WoW & Other MMOs

tayloryay Posts: 378 Member
For all the MMO playing ladies!

What's your favorite MMO? How long have you been playing them? Any new games you're looking forward to?

I've been playing MMOs since I was about 13 or 14. I started with Ultima Online and had absolutely no idea what I was doing! I tried Guild Wars, FFXI, then eventually WoW, STO, LOTRO, RIFT, and FFXIV:RR.

I'm currently playing WoW and I guess I'd have to say it's my favorite! It's a bit of a love/hate relationship which I'm sure any other WoW players can relate to, haha. In the past I ran a raiding guild and it's a ton of hard work. Been a bit off and on lately, but some old raiding buddies wanted to get started again, so I revived the old guild and we've been working on flex modes to get everyone geared. I don't mind being the GM as long as I don't have to raid lead! Too much pressure and work.

I'm really, really excited about a new game called Wildstar! It's a sci-fi themed MMO with some really interesting mechanics. It looks like a ton of fun! Some of the devs worked on Vanilla WoW. Warlords of Draenor looks great too, but it'd be really nice to have something new to play.


  • Grendel07
    Grendel07 Posts: 112 Member
    For all the MMO playing ladies!

    What's your favorite MMO? How long have you been playing them? Any new games you're looking forward to?

    I've been playing MMOs since I was about 13 or 14. I started with Ultima Online and had absolutely no idea what I was doing! I tried Guild Wars, FFXI, then eventually WoW, STO, LOTRO, RIFT, and FFXIV:RR.

    I'm currently playing WoW and I guess I'd have to say it's my favorite! It's a bit of a love/hate relationship which I'm sure any other WoW players can relate to, haha. In the past I ran a raiding guild and it's a ton of hard work. Been a bit off and on lately, but some old raiding buddies wanted to get started again, so I revived the old guild and we've been working on flex modes to get everyone geared. I don't mind being the GM as long as I don't have to raid lead! Too much pressure and work.

    I'm really, really excited about a new game called Wildstar! It's a sci-fi themed MMO with some really interesting mechanics. It looks like a ton of fun! Some of the devs worked on Vanilla WoW. Warlords of Draenor looks great too, but it'd be really nice to have something new to play.

    I used to be a die-hard WoW player. Played since vanilla WoW. I would stay up all night/morning playing. I think i had a problem. hahah PvP was my absolute favorite part of WoW. I once ran into my "doppleganger" while PvPing and i made sure to hack at my twin on the alliance side any chance i got. LOL I gave up playing WoW about 2 years ago. The main reason was because i couldnt stand some of the standards people had when doing dungeons/raids. I also was getting very annoyed when people would enter the dungeon and then swipe the items i needed (i was dps and most of the time these players were tanks) and then leave. haha I've been thinking about going back. maybe once the expansion comes out i'll join up again.

    Not really looking foward to any MMOs but Elder Scrolls online seems pretty awesome. I love the Elder Scrolls serires. :)
  • tayloryay
    tayloryay Posts: 378 Member
    I've only played WoW since a few months before Wrath. My first real raiding experience was ICC, which is actually how I met my husband! He was my raid leader, haha. The game has definitely changed a lot since then. People want things to be easy and handed to them, and don't want to have to prepare for raids or spend any time wiping to new content. That's definitely made running a raid team very frustrating! I was never much into PvP, but I have dabbled from time to time. Mostly in battlegrounds, though I did do the arena tournament a few years back to get my Murkimus pet!

    I was excited about ESO at first but everything I've heard about it has completely turned me off. It doesn't seem like Elder Scrolls and the MMO format were a good match from what folks in the beta say. I actually got invited to the beta but gave my key away. The damn client is a 20 gig download anyway!
  • Smushyypanda
    Smushyypanda Posts: 12 Member
    I played WoW and didnt really enjoy, that and I dont like the subscription fee. Ive played a variety of free to play MMO's, currently on Dragon Prophet but I've been looking at one called Bless thats coming out. Other than that I played the original Guildwars for a good few years and at the moment I play Guildwars 2.

