a great day and Keep Moving and Keep Believing:heart:


    @ All my friends, this is my charm bracelet that I had made. I have all the charms locked in my drawer only with the one next out that I have to earned. I put it in a plastic small bag and pin it next to my mirror in my bathroom. So far I am at the first 5# and 10# lost charm, I am working on the 20# charm now. This is something I thought about that gives me encouragement to make this journey. Might have to zoom out a little to see it better because I didn't want to make it bigger and take up so much space.

  • Believeth64
    Believeth64 Posts: 469 Member
    I went pass my 30 minutes cardio challenge, I feel great, wishing everyone a good night:heart:
  • tbrp
    tbrp Posts: 386 Member
    Hello friends. I am glad to see everyone making progress and hanging in there. Sorry I haven't been around much. things have been crazy lately and I have very little time at home to try to catch up, but... I am thinking about you all. Stay strong.
  • Believeth64
    Believeth64 Posts: 469 Member
    Hello friends. I am glad to see everyone making progress and hanging in there. Sorry I haven't been around much. things have been crazy lately and I have very little time at home to try to catch up, but... I am thinking about you all. Stay strong.

    Thank you Tonia it is a blessing to know you are still with us. I know the feeling sometimes we don't feel like we have enough time in a day:happy: I know you are doing the challenge because you workout daily.
  • Believeth64
    Believeth64 Posts: 469 Member
    Colossians 1:29

    Whereunto I also labour, striving according to His working, which worketh in me mightily.

    Today's thought: God's might is greater than my appetite!

    Tuesday- Pump It Up, Add at least 15 more minutes to your workout today.

    Good day all, today I decided to do my extra fifteen minutes doing ifit jogging on my treadmill. Whew it was fabulous:laugh: I :love: it when the sweat is pouring:laugh: I felt so great I didn't want to stop however I know that bodymedia is monitoring me and I suppose to stay within the plan. So that I can lose weight as planned, hopefully. I have to keep my deficit to 1,000 a day and so far I am over right now. So that means I have to up my calorie intake however you best believe It will be on healthy foods, like fruits or nuts or something like that. Well enough about me, I hope everyone have a great day, Keep Moving and Keep Believing:heart:

  • Believeth64
    Believeth64 Posts: 469 Member
    1 Thessalonians 3:4

    For verily, when we were with you, we told you before that we should suffer tribulations; even as it came to pass, and ye know.

    Today's Thought: What seems impossible, God makes possible!

    Wednesday- Check-in, A time for sharing how your week is going so far.

    So far so good this week, I am hoping for a good weight lost on Friday. So far they have been less than 2 pounds. I tried all I could on yesterday to stay at 1,000 calorie deficit and I didn't I ended up over 1,600 deficit. Now I have to really keep it cold to 1,000 today. I will do my best and see what it brings on weigh-in day. :ohwell: hope everyone have a great day, Keep moving and Keep Believing:heart:

  • ♚SuperHeather♚
    My husband's Best friends mom is a Bariatric doctor.And I have been asked to try her product along with a .. on the lower side ... counting calories. So I started yesterday with just the low calories. And did great! Just waiting on the injections and then I am in it to win it. Heading today to get The little one Glasses. xoxox <3
  • Believeth64
    Believeth64 Posts: 469 Member
    My husband's Best friends mom is a Bariatric doctor.And I have been asked to try her product along with a .. on the lower side ... counting calories. So I started yesterday with just the low calories. And did great! Just waiting on the injections and then I am in it to win it. Heading today to get The little one Glasses. xoxox <3

    That sound great what kind of injections are they (B12?)
  • ♚SuperHeather♚
    It is many vitamins and nutrients so you don't lose muscle mass. Along with B-12! I can't wait til they get here!!!!!
  • Believeth64
    Believeth64 Posts: 469 Member
    2 Timothy 2:5

    And if a man also strive for masteries, yet is he not crowned, except he strive lawfully.

    Today's Thought: God can do more to help me than anything else I could find!

    Thursday- Food Sharing, If anyone need any help with recipes, food alternatives, great snack ideals.

