What did you eat while on shift tonight?

So tonight we didn't get to eat until after most things were closed. So we ended up at Sonic. I ordered a grilled chicken sandwich on ciabatta bread which was small but tasted good. Of course, I ordered the meal because a trip to Sonic without tater tots is just insane. Thing is, they gave me a large tot instead of a medium. God forbid I'd just eat some of them. Nope. All 500+ calories of them.

Luckily, I had the space in my diary for it.

So what did you have tonight?


  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    I can't seem to eat a meal on nights, just does not agree with me. I pretty much snack all night. Tonight I brought unsweetend applesauce and a can of no sugar added mixed fruit and a 90 calories fiber one bar and pretzel sticks and right now i am eatting popcorn.
  • XianC
    XianC Posts: 93
    Tonight wasn't good at all. Ended yesterday with some smart(ish) choices from Wendy's but then this morning ate too much fast food from Del Taco. I really need to go grocery shopping this weekend and start bringing food to work. Justifying fast food every day has just got to end.
  • demarii06
    demarii06 Posts: 340 Member
    I schedule snacks for 11pm, 2am and 5am. Tonight I ate green apples, an ice cream bar, and a protein bar (Less than 400 calories total). I don't like eating my calories at work I rather save them for dinner with my boyfriend before I go to work.
  • LynneMarie1773
    LynneMarie1773 Posts: 8 Member
    Lately I have been making healthy food and portioning it out for the shifts I work. I made a really delicious butternut squash kidney bean stew from "appetite for reduction" and brought that in a couple nights. I will usually have fruit or a nutrition bar for a snack or maybe hummus and crackers or veggies. I have been trying to cut down on how much I have during a shift. Working nights feels yucky so I feel like you want whatever comfort you have and can easily justify having junk, or if you are ravenous, may be more ready to go to the vending machine and snack. I work in a small ICU, we can't leave during our shifts and even if we could I wouldn't have many options locally. Another thing I do is put a bunch of Amy's burritos and frozen meals in the freezer in case I forget food or don't have a filling, healthy option. They are great and filling quick and easy. Amy's website has some diet plans using their products which seems decent. I really love their products and will gratuitously endorse them for late night emergency meals. Amys amys amys burritos nom nom
  • RyanJK85
    RyanJK85 Posts: 580 Member
    I have been smashing tuna, salad and hot sauce 4 days this week....kinda sick of it!! besides the hot sauce...have to have the hot sauce
  • mizzhogbear
    mizzhogbear Posts: 16 Member
    I had porridge and honey for breakfast... 2 x apples .. 1 banana as snacks during the night .. 5 minute pizza which was only 300 kcals before leaving for work .... then I had the hairy dieters meat and potato pie only 355 kcals with salad and ive had 2 punets of graze box things both 100 kcals each .... im looking forward to my coconut and date porridge at 7am :-)
  • XianC
    XianC Posts: 93
    Some coffee and a Special K protein bar. I'm sure these aren't the best things to be eating but it's a tasty 170 calories and gets me by until I can go home and sleep. Better than my old "second dinner" habit.