    Guildwars 2 is great!. There is no subscription fee and its very relaxed. There is high level content you can grind if you are into that or you can play it relaxed. The PvP is amazing and ive found the community to be really friendly and helpful. Seriously worth a try if you like MMO's.
  • Zaftique
    Zaftique Posts: 599 Member
    I left WoW just before Pandaria, but in lieu of a subscription, I will buy a 30-day gift card and play my heart out for 30 days straight just to scratch the itch. :D

    I may start up again for the new expansion, I am TOTALLY DIGGING on the thought of my OWN PERSONAL GARRISON. :D

  • RavenhairedWoman
    RavenhairedWoman Posts: 661 Member

    I used to be a die-hard WoW player. Played since vanilla WoW. I would stay up all night/morning playing. I think i had a problem. hahah PvP was my absolute favorite part of WoW. I once ran into my "doppleganger" while PvPing and i made sure to hack at my twin on the alliance side any chance i got. LOL I gave up playing WoW about 2 years ago. The main reason was because i couldnt stand some of the standards people had when doing dungeons/raids. I also was getting very annoyed when people would enter the dungeon and then swipe the items i needed (i was dps and most of the time these players were tanks) and then leave. haha I've been thinking about going back. maybe once the expansion comes out i'll join up again.

    Not really looking foward to any MMOs but Elder Scrolls online seems pretty awesome. I love the Elder Scrolls serires. :)

    Pretty much what Grendel07 said. I played from Vanilla WoW, I had more alts than hours in a day, and I spent the better part of six solid years attached to my PC. I think I have around six 80s collecting dust. I know I had a problem and that is the main reason I quit around four years ago. Other than that I think it was mostly the people that drove me away. The people that I really enjoyed playing with had left for the most part (either unable to pay or other life demands). And honestly I found that I enjoyed the game best when I had people to play with. Also I was never a stat junkie. If someone told me to go for a certain piece of gear I would do it but I was never one for researching that stuff on my own. I played and liked pretty much every role one could play in WoW. Basically whatever my guild/friends needed, healer, tank, DPS, I was there for them. I was also cool with breezing people's alts through their lower levels. I liked questing a lot and usually would grind out levels pretty quickly. I was a great cog in the machine of a guild because I lived to farm things. *Laughs* I know it sounds odd but I would crank up some epic music, sit on Vent, and chat and it was just so peaceful :). Anyway, I guess I just discovered that what I enjoyed most about the game was helping and supporting other players. I never really turned a profit or asked for much in return. So when the people that I enjoyed spending time with left I just lost my enjoyment of the game. Oh, and I was an achievement junkie completionist.. Must complete all the achievements! ^_^

    I haven't been gaming much recently due to crazy hours at work (Working in IT during a core system change = 100+ hours a paycheck). I recently cut my internet at home off so I can save money. So Basically if I do any video gaming anytime soon it will be on my PS3. But no complaints from me there, I have plenty of great games for the PS3 that I can play. ^_^
  • tayloryay
    tayloryay Posts: 378 Member
    The people you play with definitely make or break the game when it comes to MMOs! That's sorta been my issue, too. A lot of the folks I used to play with quit, or moved servers, or just weren't on at the same time, various other issues. Now that a few friends are back, it's been a lot of fun!

    I don't think I could live without internet at home. I'd go insane!
  • RavenhairedWoman
    RavenhairedWoman Posts: 661 Member
    The people you play with definitely make or break the game when it comes to MMOs! That's sorta been my issue, too. A lot of the folks I used to play with quit, or moved servers, or just weren't on at the same time, various other issues. Now that a few friends are back, it's been a lot of fun!

    I don't think I could live without internet at home. I'd go insane!

    Ha! I hear that, people can make or break lots of things.

    Yeah, I get that a lot. Honestly, I've got a smart phone, I am on the computer all day at work (again, IT), and I am just not home enough to warrant paying $70 a month for the net.
  • Mustgetbuff
    Mustgetbuff Posts: 267 Member
    I feel like it's impossible to quit WoW. I keep coming back to it over the years, though now I only play casually. Lately I've been getting into arenas for the first time and I'm no longer a total embarrassment! We win matches and everything! My main love is still raiding, and I used to have all the fancy gear but lately I just don't really have the time to devote to a raiding guild, and LFR is a bit painful.

    I admit I've never really tried another MMO. My husband played FFXIV RR and enjoyed it, but once I suckered him into playing WoW he found the latter better. Which is maybe why I've never tried another one--I have yet to hear of an MMO that is better than WoW in terms of mechanics.

    But I am pretty intrigued by the Elder Scrolls MMO coming out...
  • tayloryay
    tayloryay Posts: 378 Member
    Yep, it always pulls you back in!! You should look into flex raiding. It's not as painful as LFR usually, and if you use an add-on like OQ you can find some decent groups. The gear requirements aren't much higher than LFR, and, as the name suggests, it's more flexible than normal!

    That's sort of the problem I've found when playing other MMOs. Most of the things I find I like are similar to the way WoW does it, then they add in other stuff that isn't as good, so I might as well play WoW!
  • Azurite27
    Azurite27 Posts: 554 Member
    I'm one of the odd ones that has never played WoW. I play LOTRO a lot. My inner Tolkien-nerd won't let me abandon it for long. Occasionally Guild Wars 2 and Rift.
  • lindzalexis
    lindzalexis Posts: 44 Member
    I started playing WoW back in vanilla. I ended up in a semi-hardcore raiding guild, and ultimately was GMing. The experience of running a guild was so stressful that I actually quit WoW between Wrath and Cataclysm. LIke so many others though, I keep going back. I started up again for Pandaria, quit, went back, over and over! I'll probably get back into it for the next expansion.

    I've also played a bunch of other MMOs along the way - Aion, Rift, The Secret World, but nothing stuck. I was excited also about the Elder Scrolls MMO, until I tried it in beta. I won't be buying it. :(

    I'm hoping the EQ MMO ends up being successful!
  • tayloryay
    tayloryay Posts: 378 Member
    That seems to be the general consensus on ESO. I got invited a couple months back and even then the stories coming in weren't fantastic, plus it was a 20 gig download, and I'd kinda completely forgotten about it already, so I gave my key away, haha. The girl I gave it to was really happy, at least!

    I'm actually enjoying my time back in WoW now. Taking it slow, and not setting my goals too high. It'd be nice to do cutting edge, heroic content, but I know that's not gonna happen right now so I'm happy to do flex and help people gear! I switched mains (from resto druid back to my unholy DK) so I'm not super geared myself. The team my friends have gathered up are all really nice folks, and actually quite skilled, they just need gear.

    If y'all haven't heard of Wildstar I highly, highly recommend checking it out! I'm super excited about that game. Hoping it comes out by this Summer. My husband has gotten into the beta a couple of times, but I still haven't gotten my invite. It looks amazing from what I've seen though!
  • lindzalexis
    lindzalexis Posts: 44 Member
    Yeah, ESO was a huge letdown for me - I was so excited for it and it took about half an hour in the beta for me to decide I hated it.

    Wildstar looks promising - I got the play the alpha at PAX last year and reminded me of a cross between WoW and SWTOR. I'm heading back to PAX in April and am hoping to get my hands on some new stuff - hopefully there are some good MMOs on the horizon.
  • tayloryay
    tayloryay Posts: 378 Member
    Ooh, I bet they'll have a pretty polished version of Wildstar at that point!! I'm really hoping for a release by May or so. Warlords of Draenor looks like it's probably gonna be June-ish. They said they want to do another arena season before the expansion, so that's at least late May/June. :-\

    Also they were so quiet about the release date for ESO!! I didn't even realize it had been announced until I saw it mentioned it passing, then had to dig through their site to confirm. You'd think they'd be blasting that all over the place! An April release date is their major advantage right now, imo.
  • Grendel07
    Grendel07 Posts: 112 Member
    oh goodness, ladies!!! you're starting to give me the itch to play WoW again! I tried to hint this idea to my husband the other night..... nope! he said i still have skyrim, tomb radier and sim3 to play at the moment. (booo!) lmao. Its fine, I think I can convince him to come to the dark side once the expansion comes out :p

