Important stuff will go here one day.
p90x3 graduate
Today I finished p90x3 with a 19.5 pound weight loss, dropped 14 inches and 9% body fat. It was hard and fun and now for a small break then maybe round 2
how do you really know?
so as some of you may know i am doing the lean phase in x3. I gained 4 lbs over new years and hoped it woudl of came off before i started x3 2 weeks later. Well it didn't, and i have kept it on's been almost 2 months and can't get it off. So since i haven't lost weight on x3 yet and all my measurements are the…
who's doing the lean phase?
what are your results like so far? any one pretty much maintaining doing this program? I finished week 2 and onto week 3.. haven't seen any changes as of yet... not sure if i made a mistake of doing lean vs classic?
week 6 -p90x3
so far so good on week 2. Did eccentric upper yesterday and trio metrics today. burned 422 calories today. 298 yesterday. feeling good. my neck is pretty sore...almost constant...need to figure out how to relieve the tension I put on it during these workouts. anyone else feeling the neck strain??
WEEK 5 - p903
We did it, Congrats! We've made it through Block 1! This is an amazing feat—something you should feel tremendous satisfaction from. Think about it . . . you just got through 30 days of an EXTREME workout. What are you most proud of so far? Please share! Welcome to the start of Block 2! Check out this video from Tony:…
p90x3 WEEK 4
transition week!!! its suppose to be a little easy to give your muscles time to recover. I had an injury last week and took a few days off so will try and do a couple doubles to make up for it. how is everyone doing??
WEEK 3 P90X3
Ok last week of this first block schedule. Lets NAIL IT. try to up your reps by just a tad to improve on the last 2 weeks. Hold the pose just one second longer than you could before. you can do this. 3rd times the charm right?? :) Total synergistics is on deck for today. lets do this!!!
Hey guys how did week 2 go?? I am SO SO SO sore from the challenge. I did 20 push ups and 10 pull ups. it really makes the next few days workouts super hard. anyone else feeling the burn??? this is the point where I might have quit or slowed down in the past. not this time...if you want a change you have to CHANGE right.
ITS DAY ONE: post once you've completed your workout and which one you did it go??? Im doing total synergistics today.
p90x3 week 2 day 3
YOGA is on deck today for about you guys???