So hard!!

This is my first week of keto and I'm finding it so hard! My skin is so greasy and I'm feeling a little sick at times eating things like butter and cream. My moods are out of control.

I'm shouting at the kids all the time and my poor husband is getting every day . I feel quite depressed. My friends have even noticed.

I thought I would be feeling better by now. I'm really struggling today my husband is going to have a bottle of wine with his roast today and I just bloody want one.

I'm seriously wondering if its for me? maybe I should just do low to mod carbs. O' I don't know, I don't really know what I'm saying or doing at the moment. Just need to sound off and looking for words of wisdom I guess.


  • ThunderButt11
    ThunderButt11 Posts: 33 Member
    If you give yourself permission to push through, I swear it will get better. It was a huge adjustment for me too and I am now 5 weeks in and 22 lbs down. It takes a little time (and a lot of water) to adjust to the changes but once you start to find the foods you like that meet your macros you will find a huge energy burst and an almost euphoric feeling. Keep broth nearby and drink it for the sodium when you feel the headaches or muscle twitches and make sure you are drinking a ton of water. I found that I was getting really nauseated from certain combinations of food but made adjustments and feel great.

    If you are a week in, next week will be better, foods and moods!

    Good luck and water, water, water!
  • JustFindingMe
    JustFindingMe Posts: 390 Member
    I was in the same boat !!! I was almost ready to throw the towel in. I woke up on day 10 ( and its diferent by a few days for everyone ) and wanted to smile. My irritability was gone and my energy was through the roof. My muscle strength isn't up yet but ive been told it will come with patience. If you can hang on, its SO WORTH IT!

    You've got this!!!!!!!!!!! Hold on tight :smile: :smile: :smile:

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    It happens to a lot of people. Keto can do all sorts of things like that when you're first starting out. You haven't reached the lovely honeymoon period where you're full of energy, never hungry, and your hair, nails, and skin look great. The transitional period can seriously suck for some people. Here's where you weigh things, though. are you willing to go through another week of this instability to see whether or not you can benefit from the positive side effects? It's up to you. I can't say enough positive things about this way of eating, but it's definitely not for everyone.

    For when you're feeling down, have you tried some salty chicken broth and some sugar-free Powerade. Those things always help me out, even when the symptoms aren't exactly like keto flu.
  • Some moodiness may happen even for a few more weeks, but you will have better energy. Women (maybe men too, not sure) often have estrogen stored in fat cells. When you start burning fat, it releases the estrogen and makes your mood go hay wire! I was a raging ***** to my boyfriend for a month and finally read about the estrogen release. My mood finally settled out and everything has been great! I've completed 3 full months and lost 25 pounds, 2 pants sizes, etc etc.
  • Claymish
    Claymish Posts: 1 Member
    Maddyowen, stay positive, you can do this! It's just like any other detox from an addiction, like drugs, alcohol or cigarettes. Realizing that will help you understand how bad your past diet consisting of mostly carbs have been to your body. Is a low carb diet right for you? I feel its right for most people who have struggled with their weight their entire life. I have a twin (faternal) brother, we played the same games and sports, ate the same food (I even ate less according to my parents), and yet I have been on average 45lbs heavier my whole life. After reading all I have read I finally know that this is how I'm suppose to eat.
  • Hi! I started Keto 7 days ago, and I'm right with you on the moods and the hunger. I am excited about the pounds coming off, though! Please friend me if you like!