

My name is Tracy and I live in Middle TN. I am 44 years old and my goal is to lose 50-75 more lbs. I have lost 25 lbs since Sept 2013. I am not following any specific diet, just counting my cals and trying to make healthy choices. I struggle with exercise-I really just don't enjoy it but I know I need to get consistent to lose this weight. My daughter is 9 and loves, loves, loves to run. I signed us both up for a Color run in June. I would love to get good enough (eventually) to be able to run with her and I think it would be a great activity that we could do together over the years. I have been saying I am going to start training with my C25K app but so far I only did one day back in December. I am hoping this race (and this group if anyone joins) will be the kick in the butt I need to get going and actually be able to enjoy this day with her.


  • amy32lynn
    amy32lynn Posts: 157 Member
    hi I just joined your group!!!!!!!! I will start tomorrow!!!!
  • Thanks for joining! I am starting tomorrow also. I plan on doing most of this outdoors with my dog (he keeps me going) and in the gym on rainy days. I am excited to get started!
  • HI,

    I started last week so I just completed Week 1. day 1 was hard and had sore muscle for 2 days afterwards. Day 2 was still hard but I wasn't so sore afterwards as the previous day. Day 3 was a lot easier with me thinking I still had another run to go when really I was onto a warm down.

    I might repeat day 3 once more just to be on the safe side before morning up.

    Keep at it does get easier each time
  • Hello all,

    Susan here. I joined this group because it seemed like a good place to START! I am 56 years old, and laughingly say that I don't exercise because it causes injury (LOL) - one of my friends recently broke a collar bone skiing, another has worn out knee joints from pavement pounding, you get the idea. However, I know that exercise is one of the keys to health, and want to increase my activity to keep myself healthy.

    I have been following (mostly) a plant based diet for the past 3 years, and have managed to lose 30 pounds with dietary modifications alone. In my youth, I was a swimmer on the swim team and swam about 4 hours/day; as you might imagine I had a voracious appetite to fuel all that activity. I can still out-eat most people at the table, but have to watch that since my activity has slowed way, way down.

    I am a nurse, and teach nursing school. Most of my days are spent sitting at my desk, but Mondays are my clinical day and I indeed get alot of walking in on those days.

    I would love to increase my stamina, tone my muscles, and improve my sleep at night. I, too, have downloaded an app on my phone for guidance and motivation - it's called "get running".

    My dog would love a little outdoor activity - I may follow your suggestions and make him my partner.

    Looking forward to the weeks ahead!: ( think) :wink:
  • ygglove
    ygglove Posts: 102 Member
    I'm starting the c25k tomorrow too. Looking forward to keeping each other motivated.
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    Hi All :flowerforyou:

    Got the Zen C25K Free app and had started it, then ran (pun intended :bigsmile: ) into metatarsalgia and had to stop for a bit (got new footwear so I'm back)

    TOTAL couch potato here. Did a few weeks of interval run/walking using Jeff Galloway timer and then found out that MFP would sync with Zen's program...So after I could put pressure on my right foot, I picked up where I left off (probably should have gone with w1d1 again but nooooo, lol) so started w2.

    Today just back from doing w3 d1...could definitely feel a difference from last weeks runs (w2). Curious if like others who post on the C25K forums, I'll have to repeat a week or two to build up endurance. I truly do not see me ever really running & I have no plans to sign up for any runs, so just doing this for the "fun" (???) of it and mostly to see if I can do it. LOL Definitely would love to burn more calories than I do walking (I walk daily using my FItbit Force) , and firm/tone the flabby saggy skin from the weight I've lost so far.

