WEEK 5 - p903

katyanne15 Posts: 92 Member
We did it, Congrats! We've made it through Block 1!

This is an amazing feat—something you should feel tremendous satisfaction from. Think about it . . . you just got through 30 days of an EXTREME workout.

What are you most proud of so far? Please share!

Welcome to the start of Block 2!

Check out this video from Tony:


  • anu_active
    anu_active Posts: 40 Member
    So happy that block 2 is starting today. Feels like I have reached a milestone. YAY ME!
    I am proud that
    - I did all workouts of Block1.
    - I've lost 2 kilos and cms all over.
    - I am close to buying a size smaller pants :D
    - I look forward to my workout everyday (this one's the most awesome)
    - I feel so much fitter and happier
    - I Love the post workout endorphin rush
  • katyanne15
    katyanne15 Posts: 92 Member
    how is everyone doing so far??? I have updated my blog with calorie burned per workouts. Eccentric lower was today and I burned 366 calories. Didn't seem I was working that hard. Need to up my weights for all the squats and lunges. my 10 lb dumb bells seemed simply. But this workout did raise the heart rate the whole time and gave a great burn ...without feeling like much is a bonus :)
  • anu_active
    anu_active Posts: 40 Member
    I am not burning enough calories on the 2nd circuit! Only about 200kcal each with the Eccentric Upper and Lower. I used 4kg weight. How can I increase my calorie burn and workout effectiveness?