    Honeslty, raids/dungeons were fun - With my friends/guild. But like you all, once they started to leave it wasnt all fun as it used to be. And once I started to make my health/fitness a priority; WoW wasnt being played as much. And consequently, my gear wasnt up to par. I would get kicked out of groups/raids because I didnt have this purple set, or whatever else they "needed" I complained and was like "i have a LIFE. How am I or anyone else supposed to get up to par when NO ONE lets us?" It didnt matter. That was my biggest turn off. I know that Blizzard sort of fixed this problem with the dungeon/raid queues. I still say my heart lied with PvP. There was a RUSH I felt when I would keep knocking down the allience. Its a battle of how fast I can mash my buttons and get this guy before he gets me. LOL
    Pandaeria didnt even strike me as interesting. Not sure why. Pandas are cute and all....

    Oh YESS! I was all for trying to get achivements!!! I would go down the list: oh, i can do that no prob! Oh, gotta wait on that!
    I was trying to get to 100 mounts! LOL My favorite is the drake mount. I still to this day want the headless horsemans' mount from the Halloween world event in Wow. That was another thing i loved about this game: holidays!
  • tayloryay
    tayloryay Posts: 378 Member
    Really, really hoping Wildstar comes out soon. My raid team has imploded once again. T_T The couple running the team are having huge relationship problems, and she moved out and took the kids, and it's all just crazy and chaotic. o_o I think this is a sign that I should stop trying to raid this expansion, haha.

    Grendel, it's actually super easy to get into raids now! With LFR, your gear basically doesn't matter at all. Hell, you can AFK half the time and probably be in the top 10 for DPS. And loot is all handed out individually so you don't rely on a raid leader to determine who gets what, everyone gets their own individual loot. Then flex modes are the same way, but gear and mechanics actually matter a bit, and there's an actual raid leader but they still don't control the loot, just who's in the group. It's not too hard to find a group though!
  • Zaftique
    Zaftique Posts: 599 Member
    oh goodness, ladies!!! you're starting to give me the itch to play WoW again! I tried to hint this idea to my husband the other night..... nope! he said i still have skyrim, tomb radier and sim3 to play at the moment. (booo!) lmao. Its fine, I think I can convince him to come to the dark side once the expansion comes out :p

    SIMS 3 WOOT. :D While Sims 4 looks interesting, I've been so frustrated with EA's support for Macs that I'm not sure if it's worth it. I tried installing it on my Windows VM, but then realized I just had the Mac copy. I wish more companies were like Blizzard - one purchase, two systems. Why is that so hard? -_-
  • tayloryay
    tayloryay Posts: 378 Member
    I haven't given EA my money since Spore and I plan to keep it that way. Sims 4 looks interesting, but I hate EA too much to buy it. I tried Sims 3 and it was a buggy piece of crap that was almost unplayable unless you installed a fan-made mod. Ridiculous.
  • Mustgetbuff
    Mustgetbuff Posts: 267 Member
    oh goodness, ladies!!! you're starting to give me the itch to play WoW again! I tried to hint this idea to my husband the other night..... nope! he said i still have skyrim, tomb radier and sim3 to play at the moment. (booo!) lmao. Its fine, I think I can convince him to come to the dark side once the expansion comes out :p

    My WoW subscription runs out at the end of the month and I think I'm going to let it die. Well, at least until the next expansion! I'll have to likewise convince my husband to resub though; as it is, it's driving me nuts that he stopped playing at 86. Really? Four levels from 90? REALLY? The game starts at 90 FFS!

    Ironically, he sent this link to me the other day:


    Ladies, I need dis. Naow.
  • tayloryay
    tayloryay Posts: 378 Member
    I have the Alliance girl tee from them and it is seriously the most comfortable t-shirt I own!! I love it!! I don't know if the hoodies are as comfy, but I've heard good things.