Cream for your Coffee?



  • Egofittraining
    Egofittraining Posts: 6 Member
    So my views are largely controversial to society but here we go...

    I wouldn't be concerned at all. When looking at clean eating, I wouldn't go free/reduced fat unless that's just how a product naturally comes. Places tend to replace the fat with "other" stuff which is probably NOT real. Then your body has a harder time breaking it down.

    I look at dairy like beef, eaten in moderation, but anything you eat in excess is not going to be good for you, clean or not. Just keep a balance but I also believe keep it REAL if at all possible.

    i so agree with this
  • lomogeek
    lomogeek Posts: 31 Member
    I use about a tbsp of Heavy Cream in mine. (usually buy Trader Joe's Organic Heavy Cream since there's not carageenan in it)
  • MelodieRocksIt
    I use So Delicious Coconut Creamer - it is pretty good. Gave up the organic half and half for the same reason, also need to try and eat as clean as possible.
  • 10nacityLex
    10nacityLex Posts: 16 Member
    Have you tried one or two teaspoons of Carnation Instant Nonfat Dry Milk? Let me know how it works out for you. My mom is now using this alternative to cream....she likes it.
  • rlengland2014
    rlengland2014 Posts: 98 Member
    Ok, you'll all think I'm nuts, but I like my coffee with a tablespoon of grassfed butter, a teaspoon of coconut oil and a raw free range egg. I put it all in the blender and spin for a minute. It's even better with ice to make iced coffee!
  • pelswick74
    pelswick74 Posts: 30 Member
    Yup I wanted to drop the fat free/sugar free chemical stuff too! So I switched to organic almond milk or organic soy milk with Splenda. Sometimes I buy the unsweetened almond or soy milk to control the sugar content. It took some getting use to...but I feel way better and it tastes yummy too!

    Pier :)
  • jbaerbock
    jbaerbock Posts: 85 Member
    I used to just dump internation delights creamers into mny coffee. Then I realized the serving size is just 1 tbsp lol oops. So now I'm down to just 1 tbsp. It's just enough to make the coffee palitable for me. Rather dislike black coffee :-/
  • LydiaZembower
    LydiaZembower Posts: 136 Member
    I use Stevia to sweeten when needed in coffee, tea, oatmeal, etc. It is natural with no known side effects.
  • waffleflavoredtea
    waffleflavoredtea Posts: 235 Member
    I don't like the results I get when i have so much fat in my diet- coffee is my FAVORITE and I have several cups a day so I go for really low fat vegan and organic options. It's up to you in the end what you do best with, definitely go for a week or two with a low fat non-dairy creamer and just see how your body responds :smooched:

    I used to rely on tons of sugary fatty creamer for my coffee, but for the past two years I've been using an organic unsweetened soymilk or almond milk (both HIGH protein LOW fat) and organic Stevia to sweeten it - I've never looked back and now my coffee habit is a good thing rather than a source of guilt and weight gain :P
  • sugarnspice0613
    sugarnspice0613 Posts: 109 Member
    I use a tbsp. of heavy cream with a tbsp. of coconut oil in a cup of coffee. I usually drink 3 cups in the morning so I consider it breakfast. It's very yummy and satisfying. My tummy will be happy for hours afterwards.
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    Half and half, organic if you can get it, and then just call it primal!
  • rushmama5
    rushmama5 Posts: 49 Member
    I'm doing raw vegan but for the half and half. I haven't let it go yet. relax. organic is always better.
    supposedly no other species drinks the milk of a different species and its always for the purpose
    of feeding the young. With dairy, there are many issues you can research for yourself, but if we had
    to traipse through the field of cow poo and pee to suckle a creature with big HORNS, would we???
    The imagery is pretty hilarious if you think about it. I love the coconut milk idea. Any change you make
    toward organic, raw or properly combined food is a step in the right direction in my mind. Every journey
    requires extreme compassion. Love yourself. Love the cream or don't, its o.k. Check out Loren Lockman
    for videos on food combining.
  • rushmama5
    rushmama5 Posts: 49 Member
    would like to be where you are on this. its on the list for sure. There is no good
    solution besides coconut milk and or raw honey. splenda is chlorinated sugar.
    almond milk is highly fortified and processed( even organic) similar issues with
    soy(usually GMO and when organic too fortified and processed. Do we want the
    government to add vitamins to our "natural" foods? I hope to be intelligent enough
    to pick a clean, raw form of supplementation. Oh god, I think I"m ranting, sorry. You
    guys are awesome.
  • rushmama5
    rushmama5 Posts: 49 Member
    I'm trying that right now! thanks
  • rushmama5
    rushmama5 Posts: 49 Member
    A little coconut oil, a little almond milk, a little agave. YUM!!
  • rushmama5
    rushmama5 Posts: 49 Member
    I'm trying that right now! Thanks.
  • rushmama5
    rushmama5 Posts: 49 Member
    Ok, you'll all think I'm nuts, but I like my coffee with a tablespoon of grassfed butter, a teaspoon of coconut oil and a raw free range egg. I put it all in the blender and spin for a minute. It's even better with ice to make iced coffee!
  • rushmama5
    rushmama5 Posts: 49 Member
    Ok, you'll all think I'm nuts, but I like my coffee with a tablespoon of grassfed butter, a teaspoon of coconut oil and a raw free range egg. I put it all in the blender and spin for a minute. It's even better with ice to make iced coffee!

    I think you might be joking? Sounds interesting. Raw vegan so no thanks though.
  • Ramen237
    Ramen237 Posts: 264 Member
    I drink a lot of ground chicory root - you just mix it with hot water and get something akin to coffee in both taste and look. Then I add organic milk - whatever fat I have on hand. Chicory has fiber (if you need that) and no caffeine at all. There are also powdered barley "coffees", which are similar in preparation - you just mix the powder with hot water and voila :)
  • mkgirl425
    mkgirl425 Posts: 11 Member
    I love the So Delicious Unsweetened Vanilla Coconut Milk.