Beginning again

apomb Posts: 4 Member
I am going to be going back to University to finish my Electrical Engineering degree in the summer. I just starting out a fitness/nutrition plan at the beginning of the month, and I hope I will be able to stick with the routine when I get to school. Any tips on staying active when there is a big assignment or project due?


  • Gatubela01
    Gatubela01 Posts: 12 Member
    I know this seems counterproductive, but take time to workout. The 30 minutes you spend running will pay off with increased productivity and focus. Taking the workout off the calendar may seem like the most effective thing to do when you have a big project, but it's when you most need to take time out for a workout.
  • apomb
    apomb Posts: 4 Member
    This does sound reasonable. Exercise always perks me up so ya, I guess using the positive effects to boost productivity is how I should approach it. I just can't get addicted to working out more than studying haha. I know I am prone to do this.]

    Thanks for the tip!