    A bit about me,I'm 54 & other than being a couch potato, work from home on computer so totally sedentary and prior to getting the Fitbit in July, pretty much spent rest of my day online in front of the TV. So exercise was NOT in my vocabulary whatsoever. I do have arthritis in my knees (never bothered me till started c25k) and I use muscle rub and an elastic knee wrap just because (Alleve helps too). I run outside but do have a treadmill, just not sure how to set the incline/speed for the "walk" vs "run" sequences and since its gorgeous outside here most of the year, I go to a local park (profile pic is piece of the trail) to walk/run.
    Walks are tracked via RunKeeper & I run with music (so I don't hear myself gasping for air, lol)

    Looking forward to the motivation from others trying to do this as well. Any other Fitbitters out there, add me:

  • LMRoses
    LMRoses Posts: 148 Member
    Hi there! I'm Lisa, 33 years old and been battling with my weight for a really long time, since I was about 8 years old. Looking back at photos, I was actually a skinny kid but felt fat, which is sad. I joined MFP a few years ago, and have had a good amount of success in the past, losing as much as 17kg (37.5lb). It started to creep back on though as I got slack, and this time last year I found out I was pregnant. Well, I now have a darling 5 month old son, and a few extra post baby kilograms. I've tried c25k in the past, and while the running was hard, I could do it and had such a feeling of accomplishment when I made it through each session without giving up. For some reason though, I'd stop. Self-defeating behaviour, my psychiatrist would say.

    Well, now I have the best motivator ever. I want to be a fit, healthy mum who can run and play with her son, and live a long healthy life with my family, and be the best role model I can be. So this year I'm eating better, losing at least 40kg (with a plan to lose the other 20kg next year), and I will become a runner! I know it'll be hard sometimes, and there'll be days I want to quit, but I have to think of my baby, my husband, and how great I'm going to feel each time I push through and don't give up. Wearing cute dresses next summer will be awesome too! ;)

    Looking forward to doing this with you all. Planning on doing week 1, day 1 tonight when my husband gets home from work. Have a great one, everyone!
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    Hi I'm Cody and from Idaho. I'm the mother of three kids ages 7, 3, and 15months I signed up for a run or dye 5k on June 28th so this would be perfect. I've tried c25k but haven't finished it was looking of starting over because I would get other things that came up like Zumba. I started my weight loss in June 2013 and has lost 43 and would like to lose about 60 more.
    Today I also started a strength training program.
  • Karen_8992
    Karen_8992 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm in! I cannot run due to it being considered high impact on my knees which saddened me because I really wanted to try to jog again. So....I bought an elliptical and am going to try to do the C25K on it. Who knows, I may sign up to walk t Color Run this summer. I haven't totally given up the idea of not running again, so I thought I may see what happens this summer after I have been at the C25K for a while. I started it today and yes, it kicked my rear end, but I really did feel good later.
    WE CAN DO THIS!:happy:
  • aprilh47
    aprilh47 Posts: 250 Member
    Hi there
    my couch is my car. I'm a community nurse and spend hes a week driving miles between patients. Then at home i spend my time ferrying my kids around.
    i actually started my c25k journey a few weeks ago but im still not on week three yet.
    i had to complete week 1 three time before i was ready to move on. I stopped smoking about 3 days before i started so had to learn to breathe again aswell as learning to run.
    week two we did twice. And this week we have completed a modified 2 and 2 version. Couldn't quite face 3 minutes yet.
    We are going out four nights a week rather than three as well to build my stamina and keep up or memento.
    this week we are doing 2.5 mins running and 1.5 mins walking alternate with 5mins warm up and cool down.
    hopefully i can do week three next week.
    We do have an aim on June 1st we are running race for life. And hopefully great north 5k in September.
  • DebinMelbourne
    DebinMelbourne Posts: 134 Member
    Hi, I'm Deb in Melbourne, Australia. I'm 57 and have been in good shape until a few years ago. I stacked on about 40 pounds after menopause and breaking an ankle twice at different times. In the past year, I've managed to shed pounds, but the last few pounds just refuse to budge.

    I have been going to the gym, and lots of Pilates lessons, which have been great for my lower back. Back in the day (before children), I ran a lot for recreation so I would like to add running to my activities. I'm going to take it slowly because of various injuries. And I think my German Shepherd will love it too.

    I'll be doing week 2 this week, but I can imagine me repeating some weeks along the way.
  • FocusKimFocus
    FocusKimFocus Posts: 124 Member
    Hi - I'm in to start tomorrow too! I live up high in the mountains in Colorado and need to get some spikes for run/walking in the snow/ice. In the meantime, my snow boots will have to do.

