What's your plan for success?

In order to help me be successful, I have a few different approaches to this DietBet.

1. I'm making myself extremely accountable by telling my friends and family that I am trying to get healthy and lose my excess weight. I'm also planning to start my blog on here, hopefully tonight. If not tonight, then tomorrow.
2. I decided that talking to people who can relate to my struggles, will be encouraging when I'm having a hard time. In turn, my encouraging others will help me to be successful as well. That's why I'm on here.
3. I joined a fitness competition (biggest loser style) at my gym starting this thursday. It's only 7 weeks but it'll help me get a great jumpstart. I've also agreed to do the 30 day shred with another girl in the competition. I'm really trying to bank on the accountability.
4. I'm deciding to NOT beat myself up over not working out a day or over eating. It never helps me to feel better and when I feel guilty it takes me longer to get back on track.
5. The last thing, is I'm trying to finally master intuitive eating. I paid attention to my body a lot more today and found that I still ate pretty darn well. I learned that I actually don't need to eat nearly as much as I was eating in order to be full.

Hopefully I can keep my momentum going. I feel very positive lately.


  • KathrynAlex
    KathrynAlex Posts: 11 Member
    My approach:

    1. Get in a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise 3-5 days per week.
    2. Stay within my calorie goals on most days.
    3. Continue to make food choices that have nutritional benefits vs eating junk (I am in no way a clean eater). Eat when I'm hunger,y, don't eat if I'm not.
    4. Continue to use sites that keep me inspired (mfp, intagram, dietbet) and join challenges.
  • una_scoiattolina
    Your approach sounds great, totally realistic + positive.

    For me...

    1. Sticking close to MFP for the calorie counts. Since I'm not working at the moment, this has been really doable.

    2. Gotta get back into exercise, I have been totally out of the game. I plan to start swimming again, ideally 2x/week, plus light running, and finally pick up the kettlebell that I bought months ago and has been gathering dust. I'm debating as whether to sign up for any races...

    3. Keeping supportive people around me. Hopefully my boyfriend is even going to join this challenge, too. I've never previously participated in the community aspect of online weight loss, and I want to be really engaged in that to give and get encouragement.

    I'm feeling good... when I finally weighed myself the other day after several months of not paying attention, it was actually less than I had expected, so I'm in a good spot mentally.
  • jenellis77
    jenellis77 Posts: 13 Member
    My plan is to do a better job of staying within my calorie goals AND making better food choices. I am also training for the Indy Mini Marathon in May, so I will continue with that program and add in some cross training one day a week or so.
  • klbailenson
    I started a half marathon team with some coworkers and no more eating out during lunch. Surround myself with positive and motivating people!
  • AveryWays
    AveryWays Posts: 150 Member
    I have a body media fit link arm band that helps me see how much calories I am burning.
    I plan to eat cleaner and stick to at least 1,500 calories food intake a day and burn 2,500 calories a day. With a 1,000 caloric deficit on a daily basis, I should be consistent in dropping weight until I hit a plateau.

    I am also training for 2 Half marathon this Spring: NYC in March and Nike DC Half in April. I am running at least 3-4x a week with one day of those dedicated to long runs. Also doing weight training 2x a week to help tone and strength my muscles.
  • x1v16
    x1v16 Posts: 66
    750 calorie food deficit plus 400-500 calories of exercise on average per day. Eat a lot of fruits and veggies and high protein foods as they fill me up. I have a gym membership that I use twice a week and I do Leslie Sansone style walking/jogging while watching netflix and youtube videos. I also have an exercise bike at home.
  • chelso0o
    chelso0o Posts: 366 Member
    I decided to start paying more attention to what I put into my body, and how much of it. I figured this was a great way to keep me accountable because I hate losing, and I hate losing money even more! What my plan is:

    Log calories good or bad, and do any damage control the following day if need be.

    Attend rowing practice every Monday, Weds, and Saturday without fail. I am noticing a good improvement with attending more frequently, so it is really to my own benefit.

    Strength train

    Drink enough water

    Utilize my S health app and get 10,000 steps every day, or strive for it. At the very minimum, 5,000 if I have a hectic day at the desk.

    I'm sure this isn't all, but it's what I am focusing on!
  • nmcrosier
    nmcrosier Posts: 268 Member
    Like a lot of us, I've started paying more attention to what I was eating - particularly portion sizes. I was so grossly over eating this past couple of years. And making a concious effort to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day.

    I had lost 40 pounds 2 years ago - but put almost all of the weight back on due to stress, back injury, torn acl in the past year. I figured this time do something different - make a baby step plan of getting control. So I set up a long term plan the length of DB10.

    Month 1: Work strictly on eating & logging it in. As well as drink all my water. Any exercise is a bonus!

    Month 2: Keep w/ M1 - Intro Cardio 2 times a week. 30 min. each

    Month 3: M1/2: Add 1 day Strength/Core, 20 min.= 3xs week

    Month 4: M1/3: Add 15 min to cardio= 45 min work out; 20 min. Strength/Core = 3xs week

    Month 5: June to July is always a mess in our household - high stress...find time to relax/ take a yoga class every other week; maintain M4

    Month 6: Train for 1st ever 5k - in Sept!
  • chelso0o
    chelso0o Posts: 366 Member
    Like a lot of us, I've started paying more attention to what I was eating - particularly portion sizes. I was so grossly over eating this past couple of years. And making a concious effort to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day.

    I had lost 40 pounds 2 years ago - but put almost all of the weight back on due to stress, back injury, torn acl in the past year. I figured this time do something different - make a baby step plan of getting control. So I set up a long term plan the length of DB10.

    Month 1: Work strictly on eating & logging it in. As well as drink all my water. Any exercise is a bonus!

    Month 2: Keep w/ M1 - Intro Cardio 2 times a week. 30 min. each

    Month 3: M1/2: Add 1 day Strength/Core, 20 min.= 3xs week

    Month 4: M1/3: Add 15 min to cardio= 45 min work out; 20 min. Strength/Core = 3xs week

    Month 5: June to July is always a mess in our household - high stress...find time to relax/ take a yoga class every other week; maintain M4

    Month 6: Train for 1st ever 5k - in Sept!

    This is a wonderful, wonderful plan. Slowly incorporating new things one at a time. You are so awesome!!!!
  • nmcrosier
    nmcrosier Posts: 268 Member
    Thank you - I figured it was probably easier to work my way into a healthier lifestyle than go all out & fail. I'm looking forward to Month 2 - I just hit M1 goal this am by .2 pounds - yippee!