Welcome...let's get started

girlpaint Posts: 43 Member
Hi, and thanks for joining.

I'm a journey, a mission to lose weight, get in shape and be as healthy and fit as I can be.

I also don't have time for the gym and I just happen to live in a condo, with neighbors above and below me.

I like where I live, and I like my neighbors.

I also like to work out at home...I work out a lot and regularly...and guess what? My neighbors don't know. You know what else? I wanna keep it that way.

Therefore, I've come up with ways to work out (to lose weight, mind you) and be really quiet about it.

I'm always looking for new workouts -- as well as tips and tricks for losing weight and getting healthier -- so if you're in the same boat, I'm delighted to welcome you and invite you to share your workouts, ideas, and questions.

Please introduce yourself, and let's get started.



  • chevyimpalagirl
    chevyimpalagirl Posts: 38 Member
    Hello! My name is chev???? I too stay in a condo/apt and I love it! For the most part my neighbors respect me and I try to do the same. I'm on a mission to get healthy, lose weight and get back into shape. Over the holidays I gained alot of my weight back so I'm aiming to lose it again. Working out at home works out great for me. Right now I'm doing Jillian Michaels 30 day shred with a little walking added to it. I'm looking for more cardio workouts so I'm excited to see what everyone else is doing. Yep that's about it???? lets have some fun.
  • girlpaint
    girlpaint Posts: 43 Member
    Great to have you here! Thanks for posting.

    Is the Jillian Michaels workout you do available online? If so, please share the link when possible.

    Agree let's definitely have some fun! All over it, chevyimpalagirl. :happy:

    I do lots of yoga, plus there's a great app called SworkIt (http://sworkit.com/). I use the Android version which syncs directly with MFP--so awesome!. The Sworkit app has LOADS of workouts options and can be customized to be any length you want...nice. I've found that just about any exercise can be tweaked to be "quiet" as long as you slow it down...no jumping allowed (or aloud! Hahahahahahaha!).
  • chevyimpalagirl
    chevyimpalagirl Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks for having me! Unfortunately the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred isn't on YouTube???? well I take that back there are 3 levels to the workout program and levels 1 and 3 are on YouTube but level 2 is missing (bummer) so I had to go to WalMart and get the DVD. It was only like $5. I love the fact that you do lots of yoga???? I just purchased a mat and I wanted to begin but I don't know where or how to start. I can't wait to look at some of the video links you posted.
  • jillybeansatlanta
    Hello... I'm Jill :)! Our condo is, coincidentally, directly above the gym in our building. It's RARE that I bother going down there. I do belong to LA Fitness and go there with a friend to take yoga classes with a great instructor. I like to do body weight workouts inside my space though. I also have Jackie Warner's book, "This Is Why Your Fat", and I use a couple sets of dumbbells I have and go through her routines. Pretty quiet and gets you great results. I'm just getting back into my quest for AWESOME health and will be doing a lot of convenient and QUIET in home workouts.
  • sunseeker100
    sunseeker100 Posts: 90 Member
    Hi I'm Karen :) I live in Hull, Uk and live on the 3rd floor of an apartment block. We've been debating getting a treadmill, then thought about a cross trainer/eliptical then have decided on a rowing machine in the hope that it's relatively quiet!

    I don't like jumping, burpees, running etc (I'm quite lazy lol) so I'm hoping that some of these ideas will enable me to exercise at home without excessive jumping :wink: but also keep things quiet for my neighbours! looking forward to meeting you all, feel free to add me as a friend :flowerforyou:
  • girlpaint
    girlpaint Posts: 43 Member
    @jillybeansatlanta So true about quiet being great at getting you fitter faster. It almost always means you have to go really slowly, especially when adapting plyometric exercises.

    @sunseeker100 I'm with you -- no running or jumping for me...not at home anyway. I'm all about yoga, barre, pilates and stationary cycling.

    Another fun and quiet workout to try? HULA HOOPING! My husband and I ordered some weighted hula hoops on Amazon this summer, and I tell ya what working up to 20 minutes is HARD work. Your tummy, butt and legs will feel it -- as will your shoulders and arms if you hold 'em high. Zooey Deschanel and Marisa Tomei are hoopers; in fact, Marisa used hula-hooping to get into shape for The Wrestler (if you haven't seen it, she plays an exotic dancer) -- Anyway, those gals sure sure have great bodies!

    A few hula-hooping workouts to try:


    Here's one that combines hula-hooping with ballet:
