Welcome! and Introductions!

vslnrunner Posts: 164 Member
This group is open to anyone and everyone who wants to join, so invite your friends, drag your significant other. Feel free to introduce yourself so we all know who we are supporting. Let's get it done!

My name is Emily. I am really hoping to drop some body fat and inches over the course of Insanity. I'm looking forward to seeing how my endurance improves too. I'm going to do measurements and weigh weekly for our check-ins.

I can't wait to get this going!


  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    I was working on Insanity late last year until I hurt my back. I'm starting it again, but am having trouble keeping with it this time. Perhaps a challenge group is just what the doctor ordered.

    I'm Jamie. I, too, am hoping to lose some BF and inches. Last time I was working on it, I got some good results and want to get those and more again! My strength and endurance were better than they've ever been in my life, so I want to get that back.

    Good luck to you all! :happy:
  • Hi! I've had the Insanity program for about a year now (P90X as well) and I have yet to get past the initial fitness test. I can't wait to start this challenge with all of you!
  • Hey.

    I have 3 more Shred in 30 days with Jillian to go and then I was plannig to start doing insanity. I will start with you guys and I hope you will help me stick with it till the end.
    My name is Tanya and I want to get back in shape and lose some body fat.
  • My name is Josh, and I am from Phoenix. I am 27.

    Here is where I stand:

    I have had the program about 6 months. I have attempted it twice, but can not seem to get over the hurdle of the 4th week. For some reason, I just stop right after that 21st day.

    I just completed a Spartan Sprint (AROO!), and that is like a badge of honor for me quitting smoking. But I know I have a long way to go if I wish to complete my next long term goal: complete a half-marathon in January 2014. I want to earn that t-shirt, as I earned the "Finisher" t-shirt from Spartan race (along with a medal). And I want to eventually compete in the next level of the Spartan Race: Spartan Super.

    I need more friends on here. I want them goal oriented, and someone I can relate to. That is why I am looking for a group to do this with, who will stay active on here and let us encourage each other. When it comes to food, I keep it very basic (usually never more than 5 ingredients per meal), but I am one that can eat a bowl of ground beef and cheese and be very happy. So maybe we can keep on track with the food too. Trade ideas about what works and what doesn't.

    So please, friend me, and I will befriend you. Have a nice day!
  • Laurenjenai
    Laurenjenai Posts: 197 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    My name is Lauren, I have been doing the insanity for 1 week now and I thought it would be good to join this group for some support from people going through the same INSANE workout. I love it though, after I finish I feel like I accomplished something major. I just wish I had a HR/Calorie counter to get a better idea of the calories I am burning. I just estimate using MFP calculations. Good luck everyone!
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Lauren, I'm not sure what your budget is for a HRM, but I have a Polar FT4 and I just love it. I bought it last February and haven't had any issues with it. It's been really reliable even when I get really sweaty and move around a lot while doing Insanity or other workouts. The calorie counts have been pretty consistent for the different workouts I've done since I bought it. Just thought I'd mention it. :smile:
  • Katgayton
    Katgayton Posts: 8 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Kat from Nova Scotia, Canada.

    I have been looking at my DVDs for months now, too afraid to even try. Today, I got a text from a close friend who started January 1 and has lost 15lbs to date! She inspired me!

    I am an intermediate runner as well, and I am hoping that, along with the BF and inches, I can gain some overall body strength to contribute to my running successes.

    I'm looking forward to this with all of you. I hope I can stick with it. I tend to run like hell out of the gate, and then fall off the wagon. So hopefully you can all help with this! Looking forward to it!
  • coreyna
    coreyna Posts: 12 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I've tried Insanity a few times but haven't completed it successfully yet. My plan is to do it three times a week to allow my body to recover as if I do it every day I'm too wrecked to go again. Any other newbies or not very fit people giving Insanity a go?
  • Hi Everyone, My name is Anjali.

    I'm really looking forward to this. I have attempted insanity a year ago and finished it. I saw some great results. I need to see those result again, but only this time keep it off! :) I have been meaning to start it again but need some motivation!The 2nd month is where I almost want to give up and have actually when i tried to restart it about 6 months ago. But i'm so thankful for this group because we can all go through the grueling second month together and motivate one another!

    Would love to get some motivation with the diet too. I'm with you Josh! I think it would be great if we can keep track on food too!

    Good luck everyone!
  • allew48
    allew48 Posts: 17 Member
    I just restarted insanity today w/ plyo cardio circuit... too excited to bother w/ the fittest. I was gassed by the end but I remember now why I loved it so much last year. I'm back on the wagon so can be a fit bride in June and ultimately get back into long distance running. Excited to have people going along with me!
  • Artificer22
    Artificer22 Posts: 68 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    I recently restarted again. Only made it though 4 weeks before my wife and I had our baby girl so all motivation went out the window. Loved feeling exhausted when i was done with each workout and want to get that feeling back again. I look forward to working thru this with some great people!!!
  • Hi. :happy: I'm Cat, 26, living in California

    I'm in the ban wagon of 'Having tried Insanity, loving it while it lasted (2 weeks for me), and ready to give it a Serious 2nd/Final round, with others for motivation'. I just need that FOOT-to-the-TUSH motivation when I start to get a little/lot lazy, and it helps to think that any of my determination and success might help to motivate others to do well and feel good about themselves, too.

    Also an EX-Smoker *HOORAh TO THE QUITERS*, I've decided that I like breathing and I am ready to run as far as my legs can take me, not my lungs.
  • jellybelly8222
    jellybelly8222 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm Ceri I'm from the UK south wales, I'm 31 and 205lbs... I really need to get below 200lbs I get to 201lbs then go back up to 205lbs I really need something to help shift the weight. I've had the dvd for nearly 2 years and never once put it on. I'm worried I won't be able to do it as I suffer with my back and knee but am sure once I get weight off it will improve. I've lost my sheet of paper that came with the DVD so not sure what the ordering is to do it.
  • drmom72
    drmom72 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi! I am Kathi, an American living in Switzerland and will be starting Insanity for the first time. I bought it for Christmas in hopes hubby would do it too, but he isn't interested...

    This group is what I need to help me along, as the thought of going alone is too daunting, so, many thanks for starting it up!

    I want to get in better shape and of course lose 25 pounds ;). The 25 pounds is a long term goal, not necesarily the Insanity goal, but if it helps take out a chunk of it, I would be ecstatic! Will "study" this week so I know what needs doing for the food part of the program...
  • corsiva
    corsiva Posts: 33 Member
    Hey guys, my name's Amanda and I'm 33 years old. I've never tried Insanity before, and I'm pretty intimidated by it, but it's something I've wanted to do for a while and I figure this might just be the best way for me to do it! Especially since there's a group to help keep me motivated, even though I know I'm going to feel like I'm dying lol. I have about 55 pounds to lose, and I'm looking forward to getting in shape with all of you!
  • comley1987
    comley1987 Posts: 4 Member
    hope all are ok & diggng deeper through this brilliant dvd set!
    ive done insainity before nov-dec 2013 & loved every second with brilliant results!
    so I started it again. im now in month two week 1 and really struggling this time but still very much enjoying it.
  • Hi. :happy: I'm Cat, 26, living in California

    I'm in the ban wagon of 'Having tried Insanity, loving it while it lasted (2 weeks for me), and ready to give it a Serious 2nd/Final round, with others for motivation'. I just need that FOOT-to-the-TUSH motivation when I start to get a little/lot lazy, and it helps to think that any of my determination and success might help to motivate others to do well and feel good about themselves, too.

    Also an EX-Smoker *HOORAh TO THE QUITERS*, I've decided that I like breathing and I am ready to run as far as my legs can take me, not my lungs.

    Good job on the Quitting Smoking. I know by experience that it is the hardest thing to overcome in your life. So Oorah to that. I never had a paralleled support group the last few times I have done it, so I haven't got very far. But I know this time I will. I also need to condition myself for Spartan in Colorado (elevation 1920m). Let's do this!
  • I'm Ceri I'm from the UK south wales, I'm 31 and 205lbs... I really need to get below 200lbs I get to 201lbs then go back up to 205lbs I really need something to help shift the weight. I've had the dvd for nearly 2 years and never once put it on. I'm worried I won't be able to do it as I suffer with my back and knee but am sure once I get weight off it will improve. I've lost my sheet of paper that came with the DVD so not sure what the ordering is to do it.

    Is there a North Wales? I never hear about North Wales...
  • MVY_
    MVY_ Posts: 253 Member
    I'm May and I am a full time mom and a full time work mom. I guess I am going to give this ago too and lets see if I can squeeze in time. My goal is to lose as much as weight as I can until I am under the "Obese" category!
  • Hello, My name is Sofia. I'm 33 years old and I'm from Houston, Texas.

    I've done Insanity before but can't seem to get past the 4th week. I'm hoping you guys will give me the motivation to get past that hurdle. My goal is to lose BF and 18 lbs.

    Looking forward to getting this party started!!