    Last summer - early Fall I did a good bit of run-walking (25k trail run Oct 12), but have sadly been a slug and over-eating for the last 4 months. I hope to get back on the wagon with a group to hold me accountable. I'll be logging food and exercise. I also wear a BodyMediaFit arm band which tracks all "calories out" among other numbers. I have a 10k app, but I might give the zombie runner app a try this time. Any other app suggestions?
  • Hi! I've been wanting to start, but haven't had the motivation to do so. My boyfriend and I plan on being engaged soon, so I'm starting my "wedding diet" early. I'd like to lose 15-20 pounds before he proposes, which I think will be in a couple months. A friend of mine is currently doing C25K and is loving it, so i'd like to give it a try!

    Overall, I'd like to lose about 70-90 pounds, depending on what I end up being the most happy with.
  • LMRoses
    LMRoses Posts: 148 Member
    Well I just did W1D1! My husband brought our 5 month old along in his pram, and yes, I managed to do all the runs! It was certainly a challenge, but I tried to just keep remembering how proud of myself I'd feel once I'd done it! Now off for a warm shower and a cup of tea :)
  • spogna
    spogna Posts: 17 Member
    Hi all. I've already started and will be starting week 3 again tonight. I repeated week 2 as a friend who is also doing it had a week off so we went back. I have ran a few 5Ks previously but as I had about 8 months of doing absolutely nothing, I thought it best to go back to c25k as it's such a great program. I jumped ahead of myself last year and went straight into running and ended up with all kinds of injuries so for all of you starting 'stick to the program' even if you feel like you could run further/faster/longer as it's no good if you end up not being able to run at all. Good luck everyone, hopefully see you all at the finish line :)
  • maree142
    maree142 Posts: 82 Member
    hello, so glad someone started a group. Count me in!! Does it matter if we are at different weeks? I live in Sydney, Australia.
    I have been back at the gym, fasting, etc for the last seven weeks and now want to add running into my schedule --'I am one of those I hate running' people, but want to give this a good go.
    I am on week 4, day 1. I have started it a couple of years ago, but wasn't able to maintain it and dropped off.
    I have a lot of fear of running, because I don't like the discomfort of it, and I think I want to get on top of it, and just build my endurance. I don't care how slow I am, but I do want to get some endurance.

    I would like to run a 5k by June.

    Nice to meet everyone. (And wow, apart from the heat, we don't have to worry about spikes in shoes etc, or ice on the pavement, so we've got no excuses!)
  • pologirl1
    pologirl1 Posts: 62 Member
    Hello. My name is Jennifer. I am glad you started this group. I have started the C25k several times but never with someone else and never made it past week 3. I hope this group will keep me accountable. I will start week 1 day 1 tomorrow. I am a working mother of three. I am almost 40 and have about 60 pounds to lose. I have a lot of trouble with endurance and breathing and running at the same time. I am working on losing the weight so maybe this will help. I too would love to run a 5k with my kids.
  • gtdattitude
    gtdattitude Posts: 216 Member
    Hi all. I am joining this group to continue my weight loss journey. I have lost 30 pounds so far, 10 since joining mfp. I am an emotional eater but I've been working on it. I struggle with balancing my busy life. My biggest motivation is my daughter, I want to set the healthy example she needs!

    Lately my schedule has been all kinds of crazy and that means less exercise and very little weight loss. I am signed up for a June 5k and have been trying to train using the c25k app. My darling bf started training at the same time and he can run a 5k and then some (he has also lost all his weight so far). I have been feeling discouraged but joining this group should help!!
  • Hi Everyone! I'm joined in an attempt to find motivation to exercise. I just can't seem to stick to anything and I need to lose about 65 pounds. Also, running intrigues me because every runner I've ever seen have such tone, fit bodies...I figure it's worth a shot!

    Also, fitbit users find me at
  • Looks like we have a nice range of people in the group. I am actually really glad I started this group because yesterday (after a 2.5 mile walk) I was raring to go with this. This morning...not so much. If I hadn't started the group I seriously doubt I would be starting day 1, week 1 today. This is my problem-getting started and then sticking with it. Good luck to everyone today!