My favorite random thoughts up through recovery week

dabucks Posts: 82 Member
I meant to post this awhile ago, but here it is a week late ;)

This isn't about who worked the hardest or who is the best looking - it's simply about who entertained me the most during the workouts and kept me going in a funny way.

Without a doubt my favorite cast member from month 1 is Frankie. Whenever the camera is on this dude he goes 1,000 MPH; I mean he puts it all on the floor to show off for the camera. My favorite part is when he's doing switch kicks and he's obviously exhausted - he sees the camera pointed at him and then looks forward and starts pumping at full speed. He is also seen going nuts during high knees in one of the vides as well. When the camera isn't in his face you can see him just dogging the workouts or taking breaks. I couldn't stop laughing at him - Frankie rules!

Josh is a close 2nd - from his awkward form on every exercise to Shaun T yelling at him for his poor form during stretches - "JOOOOOSH!"

I also cannot figure out how the redheaded girl does jumping jacks that fast - just doesn't seem possible! Note: she's a vampire and will burst into flames if the sun contacts her skin.

**Recovery Week thoughts**

What was up with Akil? Guy takes 3 breaks during the Heismans in the warmups?! Somehow this guy is completely ripped, but has absolutely no endurance. Mario also dogs most the workouts - I'm not sure how these guys made it into the video cast- other than to make us feel better about ourselves during the workouts.

Blond Ariel (seems like there are two Ariels or is it just me?) Quit with the belly ring those went out of style in 1998. But on the flip side she's super fit and kicks *kitten* in most the workouts. Which brings me to....

Tania: She is NOT Human - she's a machine or alien.. or terminator.... I cannot understand how she powers through all the workouts and is smiling all the time.... Maybe she coined the Insanity phrase: "I'm smiling because I love it"

Now saying all that - I can't wait to start month 2 and I friggen love these workouts! In the meantime I'm keeping my core tight and stretching my hip flexors.


  • paigecash
    paigecash Posts: 28 Member
    I think Akil is there to make us feel better if we take a break. He's kind of like the girl with the cornrows in some of the Month 1 videos, the one who says she wants to leave. Whenever she takes a break, I do too.

    Tania is not human. She is probably a terminator. No way can I keep up with her, but it's good goal to have.

    And I was thinking of getting a belly ring, just saying. :wink:
  • latanyarowe
    latanyarowe Posts: 2 Member
    I just finished month 1 and yeh, there are some comical moments. Another moment....Shaun T goes over to Chris, one of the guys in the back. Shaun T says "You run marathons don't you? How does this compare?" ....Really? Shaun T, Really? It takes a typical person 3 to 6 hrs to run a marathon. Insanity is hard, but, Really? It makes me laugh....Chris never really responds. But I really do like Insanity. I feel like part on the gang, lol! Shaun T refers to Tania quite often. Its like he's talking directly to me (latanya).
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,761 Member
    Heh....yeah those guys are hilarious in the dvd's, and I'm glad they take breaks....makes me feel better! LOL

    As for the Marathon comment....I've run marathons and lots of half marathons....while the training is longer....this is harder by FAR! Yeah it takes longer to run one...but really, you go at a slow and steady pace for the entire time, your make sure your heart isn't going 900 miles an hour, etc....unless you are crazy and running like 5:30 minute miles the entire time which some people do.

    At least for me this is much harder LOL