

  • SexyWalrusKbody
    SexyWalrusKbody Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm Sexy Walrus (Nickname that my friend gave to me ^-^)

    -What got you into Korean, Japanese, and/or Chinese music?
    I had an exchange student who showed me some of the music that she like, she showed me Super Junoir and I fell in love with kpop

    -Who is your favorite singer?
    Guang Liang (Michael Wong), and I'm a long time fan of G-Dragon

    -What is your favorite group/band?
    It's so hard to pick just one! Probably Block B

    -Something random about yourself
    I sleep with my eyes open
  • djleepanda
    Hi all!
  • hisaku
    hisaku Posts: 19
    Welcome everyone!
    @Sarahc142: What do you do in Tokyo? I studied abroad there and always wanted to work there, but never found a job close to my field that wasn't teaching English. Are HMV stores still around? Seeing as how more and more ppl just get their content through downloads or online stores.

    @Sexywalruskbo: Super Junior's pretty good music to work out too, esp HIIT stuff.

    @tataylllor: I love touhou/vocaloid stuff too. I recently watched a yt vid on Miku Channel about a hs that has a vocaloid class where the kids make their own songs.

    @djleepanda: Cool tats!
  • notsenpai00
    notsenpai00 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I’m Sara~
    My Favourite kpop group is BTS
    My Favourite ksoloists are Eric Nam and Jessi
    I hope some of u will add me as a friend if you would like~ And we can work on being healthy together!~
  • koya94
    koya94 Posts: 9 Member
    Hey everyone!
    Okay, here's my introduction:

    I first found out about Korean music through YouTube. The more I got to know what it was, the more I was slipping onto the dark side, haha. Slowly I also started exploring everything else the Korean culture had to offer and I was definitely more intrigued the more I learned.

    With musical preferences...
    My favorite singers at the moment are Suran, IU and Dean,
    and favorite groups are BTS and Seventeen.

    And something random about myself... I recently earned a yellow belt in taekwondo. Is that random enough, haha?

    Feel free to add me as a friend!!
  • HappyClementine
    HappyClementine Posts: 14 Member
    Hey everyone!!!!
    I'm 22 (23 in January) and I'm 5'1 (155cm)

    I love kpop~
    My favorite groups are BTS, Day6, VIXX, Red Velvat, and Astro.

    I'm going to be studing abroad at Hanyang University in Seoul, S. Korea and I leave in 11 weeks! I really want to loose some weight before I go.

    I've been on a diet for a week now and have lost 3lbs so far :)

    Please add me and hold me accountable!! We can lose weight together:)

    Fun facts about me:
    I'm a BTS fanartist
    I am majoring in Korean right now :)
    I've been to a BTS concert

    I really hope this group isn't dead