3 week stall?

Hey all!

I weighed this morning and I actually went up 2.5 lbs from last week! I read something somewhere about a 3 week stall - what is it and is there anything I can do to get out of this hump?

I am eating basically all protein on the pureed diet; greek yogurt for breakfast, tuna for lunch, shrimp for dinner and a protein shake throughout the day. = over 80 grams of protein, which is more than the minimum of 50 from my nutritionist. Should I be eating more than just protein? I am worried if I introduce more right now that I will start to have cravings. Dunno though.

I know everyone says water, water, water and I am getting in as much as I can, at least 64 oz a day. I'm flabbergasted by the increase on the scale!


  • DJRonnieLINY
    DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
    First; Relax. Your body needs time to adjust to it's new reality. Are you exercising? Fiber? If you are eating the right amount of protein, getting enough water, exercising and pooping all will be well.
  • ambrosia79
    ambrosia79 Posts: 33 Member
    I keep hearing about the dreaded 3 week stall, too. From what I have read, it's a short stall, usually no more than a week. You're brain is catching up to your body and is saying "hey, you're losing weight too fast and you might starve!". But it can only do that for so long on such a calorie deficit, so you will start losing body fat soon. I'm at week 2 exactly, just starting puree foods, and I haven't lost in 3 days. But I'm doing what I should, so I know it will start back up soon.
  • beckybrn
    I hit a 3 week stall where I lost no weight that week, 1/2 lb the next week and now in week 5 I lost 1 lb. I am doing everything right with amount of protein, carbs and fat, drinking my fluids and exercising. It looks like the weight loss is beginning to pick up again so I am just trying to be patient. Hang in there and keep doing what your doc and nut told you to do.:smile:
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Part of my 3 wk stall was my fault. I was eyeballing my portions and not measuring or weighing. At 3 wks I was supposed to be at 650 cals a day but I was getting in over 850. I had slipped into grazing instead of 3 meals 1 snack. I started logging, weighing and measuring. I also took some fiber gummies to clean me out. As long as I stay under 850 cals I have good wt loss progress. 12 wks, 55 lbs