who's doing the lean phase?

lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
what are your results like so far? any one pretty much maintaining doing this program? I finished week 2 and onto week 3.. haven't seen any changes as of yet... not sure if i made a mistake of doing lean vs classic?


  • anu_active
    anu_active Posts: 40 Member
    I switched from Classic to Lean for block 2 but I only just completed week2 of block2.
    I lost 1 kg in 2 weeks. Lost a total of 4 cms all over my midriff and hips. I feel "leaner" and fitter and I like the workouts better.
    I think we need to wait to the end of the transition week to judge the results. P90X3 is a game of patience and persistance apparently!
  • I am on the Lean schedule. I am at the end of Transition week, week 4! Through the first 3 weeks i had gained 2 lbs, lost it and had no weight change. Though I did not lose weight I noticed my strength being stronger and body being more toned/defined. Now nearing end of week 4, i have lost about 2 lbs and am motivated to keep going!
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    thx. i also have gained 2 lbs and i was getting frustrated b/c i couldn't take it off... i had gone straight from clx to t25,back to clx and now this, so i didn't think i would of gained..... i will keep plugging away and see where i am after week 4 when i take my pics. if my weight is the same , i don't care as long as i can physically see changes!
  • katyanne15
    katyanne15 Posts: 92 Member
    i am doing classic but also doing t25 on top of it. this last week...week 7 was a hit and miss so I am going to repeat it. god luck everyone!!!