    @ Heather, that sound great and the pounds will come off:heart:

    I hope everyone have a great day, Keep Moving and Keep Believing:heart:

  • Believeth64
    Believeth64 Posts: 469 Member
    1 Corinthians 9:12

    If others be partakers of this power over you, are not we rather? nevertheless we have not used this power; but suffer all things, lest we should hinder the gospel of Christ.

    Today's Thought: I will give thanks to God for His help in my Journey!

    Friday- Fitness, How's your fitness workouts going so far this week, are you having any challenges you need help with.

    So far I've been doing a lot of cardio and enjoying it:laugh: I had to go with my husband this morning to his appointment about a hour away from home. I had my mind made up when I get back I am going to still get my workout done. I am so:happy: because I did just that. Sometimes it seems as thou this journey is moving slow, however in reality it is moving right good. I know I've been having a deficit that is to high according to bodymedia, Last night I ended up with 1.847 calorie deficit and that is to high. I don't really understand because on the biggest loser show they have 5,000 calorie deficit daily. And we all know they lose like crazy. Is it really a reality like in reality show. :ohwell: I got the same message telling me to stay with the deficit so this week I am going to eat those extra calories and see what it brings. I pray it don't be a gain because at least I've been losing weekly. Might not be those set 2# but it's still losing on a regular basic. Well ya'll know what I'm about to say, Keep Moving and Keep Believing:wink:

  • Believeth64
    Believeth64 Posts: 469 Member
    Today will be a great day, I will stay focused and on track:wink:
  • tbrp
    tbrp Posts: 386 Member
    That is the spirit!
  • Believeth64
    Believeth64 Posts: 469 Member
    Philippians 3:14

    I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

    Today's Thought: I can actually glorify God just by losing weight.

    Monday- Progress Report, Any weight lost, NSV (non scale victory) or anything that you have accomplished the past week.

    Last week was a good week, I didn't know what my outcome would be however I just kelp on moving forward. I am happy I lost 1.6 pounds that makes 14.8 pounds in 5 weeks. I wanted more however I :happy: with that. I just can't express enough how great I feel with the weight I've lost so far. I have a lot of energy. Today I will get my cardio burn done and stay as close as possible to my weekly deficit. My bodymedia weekly update still say I am not eating enough calories for the calories I'm burning. So this week I will keep getting within 1,000 to 1,200 deficit and see what my next weigh-in show. I just hope and pray it will continue to be a lost:blushing: . I did my measurements on last week and I will be checking it once a month. :ohwell: there is:noway: i'm giving in, this is My Year My Season. I hope everyone have a great and bless day today, and remember, Keep Moving and Keep Believing:heart:

  • ♚SuperHeather♚
    So it is a 600 calorie diet with the shots. I am guaranteed a pound a day. She is shipping out 2 months worth. So losing 60 pounds in 2 months just seems too good to be true! But I hope everyone is doing well! Just checking in!
  • Believeth64
    Believeth64 Posts: 469 Member
    So it is a 600 calorie diet with the shots. I am guaranteed a pound a day. She is shipping out 2 months worth. So losing 60 pounds in 2 months just seems too good to be true! But I hope everyone is doing well! Just checking in!

    I am cheering you right on one pound at a time
  • teresapooh98
    teresapooh98 Posts: 38 Member
    I just think that is just not enough calories because when you go back on regular food you may gain a lot of it back for going higher on the calories. just be careful. losing weight too fast will get you in the end.
  • Believeth64
    Believeth64 Posts: 469 Member
    Today's Thought: Keep A :smile: On Your Face Because Everything Will Be Alright :love:

    Wednesday- Check-in, A time for sharing how your week is going so far.

    So far this week has been great, I got my workouts in and I feel great:laugh: I had a MRI last Saturday and I will go to the doctor Monday next week for the results. I can say with the weight lost so far I feel fantastic. Now there are times when I have this weird feeling that with all the hard work, I should have lost more weight. However I am grateful for the weight lost so far. I am averaging consistent weight lost and that is my heart desire:wink: Well time for some breakfast or brunch. Wishing everyone a great day, Keep Moving and Keep Believing:heart:
