Welcome! and Introductions!



  • vslnrunner
    vslnrunner Posts: 164 Member
    I'm loving hearing from everyone. You all are making me motivated and excited to get this going! We can do this!!
  • bettyjoburdett
    bettyjoburdett Posts: 120 Member
    What is a insanity challenge?
  • kbolton322
    kbolton322 Posts: 358 Member
    Hey Everybody!! I'm Kara.. I'm a mom to two little girls and a step mom to my 17year old stepson.. I have tried to get past month on of insanity many times but something always comes up... either soccer season for the girls( which is starting up in the next week or so) or Girl Scouts which is like a full time job also cuz I'm a troop leader and the cookie mom... but I'm going to make this work this time... I have place to be this summer that I need to look sexxy for... Oh and I'm in Waxahachie Tx which is bout 30minutes south of dallas
  • allew48
    allew48 Posts: 17 Member
    Just finished cardio power and resistance! My low back is sore today (work) so this was a little harder than yesterday. I can hardly believe it but I felt excited to work out today. Tomorrow is cardio recovery and I remember burning fewer calories doing that DVD from last time so it might mean hopping on my elliptical for 20 minutes before work. Excited to see so many people ready to make 2014 their year! Go team!
  • KatyFace9801
    KatyFace9801 Posts: 230 Member
    Hi! I ordered my Insanity package on Sunday, so hopefully I'll be ale to start on the 17th. I'm so excited. I suffered a running injury last year and just really let myself get out of shape, but I'm fully recovered and need to lose about 5 pounds to get my confidence back and 10 to get back where I was :)
  • NyxButterfly
    NyxButterfly Posts: 88 Member
    Hello! You can call me Nyx. I haven't done Insanity before but I've had the DVDs for...2 years now? Collecting dust... >.> But! I want to try because I'm tired of holding myself back for fear of bullying (long story). So I hope we all kick some butt!
  • TheITCrowd1
    I'm Ceri I'm from the UK south wales, I'm 31 and 205lbs... I really need to get below 200lbs I get to 201lbs then go back up to 205lbs I really need something to help shift the weight. I've had the dvd for nearly 2 years and never once put it on. I'm worried I won't be
    le to do it as I suffer with my back and knee but am sure once I get weight off it will improve. I've lost my sheet of paper that came with the DVD so not sure what the ordering is to do it.

    Is there a North Wales? I never hear about North Wales...

    I'm a welshie too from the South - the north is very beautiful, you've got the brecon beacons from mid-north east and then up towards Snowdownia - awesome views! the terrain is alot harsher the further north you go so less and less people tend to live there - which is why you don't hear so much about the north and middle
  • TheITCrowd1
    Hi All
    I am just about to start day 15 after the break day

    My advice is to ignore the weight - and take a measurement of both your lower and upper waist circumference relaxed - you are going to lose size but look more toned as the program progresses! I thought i'd join the group

    Oh anyone starting - Do NOT start "Plyometric" or "Resistance" without giving your calves a really good stretch before, I made this mistake as the warmup doesn't concentrate on these and it tortures the back of your legs doing mummy kicks + power squats

    Just lean against a wall - lean back as low as you can go and step one one foot with the other to stretch that back of your leg out really good, your legs will thank you for it!

  • littlecely
    littlecely Posts: 45 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I'm a bit nervous about the Insanity workouts but I decided to give it a try. I'll see how it goes and push as hard as I can.
  • jade_222
    jade_222 Posts: 147 Member
    My name is Megan and I just ordered Insanity and hope it gets here in time to start with everyone. I'm very excited to start this challenge. Also excited to be able to do this with a group of people to get inspiration from!! Good luck everyone!
  • red702bg
    Hi, my name is Brittany. I'm 23 and this will be my 3rd attempt to Insanity. I've only made it to the first week of Month 2 (last year). But I started to see results during that first month and lost a few inches. I've gained it all back and hope with this group to stick with it to the end this time.

    I'd recommend, as a previous person said, to take measurements before you start. My weight stayed about the same, but I notice the inches coming off.

    I'm excited to start! Good luck to everyone! WE CAN DO IT!!! Gotta remember to come to this group if I start to get discouraged.
  • sculbreath
    sculbreath Posts: 15 Member
    Hi everyone. My name is Sara. I am a 42 year old mother of 4 who works full time as a nephrology nurse practitioner. I am very limited on time so I have chosen Shaun T's Focus T 25. However, I really need the dietary and motivation of a challenge group.

