Hi. im new to this. any tips would be great. heres why.

mtg81 Posts: 18 Member
Hi everyone.
My name is Mark. I have stopped eating meat, not because of the taste. (meat is delicious) Not because nutrition. (I actually think i would stay just as or more healthy if i ate meat) The reason why is I started seeing the world differently. My wife calls me a hippy. (spiritual hippy) lol. I just think animals are very aware of their lives. They love, feel show emotion, and know what is going on. They are conscious like us.(atleast i think so) quick example. if you saw blackfish. when the baby is taken from the mom at sea world and she screams and calls for it. that kills me. I went from a low carb primal caveman who lost 100 pounds on low carb to almost vegan now.

Ok im getting carried away, enough.

what i would really like is some tips. how much protein i really need. protein/carb/fat ration.

any tips for a person who sees all this info and doesnt know if he is doing it right.
thanks in advance
p.s.i am not big on soy but thats a different post altogeather. friend are all ways welcome send some requests!!


  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    Firstly, congratulations on becoming vegan.
    It's tricky at first, but when you have another innocent being's best interests at heart, you can't go wrong!

    If you look at Dr Furhman's info you get a fairly low level of protein and fat but high in the natural unprocessed carbs.
    I've set mine like this over the past 12 months.

    The difference being I can't eat fruit as I'm fructose intolerant. Stopping all the fruit I was eating did result in further weight loss.
    Check out Eat to Live. There is also a group on here with that name.

    Good luck and good for you!
  • mtg81
    mtg81 Posts: 18 Member
    hey thanks for the tip.
  • VeganMotoGirl
    VeganMotoGirl Posts: 43 Member
    Welcome! I too am new to this lifestyle. Your post reminds me of the Earthlings documentary and I have to agree with you. Though I did not originally get into this for the moral or spiritual well being of my fellow earthlings. However they were the final push to convince me that I was on the right path and this is not just another one of my phases that come and go. I am not the one to be giving tips but so far I have learned that learning is the best thing a new vegan can do. Read, read, read! I am reading the above mentioned Eat to Live and 80/10/10. Read blogs and chat with others that are living the life. Then you can find the path that works best for you. I am still in the weeds myself but I can see the destination and I can't wait to meet you there.