p90x3 WEEK 4

katyanne15 Posts: 92 Member
transition week!!! its suppose to be a little easy to give your muscles time to recover. I had an injury last week and took a few days off so will try and do a couple doubles to make up for it.

how is everyone doing??


  • anu_active
    anu_active Posts: 40 Member
    I am finding this week too relaxed. Will do doubles of Accelerator and Dynamix this evening because I missed it yesterday.
    My eating hasn't been up to scratch either. Hope to get it right from now on. (Big pot of veggie and lean beef stew bubbling away)
  • katyanne15
    katyanne15 Posts: 92 Member
    its supposed to be pretty easy...giving your muscles time to recover properly...shocks your body into adapting so that you can see results. So don't over do this week...its intended for a reason :)