    My goals include losing the last 15 pounds and toning up the flab. I lost 35 pounds last year primarily by dietary control and walking. I am ready for some muscle building and serious toning. I will take before pictures and measurements this weekend and follow up with weekly measurements and then after pictures.. I refuse to get all caught up in the scale although my goals include weight loss.

    I agree with previous participants in that I need nutritional accountability as well.

    i wish each of you luck and blessings. I can't wait to get started!!
  • jellybelly8222
    jellybelly8222 Posts: 5 Member
    Lol yeh there is a north wales.... perhaps all up there are skinny lol
  • jellybelly8222
    jellybelly8222 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm Ceri I'm from the UK south wales, I'm 31 and 205lbs... I really need to get below 200lbs I get to 201lbs then go back up to 205lbs I really need something to help shift the weight. I've had the dvd for nearly 2 years and never once put it on. I'm worried I won't be
    le to do it as I suffer with my back and knee but am sure once I get weight off it will improve. I've lost my sheet of paper that came with the DVD so not sure what the ordering is to do it.

    Is there a North Wales? I never hear about North Wales...

    I'm a welshie too from the South - the north is very beautiful, you've got the brecon beacons from mid-north east and then up towards Snowdownia - awesome views! the terrain is alot harsher the further north you go so less and less people tend to live there - which is why you don't hear so much about the north and middle

    Where to are you from?
  • TheITCrowd1
    I'm Ceri I'm from the UK south wales, I'm 31 and 205lbs... I really need to get below 200lbs I get to 201lbs then go back up to 205lbs I really need something to help shift the weight. I've had the dvd for nearly 2 years and never once put it on. I'm worried I won't be
    le to do it as I suffer with my back and knee but am sure once I get weight off it will improve. I've lost my sheet of paper that came with the DVD so not sure what the ordering is to do it.

    Is there a North Wales? I never hear about North Wales...

    I'm a welshie too from the South - the north is very beautiful, you've got the brecon beacons from mid-north east and then up towards Snowdownia - awesome views! the terrain is alot harsher the further north you go so less and less people tend to live there - which is why you don't hear so much about the north and middle

    Where to are you from?

    Llantwit Major :) How about you?
  • cpcoursec
    cpcoursec Posts: 82 Member
    Hey, My name is Chad and I am 39. I am a stay at home dad with a 2yr old and a 1 year old. My brother gave me the Insanity workout because it was to tough for him (and he's in the Army) I think he needs someone screaming in his face to get him motivated to do anything. Anyway, just diagnosed with gout so I am on a special diet and want to lose weight to control flare ups. Summer is also right around the corner and want to look good for that.
  • Artificer22
    Artificer22 Posts: 68 Member
    We are getting close!! I cant wait
  • vslnrunner
    vslnrunner Posts: 164 Member
    I know! I'm so excited!!
  • jade_222
    jade_222 Posts: 147 Member
    For people who have done the workout before, is there anyway to modify the exercises or do a slower version? I'm planning on giving it my all but if it's too much I don't want to quit or be discouraged. I was hoping that I could just keep pushing through the workout as best I can and that might require me to modify the workout. I realize this will affect the results but I'm hoping that it will allow me to continue and improve to the point where I don't need modifications. Any thoughts?
  • jellybelly8222
    jellybelly8222 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm Ceri I'm from the UK south wales, I'm 31 and 205lbs... I really need to get below 200lbs I get to 201lbs then go back up to 205lbs I really need something to help shift the weight. I've had the dvd for nearly 2 years and never once put it on. I'm worried I won't be
    le to do it as I suffer with my back and knee but am sure once I get weight off it will improve. I've lost my sheet of paper that came with the DVD so not sure what the ordering is to do it.

    Is there a North Wales? I never hear about North Wales...

    I'm a welshie too from the South - the north is very beautiful, you've got the brecon beacons from mid-north east and then up towards Snowdownia - awesome views! the terrain is alot harsher the further north you go so less and less people tend to live there - which is why you don't hear so much about the north and middle

    Where to are you from?

    Llantwit Major :) How about you?

    I live in a village near to Newport!