What's the Difference?

What's the difference between binge eating disorder and bingeing tendencies?
I have tendencies. Should I seek help now or try to fight it on my own? I read something about "taking care of it as soon as it happens".
What's the definition of binge eating disorder?


  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    I don't know the difference between the d/o and tendencies, but I can tell you about the d/o.

    When I binge, I eat well past the state of satiety. I can eat thousands of calories at one sitting, until I am in pain and sick, but I still thing about one more "small something" to nibble on. Sight/smell/mention of food can send me into a binge. While I'm bingeing (yes, I know, this sounds like an excuse) I do not realize what I'm eating. I've eaten entire layer cakes without a memory of even one bite. The only reason that I know I ate the cake is because I had the empty box in front of me and I was the only one home, because I always binge alone. I eat healthy food in healthy amounts when I am with other people. Then the self-hate would start. Since I've always hated to vomit, I used laxatives and exercise to purge which led to greater self-hate because I hate to be out of control or less than "perfect" at any time.

    I first realized I had a problem more than 30 years ago. At that time, it was considered weak-willed so there was no help out there. Needless to say, I've been fighting this (mostly) alone for all that time. My advice is to seek help NOW! Don't wait to be 50, overweight, diabetic, hypertensive and depressed.

    I wish you the best.
  • FrauStorm
    FrauStorm Posts: 23 Member
    I assume the difference would be that binge eating tendencies means that you show the characteristics of binging but it hasn't grown to the point of consuming your life like a full binging disorder, but it has the potential. Maybe you don't binge all the time, but it has the potential to get that bad?